Working Title (Fiction)

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#1 FreyarHunter
Member since 2003 • 2098 Posts
Title: Working Title

Author: FreyarHunter

Characters (Current):
Freyar Shinrunai

((Author Notes: A character I created in 1999. Originally a creation of my own prior to when "Inuyasha" became popular/aired in the United States. Sadly, a lot of people generally equate this character to the said show which is causing me to consider re-writing a new one. This is mainly just a test of the waters to see if I've got some interest in this type of storyline, or whether I should scrap it as a whole. I understand that it isn't as captivating as it should be, but it will get more interesting if there is enough demand. Criticism is welcome, but please don't turn this into a debate. My habits end up with me debating back and the thread would definitely get off topic. Working title currently, will be updated when I've found one.))

"Freyar Shinrunai... That's a name I havn't heard in a long time," a rather thin man said into his glass. "It's amazing that I'm still hearing it what with the turn of the century. How did you actually hear about him?" I looked away, not really wanting to yield that information to a drunkard at a bar. "Don't worry about it, I can tell you aren't really wantin' to tell me. Information should go both ways you know, however I guess I'll take another drink in payment." With that I nodded, raising a hand to beckon someone in service closer to get the order in. The said worker moved off to fulfill the order as I waited for the drunkard to tell me what he knew. "Believe it or not, I've actually seen the creature. He's half man, half wolf... aside from when he's in some sort of trouble.."


An arrow shot past his head as Freyar ran across the plains, taking a moment to look at the mortal humans behind him. Although they weren't too much of a challenge, the combination of fighting the various demons that hunted for his weapon, and the various mortal militias that saw his existence as a plague on the world, his strength and stamina were slowly being sapped from him. His ears lifted as he waited for the sound of the wooden bows the militia had to creak in complaint as another arrow was notched in a set of four, his eyes shifting to the side as the expected sound didn't occur. He slowed his movement for a moment to take a look behind him and let out a small sigh of relief as the militia seemed to lose interest in his presence.

The wolf narrowed his eyes as he slowed to a walk, his Kimono white in base, laced with blue, started to fall back in place. The chest of the beast heaved slightly as he took a moment to regain his stamina. He watched the militia as they returned to their post, shaking his head as he mentally reprimanded himself for getting so close to a mortal settlement. Freyar turned back away from the walled town, and headed towards a small forest in the middle of the plains. Although Freyar may be a creature that wasn't human, and considered beast by most mortals, he still resided as a mortal inside this forest.

He made his way to the forest, his ears perked for the slightest sound as he approached his home. Shadows from the canopies fell over his mule-grey fur, the fibers bristling for a moment with the change of the temperature. He felt himself smile as he moved into his rather tranquil home. The sounds of various animals, and the sights of various flora flooded his scenses, almost threatening to drop him there with his exhaustion. The canine shook his head slowly side ot side as if to tell the forest that he had other plans and slowly bent towards the dirt. He placed his left paw on the hilt of his weapon, to secure it before he released the energy he had casually stored in his legs, straightening them nearly instantly, the world falling from him. He smiled as the air resistance reminded him of his existence, as he gained altitude. He took a moment to examine the area in case of any trespassers and found nothing to alert him. Freyar easily landed on the carved deck to his home, a small shelter built near the tops of the trees.

The little home was almost completely bare save for a single bed in a corner, and a roof to keep him dry while it rained. The canine slowly took a few steps towards his bed, feeling the need for sleep growing on him. He yawned, and placed himself on the soft material his eyes closed as he fell asleep instantly, a skill he had developed after so many years. His senses, although he was sleeping were still listening, smelling, feeling the area around him, in case a warning was needed to yank the demon from his sleep.

"What the hell do you mean?!" A younger-looking Freyar yelled at another individual, his fur was bristled as the other individual turned about, feline in nature. The feline shook his head, "Calm down.. I just did some blood tests, and comparisons.." The feline pressed his glasses up onto his face as he read the report, "These indicate that you are half-mortal." The canine felt his eyes drop for a moment as he thought about it, his stance still rigid with disbelief. Freyar's breathing slowed as he continued to think it over, his eyes slowly returning to his friend, "Tushen... You're serious are you..?" The feline nodded, "That I am Freyar, it's been a long time since I have seen another one with even remotely similar blood." The scene started to grow white, washing out the two figures.


The wolf opened his eyes for a moment, taking only a moment to blink his sleep away as he slowly pulled himself up to his feet, his ears flickering. The scene was pleasantly dark compared to before the sun having set to the west. The sounds of crickets invaded his ears, the sound pleasant and relaxing. Instantly, the creature placed a hand on the hilt of his weapon, growling as he spread his stance. There was someone near, however the only indication was a small broken branch that pierced even the loud, but tranquil sounds of the forest. The cautious Freyar slowly made his way to the edge of his home, looking down at first his eyesight relatively poor compared to sense of hearing and smell. He took a moment and pinpointed where the intruder happened to be.

Taking a moment to analyze the situation, he learned that the intruder was unaware of his current status. Using this to his advantage, he stealthily moved off into the trees, jumping to another only when there was another disturbance from another animal, maneuvering behind. Waiting a few moments afterwards he dropped from his perch, landing with a loud impact, causing the intruder to jump as he slowly turned about to learn what had made itself known. Freyar felt a little more relieved as he found that it was only a trader, trying to take a shortcut to another city. The half-demon crossed his arms after relaxing his stance looking at the trader with a neutral gaze.

The trader fell back onto his haunches letting out a surprised yelp. He took a few crab-steps away from Freyar, his eyes slightly widened, "L-Look, I don't have much but.. take it, just don't hurt me!" The wolf took in a breath before pointing behind the trader, "Go that way, and don't come back here." With that the half-demon jumped back up into the trees, the trader having trouble keeping up with his speed. The man rolled quickly, using his hands to push him up before breaking into a sprint to get out of the forest. He knew what happened to militia, and even though the rumors were that the "thing" that lived in that forest wouldn't hurt innocent people, it was still unnerving to be suck up on.

Freyar watched carefully, sensing the intruder's sprint, nodding slightly in reassurance that he wouldn't return. Tilting his head upwards, getting a glimpse of the moon through the canopy of the forest he let out a sigh. While he was no longer tired, and felt perfectly fine, he knew that he felt rather bored. He pulled his head back for a second as soon as the realization hit him. 'Why am I bored? How can I be?' he asked himself, as he scratched his chin gently. Slowly, he made his way down to the forest floor turning for the closest city.

Despite the fact that this city was sadly, the main city with militia deaths by his own hands, he still visited occasionally. Making short hops in between a few steps he found himself at one of the city's walls rather quickly. His ears perked as he listened for the footsteps of the patrolling guards. Once he was sure that they had turned away, he made an easy leap over the wall, landing on the other side in an alleyway. Quickly, he made his way into another alley, blocking his view to the city walls. The wolf relaxed, rolling his shoulders before slowly making his way to the street. Despite the commotion of someone trying to enter at night, it wasn't against any law to be out on the street inside. On top of that, with the relative light sources only being torches a few guards carried, and the lights from a very small number of homes, he was sure that he would be safe.

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#2 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
It is a good start, I find it interesting. In no way should you scrap this. You have a solid base of a solid story. I look forward to reading more. Good Luck to you in your quest to turn this solid base into an awsome story. Lates Mate.
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#3 FreyarHunter
Member since 2003 • 2098 Posts
Added 3 Paragraphs
Considering Title
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#4 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
Looks awsome .. can't wait for you to add more.
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#5 irmeleeman5995
Member since 2005 • 2484 Posts
I liked it before, and with three more paragraphs I want more!
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#6 Platyphyllum
Member since 2005 • 8105 Posts
That's a pretty good start! It's gotten me quite interested!
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#7 FreyarHunter
Member since 2003 • 2098 Posts
Updated: 2 more paragraphs No Title
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#8 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
[QUOTE="FreyarHunter"]Updated: 2 more paragraphs No Title

Sweet. Its looking really good. Add more soon :)
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#9 FreyarHunter
Member since 2003 • 2098 Posts

Updated: Nov 13, 2007

3 Paragraphs, Still no Title

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#10 Foolz3h
Member since 2006 • 23739 Posts
Liking it so far. :)

More please!
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#11 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
Yay! Welcome back and finish this soon :)