Little brother to none, this first entry is head and shoulders above the latest and greatest of other franchises...

User Rating: 9 | Forza Motorsport XBOX
I will start my review with the GT4 VS Forza crap, and then move on: This game is little brother to none. It is fun, and like gamespot (who is notorios for being brutally honest about every aspect of a game) stated: if your new to racing, this game is good for you; but if your a die hard racing-sim fan, you will love this game too. Its versitile - offering custimization and performance impact never before seen in the console side of racing games/sims. It is not second to GT4 (just look at reviews of GT4 compared to the reviews of this game). The only thing that GT has is more cars and that license thing (which teaches you to drive like a 'racer'). Forza's lesser amount of cars and tracks is MORE then made up for by the fact that there is so much customization here - causing you to feel like you have an unlimited number of cars at your disposal. The license system that GT fans boast about is overhyped, but there is an answer to it (sort of) in the driving help that paints dynamic lines on the road (changing colors based on if your accelerate, slow, or stop) telling you how to take a certain course and certain turns. I would rather find mine own style and learn things for myself with the driving help turn on only when im trying to learn a track (or like around the first lap during a real race), then have the devlopers of a game teach me how to 'drive like a racer.' Unlike GT4, not only the cars looks good, but so do the tracks as well. I will say ythe cars themselves are not as great looking at GT4, but the environments look WAY better. Basically GT can claim a better looking car, depending on your taste, but Forza can claim a better looking game. You decide which is more important... Ok enough of GT VS Forza (i bet as the years role on and these franchises move over to the next generation - there will plenty more comparison's and fanboy battles - lets leave that stuff for then) The thing that really sets Forza above its compeition is its online multiplayer over XBox live, that while not featuring as many racers on a track at the same time as competitors (limited to 8 cars at a time, which I personally think is enough), is the best implementation of a racing game online to date. I wont go into ever detial as you can read the gamespot review (as well as many others) that go into the Live capibilities - but rest assures, there isn;t a better online racing game to date (DUB comes into a CLOSE second place I feel - all depending on which style of game your goiung for). Between the offline and online, and the great amount of custimzation and performance impact, this game is easily equal to the best franchises out there(GT), but comparing this first entry to other franchises third or even fourth entries (GT4) has forza coming out on top - just compare the reviews, and play the game...