Better then the first for several reasons, so far still my favorite racer on XBOX

User Rating: 9.5 | Forza Motorsport 2 X360
Let's see, off the top of my head what I like is the addition of Lamborghini, a braking assist driving line that only shows when braking so as not to have you nervously staring at the line waiting for a color shift.
My favorite changes are what they've done with the decal editing, so many options I SO needed in the first to really make what I was attempting. I'm one of those who can and will spend an hour or more just applying decals, now I can link layers and move them together, or copy groups and save them to stamp later to entirely different cars, so you could build a personal logo, and paste it on any or all the cars, like a signature. I've also heard you can sell your creations for Xbox points, but I haven't tried that yet.

The Driving feels like before, but somehow it DOES feel tweaked and not quite as annoying. You will still spin-out and fly into walls plenty if you start getting careless, but as long as your serious about navigating the track properly, it is possible to not destroy your car.
I ended up getting Forza 2 when I found it at gamestop bundled with Marvel UA, I think that's awesome, this game AND Marvel UA were 12.99!? that price makes this game much better, it's considered old, but it's still awesome and full of stuff to keep you stuck to it for HOURS, literally. First day I got it and some other stuff, I wanted to try it all out, so I put this in first, 10 hours went by the sun was gone and I never even got to try the other games or, check my email, other stuff I usually do after work. I just wanted to unlock more!
I'm also a code user since the days of Game Genie, so when I heard the old upgrades money glitch was BACK, I think I did that first thing. and the buy locked cars glitch also awesome, I can creme the competition. First car I bought? Lamborghini Countach, it doesn't take the fun out of it for me, if anything it adds fun, I have the satisfaction of knowing the developers can't control how I choose to "ruin" my experience, and I still have to fight pretty hard soon to get the F50 AGAIN, OMG I remember how pissed I got trying to get that in the first forza, FLAWLESS lap around Nürburgring Nordschleife with an F40, all that torque in the back wheels dying to spin me out, and an Enzo right behind me the whole way waiting for me to touch the grass and screw up...bringing me to another thing I like about this over other race games, if you want novice crushing defeats you can have them, if you want professional not a chance in hell, also available to you, But not forced. You will level up faster and get more money and unlocks at a time if you turn up the difficulty, but if you wanna do it on wimp setting eventually you will still meet mostly the same rewards, just at a substantially slower pace.

Forza 2 is so far still my favorite racer on XBOX. I can't give it a 10 though cause I really don't think any game is worth a 10 until their replay value proves to hold out for years, and I just got this yesterday...and then played it 10 hours, if it keeps up like this I can upgrade it the .5 it missed out on, and $12 for all this, so far it's on the right track.