This game cheats cheat cheats

User Rating: 1.5 | Forza Motorsport XBOX
This has got to be the worst racing game I have ever played. The game cheats cheats cheats. The "AI" if you can even call it that is the worst ive ever seen in any game. The AI racers actually have no AI. They are all just programmed to follow the same perfect path every time. If you happen to get in their way, they will just ram at 140 or spin you out like you were a feather, but of course you cannot do it to them as their cars are all tanks and cannot be budged an inch. Also if you do not perform all turns perfectly you WILL lose, hell if you arent a professional race car driver you WILL lose. If you plan to finish first, you have to start first and keep it that way throughout the entire race, cause if someone passes you, they will turn on their turbo speed cheats and will never be seen again. The Corvette club races are among the most cheating in the game, particularly Laguna Seca Raceway, where its almost impossible to beat the black car behind you as it for some reason is the same car as yours excepts twice as fast and can turn on a dime. You can be fine for the first 3 laps until the last few feet of the fourth where the cheating racer has been building up its cheatingness over the course of the race, and then presumes to release it and speed in front of you like a true cheater just as you are about to win. how cheating. Also, the game is boring as hell. Who wants to play a simulation driving game anyway? Why cant you just go drive your own damn car, instead of having to simulate it in a video game? I wanna play a game where I go fast, not one where I simulate driving my Mazda Miata around a race track at 60mph. How boring. I do not recommend this game to anyone. All copies of this game should be removed from store shelves and burned for energy, because it serves no entertainment purposes. id rather watch paint dry.