Very repetitive. After About 2 hours of play you will have played a track many times.

User Rating: 7.5 | Forza Motorsport 2 X360
I love the fact that there are so many cars to buy and win and that there are lots of ways to upgrade your cars and customize them but with the limited amount of tracks to race on it can get boring. In your career you will win many cars very quickly but when you go to sell them to buy other cars you will find that the cars you win will only sell for 100cr. So after a couple of gold metal wins you will have lots of cars you may not like but you cant sell them for any good price. Over all I feel that if you are not really in love with racing games this game is not worth spending more that 20 dollars.

If you love racing games and the ability to control every aspect of your car and don't care about how the track looks that you may love this game.You can even upload your own pictures to put on your car.