WWEverything 2005 Officer Search - Week 2; Officers PM me your votes...

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#1 hbk91
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This week was a tough week. Instead of having one eviction we now have to do two.

By officer vote out welshkaza12 is out of the Officer Search this week.

However by a result of a DQ, we also have to say goodbye to Gamr619348 who failed to complete the first challenge.

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1.) welshkaza12

2.) Gamr619348

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Officer Search Particpants:

1.) Dark_Hylian8
2.) seve15
3.) Pack_Man
4.) DaffyDuck13
5.) NoRemorse13
10.) oreoshane
11.) mja2k3
12.) reyrey11
13.) MiJV
14.) diehardsoxfan24
15.) shoot_em_up123
16.) Canuck3000
17.) Dark_NoobSaibot
18.) JML897

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This is a new week though and there is a new challenge.

However I will clear up some rules already if all of you don't already know.

- No other recruit can decide to join in. Last week was the start and if you wanted to be in it, you had a good full week to join in.

- Faliure to do any challenge will result in a DQ.

- The votes are not rigged at all. It's all fair and square and I also have my place to vote too.

- Any decisions to quit or leave the search must be done once and for all in here. If you choose to from now on there is no going back.

- Any cheating or signs of doing so will also result in a DQ.

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Please keep related discussions in here.

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This will be closed for officers to vote next Friday participants!

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Challenge #2...

Debate for and against the reason to the WWE's downfall based on entertainment, wrestling and overall package of the buisness.

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#2 dRehkJY
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I have prepared this to talk about why WWE is falling and why they felt that they needed to

For the Falling

  • Making John Cena champ for this amount of time, while it draws in viewers, it pushes away long time faithfuls because he is not that good a champion
  • JBL being in the mainevent all the time. Even though I am a JBL fan, seeing him in the main event every week for at least a year does get a tad boring
  • Screwing the LOD legacy by adding Heidenreich to the LOD. Heidenreich cannot wrestle to save his life, yet he gets a push? Remember, he almost killed Steven Richards
  • Screwing the Woman's division (In Vince's case, literally). Firing good talent Like Molly and Gail Kim and hiring sluts (I can say that) like Ashley, Christy, Joy, Michelle and god knows how many others. We want to see women wrestling if anything, not women standing around looking pretty.
  • Repetetive storylines. Eddie/Rey for the 9th televised time is boring. And if something happens on Raw/Smackdown, it will turn up on the other show in some form
Against the Falling

  • They are doing what they feel is right for business
  • They are taking advantage of Cena's supreme overness to draw in viewers.
  • They did not really have anyone else in plan for JBLs reign.
  • Smackdown does not get enough ratings because of other shows. Sometimes, it is cancelled in some areas in favor of football or Baseball games.
  • They still get high buyrates for PPV's so they are doing something right
Now after reading that, can you not say that the falling is due to the WWE and UPN? Vote dRehkJY and you will not regret it *JBL smile*
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#3 shoot_em_up123
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1) Keeping Cena the champ this long

2) The fireing of wrestlers like Charlie Haas to make room for guys like Hogan to come and make a couple appereances

3) Not giving a good push and pretty much making Christian a jobber

4) Terrible storylines like the new LOD and the Edge/Mysterio story.

5) Keeping SD! on UPN

6) Cruiseweights treated like crap and not able to do anything that is a well, cruiserweight

Against Falling

1) They are milking Cena's rapping career for all its worth

2) There are still may wrestling fans that agree with everything the WWE does

3) PPV's are still bought.

4) Having apperances by the big names like Hulk Hogan to bring in some of the old-school wrestling fans

Well those are my thoughts and remember VOTE FOR ME!! :D

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#4 seve15
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I hope this isint too long

After years of rebuilding, it seems as though the WWE is on the downfall.

The WWE spent 1996-1998 creating new stars and creating new storylines in hopes of defeating rival WCW in the TV ratings war (they were the good old days). They succeeded and didn't look back.
In 1999 and 2000, the WWE kept on producing quality television while the WCW could barely keep up. As 2001 approached, it seemed as though WCW was going to go bankrupt, which they eventually did, and the WWE purchased the company to give the fans what they wanted -- WWE vs. WCW action. That storyline did take place, but it added to the WWE's downfall.

Every March or April, the WWE holdsWrestlemania. During the main event, Stone Cold Steve Austin aligned with owner Vince McMahon and defeated The Rock to become the new champion.
The move was obvious to everyone, because Rock was scheduled to shoot "The Scorpion King." Fans immediately expressed their anger toward Austin turning heel. The WWE, however, didn't listen to their fans. They believed the fans would like what they told them to like. The obvious storyline they should have followed was to pit Austin against longtime rival Triple H. And, On the Raw, which was held after Wrestlemania, it seemed as though they were heading in that direction. Austin took on The Rock in a cage match, and during the match, Triple H came down and helped Austin defeat The Rock. Before Raw went off the air, Austin, Triple H and McMahon all stood together raising their arms over the fallen Roc.

With a lack of top faces the WWE had no choice but to put the Undertaker and Kane in this spot. The two failed miserablly in my opinion and the two pay-per-views they headlined drew very low PPv buyrates.

Then the WWE decided to put Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho into the top face position. Previously, Benoit and Jericho were being portrayed as midcarders who couldn't hold their own against the main eventers. They needed to do something big, so they had a match with Benoit and Jericho taking on Triple H and Austin for the tag team titles.
Jericho and Benoit defeated the team and became the new tag team champions. During the match, however, Triple H tore his quad.AWWWWW
For the next few weeks, Benoit and Jericho were put in a feud with Austin, and the WWE tried to build up the two, but they couldn't. The main reason for this was because Benoit and Jericho needed each other to defeat Austin, they couldn't do it themselves. For their next pay-per-view The King of the Ring a triple-threat match was made between Jericho, Benoit and Austin. Austin won the match and retained the title, while Benoit was injured and put on the injured list.

Now was the time the WWE decided to make use of WCW. The plan from the beginning was for WCW to takeover Raw and the WWE to have Smackdown, but the WWE spent years making WCW look like a rubbish company. How would the fans react to crapy company taking over thheir showThe WWE decided to test it out by having Buff Bagwell and Booker T wrestle each other on Raw. This event turned out horrible, as the two put on a terrible match and fans left the arena.

The WWE didn't expect the storyline to turn out like this, so they decided to add ECW, ECW!! to the mix. ECW was considered the No. 3 company in the world, but i consider them number 1:D. They pushed wrestling to the limit and they were the innovators of hardcore. In fact, the WWE and WCW stole ideas from the ECW and they were usually successful, like the hardcore, fast paced element of wrestling. However, ECW was without a TV deal, so they stayed in the No. 3 spot even though they produced cutting edge storylines. As time went on, the company went into debt and declared bankruptcy in 2001.
WCW and ECW joined together to form the Alliance. For a week or two, the storyline was successful and interesting, but the wrestlers in the Alliance were portrayed as jobbers (losers) who couldn't defeat any WWE star without any help. Instead of the focus being on the wrestlers, the focus was being put onto the McMahons and now HHH. The WWE didn't know why the storyline didn't succeed, and put the storyline out of its misery in November of 2001 (I think)

Ratings were slowly falling, so they decided to shake things up a bit. In the beginning of 2002, they signed three men who were considered plague's in the locker room. However, when business is going down, people will do anything to get back up again. In January, they signed Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan.
Only the signing of the Hulkster proved to be worthwhile, as Nash injured his biceps despite not wrestling, and Hall was fired after three months for showing up late to shows and putting on horrible matches.
Hogan just came in for we want you back purposes and the reactions he received from the live crowd forced the WWE to put the World Title on Hogan, but Hogan quickly dropped the title due to poor ratings.

During the same period, the WWE decided to split the roster into two. They had half the wrestlers perform on Raw, while the other half performed on Smackdown. By doing this, they hoped to create new stars. However, the WWE didn't take time to develop the stars and wanted overnight success, so they kept the same main eventers and kept rehashing old material andstuff got boring
The writing of the TV shows lacked any direction. What happened during the previous week had no follow-up or nothing to do with the show the next week.

Austin was the most vocal of all the wrestlers by stating publicly that he hated the current product, and after many screw-ups, Austin, the man who basically carried the WWE during their rebuilding period, had enough and left the company. With ratings sinking every week, the WWE hoped to capitalize on Austin leaving by dedicating shows to him even after he left the company, but just like all their other attempts, this didn't help their ratings at all.

Fast forward to the presennt

Thw WWE continues to release a superstar a second just to pave the way and make sure JBL and Cena's contracts are paid, what a disgrace

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#5 oreoshane
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Theses are the following reasons why I feel WWE is falling:

  • Banning High-Flying Cruserweight moves (ex. 450 Splash)
  • Centering a lot of gimmicks and contests on Diva's
  • Taking away the Hardcore Division and Title
  • Making great talent look horrible (ex. HBK jobbing to Hogan)
  • Making horribly annoying champions (ex. OJ as US Champ, JBL as WWE Champ, John Cena as WWE Champ)
  • And the last reason is for basically losing the Tag Team Division for a while and trying to revive it with horrible teams (ex. New LOD, Heart Throbs, Cade and Murdoch)

The following are upsides to WWE:

  • Great talent (ex. Randy Orton, Undertaker, Rey Rey, Eddie Gurrero, Kurt Angle, Christian, Chris Benoit)
  • Trying to put a show on the internet as well as having a Recap show on the internet for those of you that dont have cable or sattelite
  • Great Crusierweights (ex. Rey Mysterio, Paul London, Spanky)
  • They have recently accuired Dusty Rhodes as a Creative Member and that will most likely make matches better
  • Bringing back ECW events for Hardcore fans

Remember Don't Vote Me Out :D:)

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#6 Shadows_Fury
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Okay Lets think here...

For The Falling:
-J.B.L is way more suit to be a jobber...when we thought his speeches on being champ were bad, him complaining is worse/
- Cena being champ. Okay he won, took it off of J.B.L now he's over rated, hand it off to the next guy already.
-Woman's Division....what division?
-Cruiserweight Division...What happened to the division...no top ropes moves....
- Hogan...Bring in someone else already like the rock or austin
-Christian Push stopped.
-OJ Being U.S Champ
- Tag Titles Don't Matter...Champs=Jobbers

Against The Falling:
-Benoit is U.S Champ, Everyone Likes That
- The business is taking a direction they think makes us happy
- Pay Per Views Are Still Getting Buys
- They are ending the eddie/rey fued
- Edge/Hardy fued looks like it's getting good

- Fans are still really into the WWE and attendance hasn't seen much change

yeah there may be more but i got home from school and thats what came off the top of my head

I won't be like everyone else and say vote pour me...
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#7 Dark_NoobSaibot
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1. The On-going fued with Batista and JBL. This is starting to irritate me, as a fan and I know that maybe some maybe agree but this has gone on too long.
2. The "I AM A WRESTLING GOD" Phase is really not putting a smile on my face because it's starting to make JBL complain like a First Grader.
3. The Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero fued has gone on for too long.
4. Carlito as Intercontinental Champion is frankly very stupid on the writers behalf. How can you let someone go on and over again ranting that he's champ,and that he defended it 5 times. *GIVE ME A BREAK*and saying "That's Cool" or "That's not cool" is not cool at all.
5. Pushing Chris Masters' and making Flair an easy target, WHY can't he get a challenging openant like Big Show,but of course WWE dropped their fued so I think that No one will be able to "BREAK" the Master Lock.
6. Trish as Women's Champion has gone too long as well. Afterall, don't all champions gotta give up their belt after 30 days? It seems like she's untouchable when it comes to this.
7."YOUR REIGN AS CHAMP IS OVER" As Bischoff would say, We are clearly aware of this but Why shove it in our face when We can see that their is a probably chance that Cena might loose at Unforgiven.
8.The name change of Chavo Guerrero to Kerwin White, is very stupid.
9.Pushing Heidenreich to become a member of the LOD. This was very POINTLESS to bring up Animal's Career.
10.This is a tough call but I guess I can say making Christian a jobber for the Mexicools is very pathetic, let the guy at least get a chance at some tag team gold or something.


1. Benoit as champ he is very charasmatic and deserves this.
2.The great talent of Batista,Undertaker,Randy Orton and Chris Benoit is very good for entertainment.
3.The Divas such as Stacy,Christy,Melina, and Sharmell put a smile on my face.
4.THE Ownage of JBL's Car when BWO spray painted the limo with "BWO".
5.Orlando Jordan Tapping out is always a pleasure to see.
6. William Regal turning heel is good, because when he's good he's rather boring.
7. Hardcore Holly is very funny and cool to watch.
8.Paul London is always worth watching, he brings a good vibe and appeal to make me watch.
9.The Undertaker when he rolls his eyes back, always brings a chill down my neck but always good to see and be amazed from.
10.Watching the Pillow fights with the Divas

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#8 andremafia
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The main reason why WWE is falling is that the WWE doesn't have it's mind open for all the possibilitys. They are trying to make John Cena the next The Rock or the next SCSA, they weren't expecting that Christian and others like RVD could be great Entertainments if they had a chance, WWE was not expecting the popularaty of Christian because they wanted Christian to be a jobber, to lose against everyone, Christian is great at the mic, WWE should give him a push or maybe he could go to TNA(it would be a great loss to WWE). Another reason WWE's mistake is to make JBL the Wrestling God, since the last year everything on Smackdown is about JBL, it's getting very boring, they should give the opportunity to younger superstars to get experience, the future always lies on the youngers, if they don't give experience to youngers there is no future to WWE , they could bet more on Shelton Benjamin, give him more mic experience, he did a great Job at Wrestlemania, he should get better than the Intercontinental Title. Another reason is Carlito having the Intercontinental Title, he is funny wuth the mic but it's not a great wrestler. RVD should be next IC champion, WWE is making RVD a jobber(?!) he should be the best but WWE doesn't lets him to be the best. WWE should try to have an open mind and try to give to the fans what they really want....

If this is a debate challenge I think we should debate everyone's ideas....and don't only write a text about the topic...

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#9 MiJV
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The Falling:

  • HHH Marries Stephanie McMahon and Now Has Backstage Powers and Control Over the Outcome of His Matches, The Main Reason He is an 11 Time Champion and is Always in the Main Event Scene
  • JBL as Champion for Almost a Year, Everyone Hated Him and All His Title Matches Had Eithier An Outcome Involving Interference, DQ, Cheating, or JBL Just Getting "lucky" and They Were Just Plain Boring to Watch
  • The Puchase of WCW, Without Any Competition the WWE Has No Reason to Produce Memorable, Angles, Characters, and Matches As Much As It Did During the Monday Night War
  • Move Restrictions on The Cruiserweight Division ex. 450 Splash, Shooting Star Press, Moonsault, Etc, Vince Just Because The Guys You Want to Push have No Talent Doesn't Mean You Should Restrict the Guys Who Can Put On a Good Match
  • The WWE's Obsession Over the Big Guys With Huge Muscles and/or No Talent Like Chris Masters Getting Pushes While the Ones That Deserve to Be Pushed are Stuck Jobbing or In Bad Storylines Like Eddie Guerrero, RVD, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Undertaker, HBK, Ric Flair, Shelton Benjamin, Christain, Booker T and The Majority of What is Left Of The Cruiserweight Division
  • Focus More on The Divas With More "Assets" Than Talent with Angles Like The Raw Diva Search and Releasing Talented Superstars and Women Who Can Wrestle to Preserve the "T&A of The WWE", The Only Women Who Can Actually Wrestle Now are Trish and Victoria, Stacy Had Some Ability But is Now On SD! Which Has No Women's Division, They Tried To Pass Off Christy As A Wrestler and That Was a Disaster, Hopefully They Can Make Ashley Into Something
  • Poor Storylines and Gimmicks Like Kerwin White, Katie Vick, Kurt Angle and Sharmell, Perry Saturn's Moppy, Edge vs. Booker T Over a Shampoo Commercial, Kane and Lita, and Eddie vs. Rey
  • The Death of the Tag Team Division, From the Days of The Rockers and Hart Foundation to E&C, The Dudleyz, and Hardyz the Tg Team Division Was Always Producing Great Matches and Feuds From The TLC, Table, and Triangle Ladder Maches to LOD vs. Demolition, No All We Have is MNM, LOD 2005, and Hurricane and Rosey Who can Actually Perform

Against the Falling

  • The Return of HBK, Ever Since His Return Match With HHH at SummerSlam in a Street Fight, He Has Been Producing Great Matches and Feuds Like HHH vs. HBK The Rivalry, Benoit vs. HHH vs. HBK WMXX, and Angle vs. HBK WM21
  • ECW One Night Stand, The Fact That It Even Took Place and That a Decent ECW vs. Crusaders Storyline Was Incorperated Into It Proves That Vince Still Has Some Good Ideas Left
  • Great Talent Like Undertaker, HBK, RVD, Ric Flair, Kane, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Matt Hardy, Booker T, and Christain
  • Promising Talent For the Future Like Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Rob Conway, Batista, and John Cena, Even Though Most of Them Are Big Now Especially Cena and Batista A Little Polishing and They Could hopefully Improve the Company So It Has A Better Future
  • Matt Hardy, The Fact That After He Was Fired and The Fans Found Out About The Thing With Edge and Lita, All The Chants and Petitions Finally Got Vince to Re-hire Matt Which Proves the Fans Have Some Voice in the Company
  • Wrestlemania, All the Moments and Memorable Matches From 1-21 Show That The Grand Daddy of Them All Will Always Be A Specticle

Vote For Me

I Put My Heart Into These Arguments and Thank You For the Opportunity

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#10 Pack_Man
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  • Carlito & Intercontintal Championship - Ok, seriously, this guy isn't defending the title, and he is hardly wrestling, it's just pathetic that they gave him the push to make him win against Shelton. And giving him the cheap win every match against Shelton, he should lose the belt soon, now!
  • Hulk Hogan - They are giving him everything he wants. STOP IT! He should have lost against HBK, seriously, he needs to lose, or not come back for awhile, the idea of SCSA vs Hogan is good though.
  • JBL - Stop this. He doesn't deserve another match against Batista, he needs to stop getting in the main events, and stop screwing the Undertaker and others!! Seriously, what is so good about this man?
  • Chrisitan - Ok guys, give this guy a push. Excellent Mic skills, give him the U.S. title, no offence Benoit, but this guy needs to be on the top again, WWE champion or U.S. Champion fits this man well.
  • Rey/Eddie Story Line - No, just not. Stop this crap fest of lame. It's stupid, nobody cares, it's so lame. Put these two in better story lines.
  • WWE in General - Since it became WWE, around 03-04, it's became a drama fest. A soap oprea. Anything but real. Can you guys at least get good scripts & storylines and actually make it look like it's good?
  • HBK - Why WWE WHY? WHY FACE AGAIN? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! KEEP HIM AS HEEL!!! YOU GUYS ARE PATHETIC, keep him as heel, now!!! He needs to be heel again!!!

Against Falling

  • Benoit - Great job, great idea. This guy needed a push, U.S. Champion has written this man all over it. Christian vs Benoit would be a great match, but great job WWE.
  • Batista - Again, it's good to see him still champion. Having him beat JBL again and again is always good. It's pathetic to see JBL re-match again, but still, great job WWE.
  • Edge vs Hardy - The Match against these two in No D.Q. was great, I admit, the storyline was getting bland, and Summerslam seemed lame, great job in the match, I'm getting back into this story line.
  • Attendance - Seems like WWE fans are still filling in, WWE hasn't gotten to thr point that it's so horrible, hardly anybody would show up. Seems like WWE is still doing good.
  • Randy Orton - Good to see there giving him the push he needs, it's good to see him winning matches and going to heel again, I didn't like the face Randy Orton, good job WWE!!!
  • Superstars - Overall, WWE has alot of talent, and alot of people, so this is a good thing. There giving the new comers the push they need, and it's doing pretty good, nice job.

Well, that's pretty much it.

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#11 Y2Gee
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What's wong with WWE.

I think there are many things that are going wrong with the WWE right now. First of all, lets start with the two WWE Champions who basically have mediocre wrestling skills at most and don't really deserve the title in my point of view. They need more experience to truly deserve that title. Maybe WWE should wait till they are nearly perfect in the ring and then give them the title. I hate it when they give newbies the champions just because the fans adore them. Moving on I think probably the biggest problems is the Women's division. First of all Trish hasn't really defended the whole year. (Christy doesn't count!) Besides the fact that there are only two real women competitors (Victoria and Trish) it gets me so mad one of them is injured leaving Victoria to prey on all the bimbos. And WWE being so smart, hires even more non-wrestler divas to make it harder for the Women's division to be good. I think they should bring Jillian Hall to RAW and rehire Molly, Gail Kim, Jazz, and even Chyna. They should also bring women from OVW to really make it competitive. I also think it is so horrible that WWE can't even follow their own rules. By that I mean that Trish should have been striped from the title 4 - 5 months ago like Edge was for not defending it! It seems to me like WWe doesn't even care or even try to make the women's division good. The Cruseirweight champion is not doing good either. With the majority of the fans not even knowing that Paul London lost it to Nunzio on Velocity makes me sick. The cruserwieght campion hasn't been defended on Smackdown forever. And if it gets defended (rarely) it happens on Velocity! What is up with that. Which brings me to my next point. Instead of hearing JBL talk about how hes a wrestling god for an hour wouldn't you rather see the cruserweight champion get defended? Smackdown's biggest problem is that they need more matches and less talking. The Tag division is doing horrible too with Hurricane and Rosey defending it on Heat and LOD (who suck) defending on Smackdown, but against unknown tag teams! Which show the lack of tag teams in the WWE. Moving on...I think the Intercontinental Champion is becoming dead because Carlito talks about how hes been champion for 4 months, yet he doesn't say that hes only defended about 3 times and to the same person! Which brings aup the question: What happened to all the midcarders? The US champion was a total disgrace with a zero-talent wrestler like OJ keeping it for so long, where there are real wrestlers like Benoit, Christian, Booker T, and even Hardcore Holly wo couldved had it Besides that I thik that Smackdown should try to fit more matches and fire JBL. The last thing I found odd was that WWE is bringing dozens of new guys and making them win. Examples are : Ken Kennedy, Rob Conway (I know hes not new but his character is), Birchall, Sylvan (same here), Chris Masters and surprisingly they win against experienced wretlers like Booker, Scotty, Matt Hardy, Viscera, and more... I know they need a push but for now WWE needs to stop bringing rookies. As for old guys like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. I think its time for them to leave the ring and no coming back!

I think that's all Wow that was alot!

Whats Good with the WWE

Now that I'm done with the negatives. There also positives in the WWE. My favorite is probably the US champion finally changed hands to an actual wrestler and gained some respect with Chris Benoit. When I saw OJ with the champion I saw it as trash. Seriously... Im also happy that guys like Randy Orton are getting pushed. Im also happy that theres a new tag team, Murdoch and Cade. At least there is 3 tag teams on RAW ( Hurricane and Rosey, Nurdoch and Cade, HeartThrobs)and 2 on SmackDown (MNM, LOD2005). Another thing that is good is the fact that the IC champion is being defended on a PPV! Im also happy cuz Trish is coming back meaning shell have to defend her champion (finally!) Another positive is that Kurt Angle finally gets a title shot and hopefully he takes the belt from an inferior John Cena.I also think that there seems as they are trying to put more matchs on the shows which is good. On Raw a few weeks back I counted 7 or 8 matches which is really good. I think thats all though.

For some reason there is more negatives I wonder why...

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#12 JML897
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Why the WWE is on the decline:
  • The TNA factor. There is no doubt in my mind that TNA offers a better product than the WWE. In an hour-long weekly show, TNA usually has a higher amount of quality matches than WWE's 6 hours of shows a week(Raw, SD, Heat. Velocity). If TNA can attract the casual fans(call them marks, whatever), WWE could be hurting.
  • Refusal to push anyone who isn't a spokesman for BALCO. Snitsky is basically one huge sheet of acne due to steroid usage, and gets a push. Paul London jumps off turnbuckles and gets his ass kicked by whatever big guy WWE wants to push.
  • Triple H and JBL. We haven't had to deal with Triple H for a while now, but he'll be back soon enough. A little bit of JBL or a little bit of Triple H is fine with me -- when they each take up an hour of their respective shows, it gets annoying as hell. We don't want to see JBL and HHH in every single PPV main event.
  • Dusty Rhodes. The guy who came up with THE FREAKING SHOCKMASTER should not be anywhere near a creative meeting.
  • Taping Smackdown. Make the freaking show live! With a taped show, there isn't an element of surprise. Plus, a live show would increase ratings.
  • The "divas". I like a good women's match every now and then, as long as the participants can actually wrestle. Give me Trish vs. Victoria, and I'll be satisfied. But, don't shove 561 nameless women down our throats. If I wanted to watch porn, I'd watch porn. I tuned in for wrestling, damnit!
  • "Veterans" refusing to move out of the way. This is specifically directed toward, but no limited to, Hulk Hogan and the freaking Undertaker. Hogan has had 500 "last matches", and has won every one of them. If he put young talent over, fine. But he refuses to do the job. The Undertaker would be the worst salesman of all time, and refuses to job cleanly to anyone.
  • Basically telling the cruiserweights, "Screw you"! You can't do that move off the turnbuckle, do a arm drag or a snapmare or something! We can't let you guys be more interesting than JBL! Also, let's make sure your title is restricted to Velocity. Nobody wants to see that damn thing on Smackdown!
  • WWE basically has a monopoly on the wrestling industry. Outside from smarks on the internet, most people think WWE is the best thing, because it's the only thing. WWE doesn't need to improve it's product unless TNA's fanbase doubles.
  • Hardcore Holly surviving every roster cut has to be some kind of curse.

Why the WWE is not on the decline:
  • The potential is still there. With guys like Christian, RVD, Shelton, etc, WWE has a chance to turn it around. If the right guys are given pushes, the quality of WWE's product would increase in huge amounts.
  • WWE has been showing that they want to breathe some life into the tag division with the introduction of teams like LOD 2005, The Mexicools, MNM, The Heart Throbs, and Murdoc/Cade. It's still a weak division, no doubt about it, but at least they're trying to do something about it.
  • The TNA factor. Yes, TNA can also help WWE. If TNA's fanbase increases, it would force the WWE to improve their product.
  • The two champions are over as hell. I like Batista as a champ -- he's a helluva lot better than I expected, and he's improved in just about every area. I despise John Cena, but the crowds love him.
  • The WWE has come out of "down periods" like this before. Just take a look at WWF circa 1995. It was worse then than it is now. WWF pulled out of it then, there's no reason they can't do it again.
  • They have the moolah to make things work.
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#13 reyrey11
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-Whenever Stacy and Christy try to fight,someone interrupts them

-Bob Orton.His interference with matches is really starting to get annoying.

-They are making JBL/Batista like HHH/Batista.This is their 4th match vs each other.

-Simon Dean.Every week,he comes out and makes fun of people,then gets destroyed.Its getting stupid.


-HBK/Chris Masters feud is really growing.

-Y2J is no longer on RAW

-Benoit is doing great as US Champ

Thats all I have


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#14 mja2k3
Member since 2003 • 5206 Posts

* The Fall *

  • The hardcore tittle being taken away was a bad move by vince. That was one of the mroe entertaining belts. He should bring that back.
  • HHH's power backstage, he always in in the championship hunt, then when he has the belt he never wrestles. He out of shape he needs some one else to shine on raw. Such as Dupree on Benjamin
  • Talent being misused. Let's just say that there are some wrestlers that need to go fram smackdown to velocity (OJ,Heidenrich, etc.) and vice versa (Paul London, Ken Kennedy, etc.) Same thing for Raw.
  • The banning of moves, that just took the wow factor out of wrestling. I was watching some matches from like 5 years ago and watching some of those moves. I was like "owww" that looks like that hurt. You don't see that aymore. Now there's more punches and clotheslines than suplexes.
  • Way more talking than wrestling. Back in the day (again) ther was a lot more matches than talking. Now it's like half of the show.
  • To many talentless divas. What happened to women that can wrestle. If I wanted to see women in bathing suits jumping up and down I'd watch Spike TV or something

* The Good Stuff *

  • Still some pretty good matches happening
  • Some nice up and coming stars
  • Wrestlemania is still selling like hot cakes
  • Legends come by every once in a while. (Except for Hogan, he comes back too much)
  • It's still
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#15 diehardsoxfan24
Member since 2005 • 1413 Posts

HBK Im really sorry but Im going to have to drop out of this because Im playing football already and now getting started in a fall baseball league and basketball starting next month and with school I dont think Im going to be on as long as I can so Im going to have to drop out but ill still be on this union just not as a officer.

Thanks for the opportunity though.

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#16 Kotenks
Member since 2004 • 8519 Posts

What's wong with WWE.

I think there are many things that are going wrong with the WWE right now. First of all, lets start with the two WWE Champions who basically have mediocre wrestling skills at most and don't really deserve the title in my point of view. They need more experience to truly deserve that title. Maybe WWE should wait till they are nearly perfect in the ring and then give them the title. I hate it when they give newbies the champions just because the fans adore them. Moving on I think probably the biggest problems is the Women's division. First of all Trish hasn't really defended the whole year. (Christy doesn't count!) Besides the fact that there are only two real women competitors (Victoria and Trish) it gets me so mad one of them is injured leaving Victoria to prey on all the bimbos. And WWE being so smart, hires even more non-wrestler divas to make it harder for the Women's division to be good. I think they should bring Jillian Hall to RAW and rehire Molly, Gail Kim, Jazz, and even Chyna. They should also bring women from OVW to really make it competitive. I also think it is so horrible that WWE can't even follow their own rules. By that I mean that Trish should have been striped from the title 4 - 5 months ago like Edge was for not defending it! It seems to me like WWe doesn't even care or even try to make the women's division good. The Cruseirweight champion is not doing good either. With the majority of the fans not even knowing that Paul London lost it to Nunzio on Velocity makes me sick. The cruserwieght campion hasn't been defended on Smackdown forever. And if it gets defended (rarely) it happens on Velocity! What is up with that. Which brings me to my next point. Instead of hearing JBL talk about how hes a wrestling god for an hour wouldn't you rather see the cruserweight champion get defended? Smackdown's biggest problem is that they need more matches and less talking. The Tag division is doing horrible too with Hurricane and Rosey defending it on Heat and LOD (who suck) defending on Smackdown, but against unknown tag teams! Which show the lack of tag teams in the WWE. Moving on...I think the Intercontinental Champion is becoming dead because Carlito talks about how hes been champion for 4 months, yet he doesn't say that hes only defended about 3 times and to the same person! Which brings aup the question: What happened to all the midcarders? The US champion was a total disgrace with a zero-talent wrestler like OJ keeping it for so long, where there are real wrestlers like Benoit, Christian, Booker T, and even Hardcore Holly wo couldved had it Besides that I thik that Smackdown should try to fit more matches and fire JBL. The last thing I found odd was that WWE is bringing dozens of new guys and making them win. Examples are : Ken Kennedy, Rob Conway (I know hes not new but his character is), Birchall, Sylvan (same here), Chris Masters and surprisingly they win against experienced wretlers like Booker, Scotty, Matt Hardy, Viscera, and more... I know they need a push but for now WWE needs to stop bringing rookies. As for old guys like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. I think its time for them to leave the ring and no coming back



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#17 Dark_Hylian8
Member since 2005 • 6711 Posts

What is Wrong with the WWE? Well first off, the money wasted on the diva search while the wwe is firing the talent. Another big factor with the wwe's ratings destructions is the repetetive storylines and JBL's title reign. The StoryLines are the same we have seen over and over again, and its with the same wrestlers.This makes the PPV's terrible also. The Eddie/Rey storyline is long overdone and it sounds like it JUST ended. JBL's title reign which was the longest WWE title reign in over a decade was the most annoying thing to see on Smackdown!. The constant cheating to retain the title was really REALLY annoying and boring. He defeated the Undertaker twice due to Heidenreich's interference.

Another reason IMO is the mediocre high-carders. You know. John Cena, Batista, Carlito. They IMHO can't wrestle worth S**** and all they do is punch. Since when is punching and stomping Wrestling? all i see are back breaker, suplexes, slaps, and clotheslines. A Word of Advice. Get Jeff Hardy, bring in the wrestlers from OVW, FIRE JBL and Orlando Jordan, who is just a weak wrestler who is being destroyed even more by Chris Benoit.

Another word of advice, fire the writers, and hire teenagers. For example, The_Dude and Link256, guys who know wrestling and can own any wrestler in storylines and wrestling knowledge. To sum it all up, tell Vince hes killing his company from the inside.

More Ladder, Cage, HIAC, Elim Chamber matches are needed, along with other stipulations added to the match. This makes the match more exciting and makes the fan have all the attention to the match. also release the legends and bring in the talent from OVW and backstage.

Why the WWE is good:

They somehow bring in alot of fans at PPVs and house shows, which means they are doing something right.

Firing the talentless superstars.

bringing back Matt Hardy

Taking HHH off the air and every Main Event

JBL's loss at WrestleMania 21

Thats my entry to the Mod Search.

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#18 Pack_Man
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Shall I remove myself since I've been promoted?
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#19 shoot_em_up123
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Shall I remove myself since I've been promoted?Pack_Man

I would imagine so.

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#20 hbk91
Member since 2004 • 30874 Posts

[QUOTE="Pack_Man"]Shall I remove myself since I've been promoted?shoot_em_up123

I would imagine so.

I'll be refreshing the participants when the week is over.
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#21 DaffyDuck13
Member since 2004 • 1617 Posts


1) Keeping Cena the champ this long Time!

2) Firing so many Stars For Brock Lesner and He never came back

3) HBK is Not The WWE Champ

4) Taker is getting screwed every Time at an orld Title Match

5) Rey Mysterio and Eddie Keep Fighting

6) Smackdown had Fired to much Diva and That guy frm The Network is a Big Jerk!

Against Falling

1) They are milking Cena's rapping career for all its worth

2) There are Plenty of WWE fans

3) The Matt Hardy Having Done The Move of the Stage to Edge which could have killed them Both.

4) Having Hogan beat HBK

VOTE FOR ME!! Those are my Falling and Againist Falling Thoughts

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#22 hbk91
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Bump for those who haven't already done challenge 2.

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#23 hbk91
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Officers PM me your votes on who should be evicted!
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#24 hbk91
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Updated Officer Search Particpants:

1.) Dark_Hylian8
2.) seve15
3.) DaffyDuck13
4.) NoRemorse13
9.) oreoshane
10.) mja2k3
11.) reyrey11
12.) MiJV
13.) shoot_em_up123
14.) Dark_NoobSaibot

- - -

Start PM'ing me on who should be evicted this week Officers!

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#25 hbk91
Member since 2004 • 30874 Posts

So far I got three votes.

Those three votes are currently for one user.

Keep PM'ing me your votes fellow officers.

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#26 Shadows_Fury
Member since 2005 • 2983 Posts
this on second page just movin it forward...and i'm back yay...:|
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#27 hbk91
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Results and new week is up.


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#28 Pack_Man
Member since 2005 • 9724 Posts
I think I'll lock this for you hbk91, on a different note. Good Luck everyone! :wink: