A rip off that worth playing.

User Rating: 8.6 | Forza Motorsport XBOX
All right, after what it seems like a millennium I finished first Forza episode on Xbox. It didn't take me this long (from March to October) because it was extremely long (like GT4), or very difficult (like GTR or LFS). It took me so long because - for most of the time - it was simply too boring to play. But anyway now I reached 100% on everything so I kind of know this game. I also finished GT3 and GT4 to 100% so I think it's safe to say that I'm well informed and experienced on this topic. And as usual I'm far too opinioned for my own good. Therefore I could go on for pages comparing GT4 and Forza but I try to make life a bit simpler for you: GT4 is a better game than Forza. Even GT3 is a better game. And that's it.

It's not like Forza is bad, actually it does a lot of things even better than any GT game up to date. The car categorization and race restrictions are a lot better. It's more tight, which is good. Motivating tools for playing it on more challenging settings are cool with aids turned off gaining more money and ideas like that. (Too bad money is not necessary that much to go on.) I have to admit I truly liked those ideas, especially in the beginning. But driving physics and overall playing experience was below what any GT game has to offer. Track selection is too small, got pretty old pretty fast. AI seems to be fair and challenging first but after a while it turns out to be a knock off contest on braking. AI drivers also drive like the player wasn't there at all. If I had a dollar every time they pushed me out... So it really gets kind of tedious and annoying after a while. Godzilla-size annoying...

But aside from these small differences Forza is nothing else but a copy of GT3. Take a look "Complex track" which is one of the most direct and huge rip offs of GT3. And the list is endless. It really feels like an American remake of a French movie (or Japanese in this case) that happens quite often. Like okay, this is good, but it's not American. Let's re-do it our way. And so they did...

Bottom-line: Forza is a good game, but it's a copy. A good copy but still just a copy.

My advice to all of you: If you have access to one platform only then it's easy to decide which one to pick. Both games definitely worth playing. If you have access to both PS2 and Xbox platforms and like the easier a touch more arcadeish racing sim then pick Forza. If you want to see the original and still the best, then please play Gran Turismo. It really worth it. Or if you are a racing maniac like me, then play both and decide for yourself which one did you enjoy the most.