Violent Video Games Affecting Children? Study Says NO!

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#1 Generic_Dude
Member since 2006 • 11707 Posts

In light of the recent Grand Theft Auto trailer, you'll need to be prepared for some debate. Expand your minds by wrapping them around this study, which refutes other studies involving the same subject matter. The study indicates that violent video games may have an affect on children predisposed to violence and negativity, but are not affecting average kids. In an interesting side-note, hyperactive children calmed down after playing. This study was undertaken by Swinburne Institute Of Technology.


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#2 OGTiago
Member since 2005 • 6546 Posts
the games have ratings for a reason. In these extreme cases, parents should be more responsible.
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#3 DemonX_portugal
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#4 pjam07
Member since 2004 • 170 Posts
yeah maybe but i more so believe the idea that it happens cause of a pre existing problem or poor parenting and may just amplify it. Go to the source of the problem, DONT BLAME THE GAME thats a sweet saying i just thought of
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#5 Generic_Dude
Member since 2006 • 11707 Posts

the games have ratings for a reason. In these extreme cases, parents should be more responsible.OGTiago

Well even in normal circumstances, parents should be more responsible from what I've seen lately. Just even moreso in extreme circumstances.

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#6 Ricky-cubano
Member since 2007 • 190 Posts
I think violent games only affect kids who have nothing better to do than try to do things in games and stuff. They're kids who are bored and have no life basically.
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#7 akuma303x
Member since 2004 • 3703 Posts
people are who they are. they can look for excuses in every possible area they want, but in the end we are who we are. if your going to murder a person , you must be of a certain state of mind. a video game wont create that state. if you have the chance to go to harvard but make $2000 a week selling drugs , and you choose selling drug. games wont do that. society has tried for a long time to blame it's problems on many things. but before video games there was just as much killing and crimes. there was just as many people with mental flaws, the only difference is the amount of coverage we get of it because of tv. politicians are so ignorant. the problem is clearly not an external stimulation, but an internal retardation. it's the alpha effect.
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#8 nickdastick
Member since 2004 • 5286 Posts
I really don't think games affect kids that much. I mean, I have played all kinds of games throughout my life and I have a cousin who is 13 and has played a ton of violent games but he is totally normal. I find it funny that everyone looks at games when movies and tv shows are WORSE!!! I say they are worse because of how real they look and with tv kids have full access to them! Maybe the politicians should look at that as well as games because it seems a bit biased when they just rip on games when there are plenty of things that are just as bad or worse!
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#9 limpbizkit818
Member since 2004 • 15044 Posts
Adults make to much out of it. Didn't they say the same about Rock & Roll when was becoming popular? I can see "Perhaps those with pre-existing conditions and/or little parental guidance" but a normal person plays games for fun. 99.9% of people will not even think about killing someone because of games like GTA. The only murder case that involved video games that I can think of was Columbine, and that was a modded version of Doom. But even there it was not the game the drove them to do what they did.
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#10 Cedric169
Member since 2005 • 2138 Posts
i don't think that don't affect children if they have a good parental guidance... now if they don't have parental guidance the kid will end up like a thug playing gta or something like that
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#11 PrebuiltKiller
Member since 2006 • 111 Posts
I agree with you OGTiago.
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#12 booomer69
Member since 2005 • 4107 Posts
Video Games dont Affect Children.Unless they have some sort of mental problem.Therfore i voted #3
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#13 booomer69
Member since 2005 • 4107 Posts
people are who they are. they can look for excuses in every possible area they want, but in the end we are who we are. if your going to murder a person , you must be of a certain state of mind. a video game wont create that state. if you have the chance to go to harvard but make $2000 a week selling drugs , and you choose selling drug. games wont do that. society has tried for a long time to blame it's problems on many things. but before video games there was just as much killing and crimes. there was just as many people with mental flaws, the only difference is the amount of coverage we get of it because of tv. politicians are so ignorant. the problem is clearly not an external stimulation, but an internal retardation. it's the alpha effect. akuma303x
That just owned anyone against Violent Video games against kids,Good post.
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#14 Joeker501
Member since 2004 • 619 Posts
Deffinately, I don't have a doubt in my mind. I have seen it.
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#15 Feral_Bunny
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
It seems like for every study saying they don't affect kids, there is one that says they do affect kids. In the long run how can you tell if it does or does not. How can you tell how a child is going to turn out. There has to be a known path for a deviation to take place.
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#16 GIJames248
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I believe that violent games do lead to violent thought process, but that is really only an issue in immature or overly emotional people. Responsible people will limit exposure to glorified, gratitious violence and ignore whatever lesser violence they put up with. In other words parents need to stop buying Gears of War and GTA for eight year-olds.
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#17 LUK3isH3RE
Member since 2006 • 1492 Posts
I think Films, Video Games ect... only make people who already have some sort of mental disposition do things they shouldn't.
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#18 Game_Lover70
Member since 2007 • 324 Posts
No not really, some people whos parents don't care maybe but really no and thats good
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#19 Smackin-Noobs
Member since 2007 • 108 Posts
the games have ratings for a reason. In these extreme cases, parents should be more responsible.OGTiago
Agreed. Games like GoW shouldn't be played by a 10 year old kid
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#20 mastergamerandy
Member since 2005 • 227 Posts
I wrote a paper on this, most say they dont have an affect on how people act.  Parents just need to limit their children on what they play , and raise them correctly.  They shouldnt try to find video games as an excuse to blame their poor parenting skills.
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#21 Sodium_Free
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just like Rich Gallop said, well adjusted people watch slasher films and dont kill everyone. same i think is true with videogames. people with common sence are not going to use GTA to get ideas. they are not going to play the game, then go kill cops. but if someone is predestined to do something like that. well then it is very possible that they will go for it no matter if they play a game. and at that point it is the parents to make sure that Little bobby is not stockpileing weapons in his sock drawer.
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#22 jmartinez1983
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I think anyone that says video games turns kids into homicidal maniacs or that video games don't affect kids at all are both wrong. Violent video games have to have an effect on impressionable minds. Understand, I'm not for censoring video games or anything like that, I'm all for freedom of expression, but I definitely don't think its a good idea for young kids to get their hands on really violent games. Games don't make anyone do anything, except hopefully have a good time, but continuous exposure to violent material, especially if you are young, definitely has an impact on you.
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#23 jmartinez1983
Member since 2006 • 3949 Posts

[QUOTE="akuma303x"]people are who they are. they can look for excuses in every possible area they want, but in the end we are who we are. if your going to murder a person , you must be of a certain state of mind. a video game wont create that state. if you have the chance to go to harvard but make $2000 a week selling drugs , and you choose selling drug. games wont do that. society has tried for a long time to blame it's problems on many things. but before video games there was just as much killing and crimes. there was just as many people with mental flaws, the only difference is the amount of coverage we get of it because of tv. politicians are so ignorant. the problem is clearly not an external stimulation, but an internal retardation. it's the alpha effect. booomer69
That just owned anyone against Violent Video games against kids,Good post.


Owned? Not so much.  Made some good points? Definitely. 

Humans are violent by nature, that is basically a fact.  We are the only animal species that kill each otherfor pleasure.  We all have the capability to be truly violent people, some people just need certain stimulation to be pushed to the edge.  Your argument, not to belittle it, reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Marge speaks out against Itchy and Scratchy show and the TV execs point out that violence had been around for long before their show.  That is most certainly true, but we aren't talking about wars or bigger conflicts, we are talking about individual kids and how video games might potentially affect them.  Its not even violence necessarily, it might just be a kid that has spent too much time playing crime related games begins believing that lying and stealing is ok, especially if you don't get caught.  He might start shoplifting or stealing 20s from his parents' wallets.  

You are probably right though, a kid playing GTA won't all of a sudden get up and rob a bank or murder someone for pocket cash, however the more you are exposed to violence like that the more you may begin to think its okay to do that, or at least acceptable.  As for the Harvard example, games and movies often glamorize crime and violence over things like education and responsibility.  Games can be even worse than movies because with games the kid is actually in control, he is the one taking the action, no matter how virtual it is that has to have an impact.  Someone in this thread mentioned that he has a young cousin who plays tons of games but is normally regardless.  That may seem true, but you don't know what's going on in his head.  I wouldn't be surprised if its true that video games tends to make kids more aggressive and easy to anger (hell, some old school NES games used to drive me insane to the point where I wanted to break something, but hey, I look normal don't I?).  

The overall point is that any extreme is too much.  You can't attribute everything bad kids do to video games, and you can't say that video games have no effect at all, likewise you can't try to censor video games from being violent nor can you just let 10 year old play GTA.  Moderation is what we need people.

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#24 jello44
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[QUOTE="OGTiago"]the games have ratings for a reason. In these extreme cases, parents should be more responsible.Smackin-Noobs
Agreed. Games like GoW shouldn't be played by a 10 year old kid


I was surprised at the amount of young people that were actually playing games like Halo 2 and RS:V.


And here's a bad story, I was in a Gamestop one day, and there was a mother in there with her son, who had to be like, 9 or 10. The kid was begging for GTA, and the parent just bought it without a second thought. I'm surprised that the clerk even SOLD it to them. And don't people realize what type of game they are going to be playing when it is titled 'GRAND THEFT AUTO" ? Do they think they will be planting daisys or something?


Also there is now a state law here in PA that prohibits the sale of any game rated 'M' to a minor, but I don't see what difference that will make as all they need is an adult to buy the game.

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#25 yeahboya
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Dont you hate "Concerned" parents that attack games for being too violent. What the hell is their problems if u dont want your kids playing the games dont let them play but dont try to ruin gaming for all of us. I dont know where I would be if i couldn't chainsaw a Locust in half or use an auger to impale a zombie in "dead rising" . Children who are supposedly affected by violent video games are not a product of the games but of BAD PARENTING if your childs babysitter is an xbox360 ur kid is bound to be Fu#Ked up.


And I hope games get even more violent just to stick it to the again "Concerned" parents.



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#26 jmartinez1983
Member since 2006 • 3949 Posts

Dont you hate "Concerned" parents that attack games for being too violent. What the hell is their problems if u dont want your kids playing the games dont let them play but dont try to ruin gaming for all of us. I dont know where I would be if i couldn't chainsaw a Locust in half or use an auger to impale a zombie in "dead rising" . Children who are supposedly affected by violent video games are not a product of the games but of BAD PARENTING if your childs babysitter is an xbox360 ur kid is bound to be Fu#Ked up.

And I hope games get even more violent just to stick it to the parents of again "Concerned" parents.


Yeah, its definitely the parent's responsibility, but hey, they are people just like the rest of us. Remember this kind this kind of stuff when you have kids and they want something that you've never heard of. I know I will, I'm also pretty sure it won't be as easy as it seems.
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#27 HarryVanBreemen
Member since 2007 • 264 Posts

the games have ratings for a reason. In these extreme cases, parents should be more responsible.OGTiago

Yer, at the end of the day it should be parents who have the ruling say about what there child plays on & is exposed to.

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#28 xFifty1ne
Member since 2006 • 722 Posts
Please, don't feet the propaganda, leave these questions to fox news anchors (the heart of the problem)
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#29 alayeesquire
Member since 2005 • 835 Posts
people are who they are. they can look for excuses in every possible area they want, but in the end we are who we are. if your going to murder a person , you must be of a certain state of mind. a video game wont create that state. if you have the chance to go to harvard but make $2000 a week selling drugs , and you choose selling drug. games wont do that. society has tried for a long time to blame it's problems on many things. but before video games there was just as much killing and crimes. there was just as many people with mental flaws, the only difference is the amount of coverage we get of it because of tv. politicians are so ignorant. the problem is clearly not an external stimulation, but an internal retardation. it's the alpha effect. akuma303x
people are who they are. they can look for excuses in every possible area they want, but in the end we are who we are. if your going to murder a person , you must be of a certain state of mind. a video game wont create that state. if you have the chance to go to harvard but make $2000 a week selling drugs , and you choose selling drug. games wont do that. society has tried for a long time to blame it's problems on many things. but before video games there was just as much killing and crimes. there was just as many people with mental flaws, the only difference is the amount of coverage we get of it because of tv. politicians are so ignorant. the problem is clearly not an external stimulation, but an internal retardation. it's the alpha effect. akuma303x
people are who they are. they can look for excuses in every possible area they want, but in the end we are who we are. if your going to murder a person , you must be of a certain state of mind. a video game wont create that state. if you have the chance to go to harvard but make $2000 a week selling drugs , and you choose selling drug. games wont do that. society has tried for a long time to blame it's problems on many things. but before video games there was just as much killing and crimes. there was just as many people with mental flaws, the only difference is the amount of coverage we get of it because of tv. politicians are so ignorant. the problem is clearly not an external stimulation, but an internal retardation. it's the alpha effect. akuma303x
Well said.
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#30 Twix_
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
Yes, offcourse. I remeber me playing Quake II and when i see it, it looks a little scary to remember. Thats true!
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#31 cricketboy2238
Member since 2004 • 5717 Posts
Maybe violent people are attracted to violent video games, hmm?
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#32 kyle-244
Member since 2006 • 1198 Posts
I dont think they affect $%it, if some dude is gonna go kill someone or do something crazy over a game, they were nuts to begin with
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#33 ShadyNinjaMan1
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
Kyle = awesome protestor.
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#34 Jenkins_2005
Member since 2005 • 117 Posts
As already stated many times over by many people it always seems to fall onto the parents shoulders and the rating system that is in effect. While these will stop a minority from seeing the rated material within the game, many parents still ignore these ratings, as did mine, and it does not fall solely on the parent or even the fact that a game is violent. Violence has always been a part of human nature and it is vital that violence is expressed in a safe form, aka video games, or other activites where it is regulated to a certain degree. But mainly, it falls on any mental problems the person in subject has, and or any violent tendancies that no matter what would eventually manifest themselves in assault, rape or murder even if no outside violent stimulus was provided.

Basically, only people who are going to be nutters, turn out that way anyway no matter what, regardless of playing GTA for a while.
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#35 kcpp2b
Member since 2006 • 12498 Posts

I wrote a paper on this, most say they dont have an affect on how people act. Parents just need to limit their children on what they play , and raise them correctly. They shouldnt try to find video games as an excuse to blame their poor parenting skills.mastergamerandy

I hate to say it but North American parents are infamous for blaming their kids behvaior, see South Park and the song from their movie "blame canada" that makes fun of that with the ling that ends the song "We must blame canada for all this fuss before someone thinks of blaming us"

I mean this applies to Canadian parents too not americans which is why I said North America.

Anywho first off Japanese kids witness way moe violent cartoons and stuff but is the crime rate with kids and the numbers on them even remotely close? No

And secondly video games and tv and movies and music are entertainment. Problem is these parents use these forms to raise their children so much. The young kid is crany, turn on a movie and it goes from there. Entertainment and media is not a substitute for parenting but many parents use it as such and then blame the same entertainment when the kid turns out bad well maybe if they were properly parenting them in the first place this wouldnt have happened on top of that you do you have kids who are embalanced from a chemical point of view or mental.

Bottom line is video games, britney spears (especially now lol), pop music, america's next top model, these are all very bad things for your kids IF these shows and forms of entertainment spend more time with your kid then you do and is left to raise them because the parent is too busy or doesn't see a problem with it 

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#36 kcpp2b
Member since 2006 • 12498 Posts

I dont think they affect $%it, if some dude is gonna go kill someone or do something crazy over a game, they were nuts to begin withkyle-244

Thsi reminds me of that joke from Chris Rock for some reason.

About the Tiger that bit those guys sigfred and roid however you spell it. He was talking about how surprised people were that the tiger went crazy and this is what he said... "That Tiger didn't go crazy...that Tiger went Tiger!!!"

Hahahahaha I laughed my butt of at his stand up man too bad his movies are so badÂ