An amazing racing simulator to own if you have an original xbox. This game is really ultrarealistic.

User Rating: 10 | Forza Motorsport XBOX
Forza Motorsport is "somewhat" better than Gran Turismo 4... well, in gameplay, that is. Graphically, GT4 is better, but Forza beats it by gameplay and realism. In a way, the tracks look better in FM than in GT4. The car physics are better, and you can even customize a car like in current NFS games. The game got the name Forza because you can also have ferraris, but the best thing about Forza Motorsport is that unlike GT4, you can actually play this game with xbox live. (Gran Turismo 4 was SUPPOSED to be online, but i guess Kazunori Yamauchi didnt wanna do that) The soundtrack isnt that good, although it IS rock, but you can put your own music in it. (The beauty of xbox) To me, Forza Motorsport IS the real driving simulator because in the tracks, you have a guideline that shows you where to slow down, to brake, etc and it really helps you when you race. One thing i wished FM had had rally races. I guess that Microsoft Game Studios wanted to concentrate on just the road. The racing is outstanding because you feel like you are really going that fast (you'd have to change the camera view to know what i'm talking about.) and the braking looks real too. (move the right joystick left or right and then brake with a race car or with a ferrari, and you'll see the calipers turn red) Forget that I said "somewhat better than GT4. Forza Motorsport IS better than it. This racing game is the best racing game ever. it's way more realistic and much more challenging. Get a steering wheel with those racing seats (those things people use nowadays) and you'll enjoy Forza more. I don't have that thing, but I DO have the game. Please tell us you have this game if you have an xbox.