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#1 HyperMetaDragon
Member since 2006 • 5345 Posts
As most of your probably don't know, I speak both English and French, English being my first language. Here's a poem of my trumpet that I made during french class. Took me hour-long classes and lunchtime to finish it. Note: I don't actually love my trumpet this much. :P

La trompette, c’est le paradis…c’est la seule place du monde…
La seule place qui m’aide à atteindre la concorde…

La seule place qui me libère des problèmes réels…

Mon amie, la trompette…elle m’enfuit du monde actuel.

Une lumière apparaît et éclaire le théâtre.
Les papillons flottent dans mon estomac.
Le bruit éclate; c’est tellement criard.

Les réactions incompréhensibles commencent le babillard.

Terrifié, apeuré, choqué, nerveux;
Effrayé, timide, inquiet, affreux.
Les émotions qui coulent dans mon sang malaisé,
Sont fixement immobilisé comme la colle sur le papier.

La musique commence et s’infiltre mes oreilles.
La musique m’apparaît comme le bruit d’une abeille.

Puis, j’ai réalisé que la musique n’était pas pure,

Et j’ai quitté l’estrade, sans murmure.

La musique pour moi, n’est pure que je suis isolé.
La musique, c’est le bruit quand je suis accommodé.

Toujours, la trompette sera accalmie,

Toujours, la trompette sera mon amie.


The trumpet is paradise...it's the only place in the world...
The only place that helps me achieve peace...
The only place that frees me from my real problems...
My friend, my trumpet...it helps me flee from the actual world.

A light appears and lights up the stage.
Butterflies fly in my stomach.
Noise arouses; it's very insistent.
The incomprehensible reactions start some talk.

Terrified, frightened, shocked, nervous;
Scared, shy, impatient, frightful.
The emotions that flow in my thick bloodstream
Are fixedly stuck like glue on paper.

The music starts and infiltrates my ears.
I hear the music like a noise from a bee.
Then, I realized that the music was not pure,
And I left the stage, without a murmure.

Music for me, is only pure when I am isolated.
Music is noise when I am accommodated.
Forever, my trumpet will be my peace;
Always, my trumpet will be my friend.

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#2 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
... you really love that trumpet ... :shock: ... thats just ... wow ... its a good poem, I really liked it. You should post the translation, cause unless you speak French ... which I doubt is more than you and me ... maybe another person ... but if you lack the knowledge of French you won't understand this and its meaning will be lost on you ...
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#3 HyperMetaDragon
Member since 2006 • 5345 Posts
Translated. :D