Mass Effect vs. Mass Effect 2 *poll*

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#1 jamejame
Member since 2005 • 10634 Posts
Which is the better game in your opinion? I've only played the intro of Mass Effect 2, which I'm renting right now, but I just beat the original for again for the second time and I can't imagine the sequel possibly being more epic. I haven't played Mass Effect in two years, it was epic the first time I beat it, and it was just as epic this time. Is Mass Effect 2 actually the better game? Thoughts... Also, does anyone else think Mass Effect got kind of jipped on it score? I realize it was just one man's opinion, but its a 9.5 game in my book. The atmosphere, the story, the characters, the insane amount of equipment and loot and the gunplay were all top notch. The only downside was the side missions (which repeated a lot), and the graphical hitches. No way does this game deserve only an 8.5 because of that though.
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#2 Essian
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you might want to make an actual poll, rather than just saying poll and having people respond... just a thought. And personally, I think Mass Effect 2 is much better than Mass Effect, but they are both excellent games
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#3 jasonharris48
Member since 2006 • 21441 Posts

Hmm kind of hard for me to decide.l

ME2>ME gameplay

ME1>ME2 story

ME2>ME1 characters

ME1>ME2 customization

So I say they're equal.

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#4 Hakud0ushi
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ME2 pretty much improved all that matters to me. Gameplay and graphics. The "shooter" and "rpg" discussion i think its old (if someone mention that again, hope not). For me ME2 still my goty.
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#5 XXGamerfanXX
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Both great games IMO, but ME 2 Improve in almost everyway, even though I miss the Mako from the first one.
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#6 vashkey
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I liked the original a little more. The mako segments may not have been perfect but they sure beat moving a cursor over a planet for hours(which you do have to do if you want to get a half decent ending). Also, I liked how the original Mass Effect's environments were alot bigger. Sure, Mass Effect 2 may have been more effecient with it's space but it was so small at times that you felt like you were on a rail.

I liked Mass Effect 2's characters more than the original's but I liked the original's plot and villain more(although Mass Effect 2 practically lacks a real villain for almost the entire game). I also liked how you didn't have to worry about ammo in the original. i frequently ran out of ammo for my prefered weapons in long engagements in the sequel.

I like the leveling system for Mass Effect 1 a little more as well and I like how theres was alot more armor and weapons and you could swap them out at any time where as in the sequel you can only do that in certain locations(although you could custumize the color scheme of your armor in Mass ffect 2).

My preferences for the original over the sequel are largely nit picks. I like the original barely more than the sequel. I like both a lot. And I can understand that most of the changes they made were to make the game more effecient and easy to pick up.

As for the score for Mass Effect 1, I'd give it higher than an 8.5, personally, but I can understand the score. The game had some bugs here and there and the game kinda just dumps you in and doesn't really have a comprehensive tutorial or anything for all the menus and stuff. I know a fair share of people who didn't make it far into the game before quitting, myself included. I bought it on launch and gave up and didn't try it again until the summer of 09.

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#7 Elian2530
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I felt Mass Effect 1 had a better story. Mass Effect 2 felt like a recruiting advertisement. ME2 also seemed more like an episodic game just to fill in the gap between 1 and 3. They hardly focused on the Collectors. ME1 was all about story, badass villians, and SAREN. He was a worthwhile villain to pursue... while as in ME2.. We were hardly fighting anything. It was more about recruiting, building relationships, and (better) side missions/quests which they did a great job on.. but it didn't feel as epic as ME1.

Gameplay wise though, Mass Effect 2 is much better. And visually speaking, ME2 brings more polish, but I prefer the settings in ME1 more and I loved the ending.

I'd also like to point out that.. although the inventory system was less cluttered in ME2.. I felt it took away from the RPG aspect of it all. Although most people would disagree and say that ME1's inventory system was messy. But I thought that was the point of an RPG? You organize your things.. drop, trash, sell what you don't want.. keep what you do need and want. It wasn't so hard. ME2's inventory was way too simplistic and casual friendly. And there just wasn't enough loot to keep me interested or to care about what I was going to equip before missions. The only thing I did like was that you could equip more weapons and cooler weapons this time around, but no variety overall.

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#8 Smileyvirus
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While ME2 can be played as a standalone game, it becomes better if you know the story and characters from ME1. Comparisons are a bit moot as eventually when ME3 comes out, the whole thing will become 3x more epic if you know the full story arc.

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#9 N7v1K0
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They're both great games, but I feel that ME2 improves over ME1 in nearly every way

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#10 yokofox33
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Like most have said, both are great games. I think I enjoyed the first one a little more though to be honest. I liked the customization and leveling up system more which is a big factor for me.

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#11 Black_Knight_00
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Mass Effect 1 had more customization options, more depth, more powers, more exploration and no tedious planet scanning. Mass Effect 2 has a way better combat mechanic and more varied missions. I still prefer ME1
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#12 SaltyMeatballs
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ME2 all the way. ME1 was hurt by the technical issues.
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#13 SpArKs424
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both are great beat them both several times addicting storys and great setting. for story id have to go with the 1st game it was a shorter game but connected with the story alittle more i liked seran.Mass effect 2 had way better combat to back its game up, but the story was weaker in a sense still one of the best games this year hands down.i thought mass effect 2 customization was weak, cant really find different armor i like the fact that you can change colors but i play an RPG to find loot and better stuff .both games are awesome best 360 games out there but if you can get past the clunky combat and the Mako (which i personally liked ) and i liked the elevator rides cool hearing whats going on in the world i dont always wanna walk up to a new terminal .both games are great just i enjoyed ME1 more

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#14 KamikazeDonut
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Mass Effect 2 is better then ME1 in almost everywhere the only thing ME1 has over ME2is the plot. I don't miss the Mako I much prefer mining and I don' t miss the inventory screen and management though side quests leave alot to be desired.

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#15 silverspire29
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Warning! Contains some spoilers!

The postives :D

No inventory piled up with junk you would never use!

The characters are far more interesting and distinct, and I personally loved watching Miranda and Jack fight constantly.

They kept Joker, my favorite character in the game.

Instead of your gun overheating, you get thermal clips AKA ammo.

This might just be me, but I found the biotic powers to be alot more fun and useful.

The missions were more interesting, and the maps were more distinct.

The negatives :cry:

Scanning planets was horribly boring and repetitive.

Jack ALWAYS seemed to die in a fight for some reason. She would not stay put behind cover and would always die quickly in a battle.

The Citadel has a very confusing layout, I would often end up lost.

The map was almost...useless in this game. I couldn't figure out how to zoom [I'm not sure that you can]

You don't directly decide what characters die at the end. The characters that died had little impact compared to ME1, where you chose between Kaiden and Ashley.

We get Legion at the near end of the game. Really? Why couldn't they put somebody else there instead!

The ending of the game where you fight this Reaper who just looks like a supersized Terminator. You hide, wait to shoot, hide, wait to shoot, and that's all there was to it. ME1's ending was 100x better.

Overall, I thought ME2 was alot better [Yes, even with all my complaints], so despite its flaws, it was still great to play and I look forward to ME3.

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#16 NoDzombie
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i love both, but i think ME2 was the better game, although there were a few features that were removed that i missed

(not the mako though, i hated it so much, im so happy they removed it, mining was a million times better)

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#17 firebolt53
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Easily the first mass effect, 2 simply made the game too basic in that it wasnt really an rpg compared to the first. Admittedly the mechanics for the shooter side were improved but 2 really didnt do it for me.
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#18 gears90
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Overall, ME2 was a better game as in it had more polish and the gameplay was alot sharper. However, some parts that were in ME1 are not represented good in ME2, like exploration, so i said equal.

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#19 Cloud567kar
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Hmm kind of hard for me to decide.l

ME2>ME gameplay

ME1>ME2 story

ME2>ME1 characters

ME1>ME2 customization

So I say they're equal.


What he said, the story is way better in ME1. Hopefully in ME3 they combine both games.

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#20 sixgears2
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ME2 was the game that the first ME should have been. It was better in every concievable way.
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#21 PostNothing
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Mass Effect 2 had better, streamlined gameplay, top-notch shooting sequences.The characters in Mass Effect 2 were more likeable than first one's. Mass Effect 2 had wonderful environments and graphics, and it features superior voice acting, probably the best in a video game so far. However, the first Mass Effect had a politically charged story which was absolutely amazing, the second one was more focused on the characters and it was great too, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Also, the levels were quite too linear in Mass Effect 2, and I felt that I had more freedom exploring the places and talking to people in the first game. Both games are fantastic and equally good. I hope Mass Effect 3 offer the same staggering experience and combine the best of both games.
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#22 Wings_008
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i say they are equal ME has better story ME2 has better presentation
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#23 EvilSelf
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I was actually thinking of created a thread about this yesterday and i saw we already had one. I am playing Mass Effect right now, and i can definitely say that it is better than the second one. Story is better, side missions are more diverse with better story around them as well. Character leveling up is better also. Mass Effect 2 had better presentation but of course it HAD to. I like/prefer Mass Effect better.
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#24 jamejame
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I've been playing Mass Effect 2 for awhile now, and while its a great game that surpasses the original in some areas, I think the original is still slightly better. I love the gameplay in the sequel, specifically the biotic powers, which have quite a bit of weight and use this time around, but I hate the fact that there are so few side missions (even if the ones in the original weren't that great, I still did them all). Also, the fact that loot has pretty much been removed is killing me. Finding better shotguns and saving up credits to buy the best pistols in the game, then badassifying Garrus and Wrex with them was awesome. Who the hell thought the system was cluttered? It worked perfectly to me and I hope that they bring it back.

The game also feels very linear. Once you enter a level there's pretty much nowhere to go, whereas Mass Effect had a more lifelike feel, traveling to different parts of a city or complex to take people down which was in a way, more immersive. The characters are great in this game, but I loved the characters in the original as well, there's just more characters here. The story itself is alright, but it feels like a recruitment mission so far, almost like an advertisement for Mass Effect 3. The story in Mass Effect 1 is one of the best I've ever played through, and while this one is still good due to the atmosphere and characters within it, I don't think the actual concept of humans being abducted is enough to base an entire entry in a trilogy on, especially when there seem to barely be any missions involving said abductors. If anything though, this game has got me excited for the third entry in the series, I just hope they don't cop out on the choices made in the original and sequel, I want to see everything come together beautifully... AND I WANT WREX BACK!

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#25 Xx_Hopeless_xX
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The original held my attention for much longer...Mass Effect 2 was a bit of a disappointment...they really dumbed down the customization in regards to skills and such...and the first had different sets of armor...the second didn't...i couldn't even finish the halfway through then it just lost me...

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#26 chaoscougar1
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The original held my attention for much longer...Mass Effect 2 was a bit of a disappointment...they really dumbed down the customization in regards to skills and such...and the first had different sets of armor...the second didn't...i couldn't even finish the halfway through then it just lost me...

very much agreed, there werent enough in depth RPG elements. The lack of diversifiable stat points kind of frustrated me, as well as having very limited equipment/gear options. Granted the last one was the best organised, but that could have been solved by grouping like weapon/armour power ups and models. It felt like a 3PS with minor RPG elements, like they were trying to go casual. I also think this is why it appealed to a greater audience
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#27 RaIn285
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ME1 totally because its more RPG kind and ME2 is like some sorta action TPS with 5 % of RPG in it.Cmon me2 dosent even have inventory screen...
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#28 ghstbstr
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I felt Mass Effect 1 had a better story. Mass Effect 2 felt like a recruiting advertisement. ME2 also seemed more like an episodic game just to fill in the gap between 1 and 3. They hardly focused on the Collectors. ME1 was all about story, badass villians, and SAREN. He was a worthwhile villain to pursue... while as in ME2.. We were hardly fighting anything. It was more about recruiting, building relationships, and (better) side missions/quests which they did a great job on.. but it didn't feel as epic as ME1.

Gameplay wise though, Mass Effect 2 is much better. And visually speaking, ME2 brings more polish, but I prefer the settings in ME1 more and I loved the ending.

I'd also like to point out that.. although the inventory system was less cluttered in ME2.. I felt it took away from the RPG aspect of it all. Although most people would disagree and say that ME1's inventory system was messy. But I thought that was the point of an RPG? You organize your things.. drop, trash, sell what you don't want.. keep what you do need and want. It wasn't so hard. ME2's inventory was way too simplistic and casual friendly. And there just wasn't enough loot to keep me interested or to care about what I was going to equip before missions. The only thing I did like was that you could equip more weapons and cooler weapons this time around, but no variety overall.

Everything said above are exactly my thoughts as well. I just can't decide which would is better because both have their own positives and negatives, as I like them both so I voted "equal". Mass Effect 1 and 2 are both my favorite games on the Xbox360.
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#29 SpArKs424
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Im playing ME1 again right now and one thing i like better Than ME2 is the Music for some reason i like the music in the first game more .

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#30 N7v1K0
Member since 2009 • 5755 Posts

Wow, who ressurected this thread? :P

I remember saying earlier that I thought ME2 was miles better, now I say they're equal after looking over both. Here's the summary

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#31 Revitaly
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The only complaints I have about ME1 are that the planet surface/building interiors were pretty generic across the worlds.

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#32 Blackhawk692
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They both are easily 2 of the best games on the console. I do give the slight nod to ME2 for more streamlined combat and the new added features, but ME1 does have the more involving story

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#33 ghstbstr
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The only complaints I have about ME1 are that the planet surface/building interiors were pretty generic across the worlds.Revitaly

Yes exactly, as it was one of the negatives in Mass Effect 1 and Bioware really did a reallygreat job and changed that in Mass Effect 2.

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#34 coasterguy65
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Mass Effect 2 was almost a perfect game. If it wouldn't have been for the stupid planet mining that went on for hours it would have been perfect. The rest of the game was great.

Gameplay was better on the second, but the story was probably a little better on the first.

ME1 = 8.5

ME2 = 9.5

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#35 moose_knuckler
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Mass Effect 1. It was certainly cool to see most of the new ideas for ME:2 but I didn't care for the hyper-focus on shooting>RPG in it. Not saying it's a shooter with RPG but I did sort of have that kind of feeling when considering 1had a near-perfect blend of RPG/Shooter gameplay imo so I didn't see the extra need to focus on more shooting this go-around.