OUCH...Top 10 stolen Exclusives list...it hurts :( -(56k)

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#1 Angakua
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Gamesradar has put up a list of the top ten stolen exclusives that shoced gaming and changed it too...

Stolen from: Nintendo
Stolen by: Sony

What happened? Square Enix's decision to make Final Fantasy XIII multiplatformis nowhere near as shocking as what it did to the series in 1996. Back then, publisher Square was close to Nintendo - so close, in fact, that the two companies partnered to create Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, still regarded as one of the best RPGs of its era. Square's flagship series, Final Fantasy, had been given its start on Nintendo's NES, and the franchise had delivered two extremely successful games (three in Japan) to the Super NES.

Above: Final Fantasy VII? In the minds of many Nintendo fans circa 1995, yes

Then, at the 1995 ACM SIGGRAPH convention in Los Angeles, Square unveiled its now-infamous Final Fantasy SGI Demo. Featuring three Final Fantasy VI characters and fully interactive, the demo led many fans and journalists to assume it was a demo for a Nintendo 64 Final Fantasy game, and that assumption became widely regarded as hard fact.

In actuality, as FF creator Hironobu Sakaguchi later said in an interview with PlayStation Underground, the SGI demo was "an experiment" meant to show what a 3D RPG could look like. There had never been concrete plans to create a Final Fantasy VII for the N64, Sakaguchi said, and if anything, creating the SGI Demo was part of what convinced the FF team that their vision couldn't be accomplished with Nintendo's hardware.

Above: Oh, what might have been

Despite Sakaguchi's intentions, however, Nintendo fans were already salivating over the idea of an N64 Final Fantasy, which - given the demo and the relationship between Square and Nintendo - already seemed like a sure thing. That's why it came as a huge shock when, in January of 1996, Square announced that Final Fantasy VII would be made for Sony's then-new PlayStation.

Short-term effects: The fallout between Square and Nintendo was immediate, bitter and so severe that Nintendo effectively barred Square from making another game for its consoles until 2002. Nintendo fans weren't happy, either, and accusations flew that Sony had stolen the series with some shady backroom deal, or that Square had betrayed Nintendo outright by turning what had been an N64 juggernaut into a PlayStation exclusive.

Eventually, however, most of them got over their nerd rage, overcame their console loyalties and bought PlayStations, and Final Fantasy VII became the series' most beloved entry to date.

Above: According to Square, this justcouldn't be done on the N64

Long-term effects: Eight games after FF VII, the core Final Fantasy series and its spinoffs have become even more closely identified with the PlayStation brand than they had been with Nintendo. The PlayStation's popularity has helped make FF one of the most successful franchises in videogame history, which is part of why it came as such a surprise when, at E3 2008, Square announced that the formerly PS3-exclusive FF XIII would appear on Xbox 360 as well.

Strangely, the fallout hasn't been as bad this time.

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#2 Angakua
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Stolen from: Sony
Stolen by: Microsoft

What happened? True, Grand Theft Auto IV was never actually announced as a PlayStation 3 exclusive. In fact, the first we heard of it was during Microsoft's E3 2006 press conference, when then-Xbox chief Peter Moore rolled up his left sleeve to reveal a (presumably fake) tattoo of GTA IV's logo.

But in the minds of PlayStation fans prior to that announcement, GTA was and always would be a PlayStation series. Oh, sure, the earlier versions had all eventually crossed over to the Xbox and PC, but that was ages after they'd already made their splash on the PS2. To these fans, Moore's assertion that the game would appear on the 360 at the same time as - if not before - the PS3 was a shock. It was also the first faint hint that the PS3 might not rule this console generation like it did the previous two.

Above: Why, Rockstar? Whyyyyyy? (Answer: Money)

Of course, the real "theft" here wasn't that the game was going multiplatform - it was that the 360 version would get exclusive, downloadable content that the PS3 wouldn't. At first, many fans just sort of assumed this meant the PS3 would be getting its own exclusive content, but that hope fell away when we asked Rockstar's then-spokesman, Hosi Simon, whether PS3 owners would get anything to compensate.

"Not that I can think of," Simon said, adding, "I guess if you want the complete experience with the episodes, then yeah, you should buy the 360, I suppose."

Above: An incomplete experience?

Short-term effects: Not as drastic as you might think. In spite of the promise of absolutely no add-on content to extend the game's story, the PS3 version of the game still claimed 40 percent of GTA IV's ridiculous first-week sales. Had things gone differently, though, it's extremely likely that the PS3 would be the No. 2 console in America right now. You know, after the Wii.

Long-term effects: It's too early to tell - for all we know, the DLC might suck, or the deal to keep it 360-exclusive might turn out to be time-limited, like the PS2 exclusivity deals were for GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas. Alternately, the DLC might be so awesome that it spurs 360 sales even more. We won't know for sure until 2009.

Stolen from: Nintendo
Stolen by: Sony

What happened? Third-party support for the GameCube never seemed stronger than it did on Nov. 13, 2002, when publisher Capcom announced five games exclusively for Nintendo's console. Overseen by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami, the five games included P.N.03, Viewtiful Joe, Killer7, Dead Phoenix and - most significantly - Resident Evil 4.

Above: Killer7, Resident Evil 4 and Viewtiful Joe - The Three That Left

Only a few months later, Capcom backpedaled a little, announcing that - of the five games - only Resident Evil 4 would be a definite Cube exclusive. In fact, the only game that stayed exclusive was P.N.03 - and that might have had something to do with its critical and commercial failure. Meanwhile, Dead Phoenix was canceled outright, Viewtiful Joe stayed exclusive for nearly a year before an expanded PS2 version hit stores and Killer7 shipped simultaneously with its PS2 counterpart.

Somehow, though, the only one that really felt like a betrayal to Nintendo fans was Resident Evil 4. When it stomped onto the Cube in January 2005, it seemed like nothing less than the system's savior. It was arguably the best-looking game of the last console generation, and it redefined both the survival horror and third-person shooter genres. Of course, by that point everyone knew it wasn't going to last - after months of insisting the game would be exclusive to the GameCube, Capcom finally admitted in October 2004, that yes, it would make its way to the PS2 eventually. And it did, nine months after hitting the Cube, complete with extra modes, weapons and costumes to make up for the wait. And noticeably inferior visuals, but nobody seemed to mind.

Above: This gun looks so much cooler than anything on the GameCube

Short-term effects: Resident Evil 4 proved to be the GameCube's last great third-party game. It sold extremely well for a Cube title, clearing about 1,600,000 copies, although it probably would have sold even better if Capcom hadn't announced the PS2 edition (which sold over two million copies) months before it came out. Viewtiful Joe and Killer7, meanwhile, failed to attract anything much bigger than a devoted cult audience on either platform.

Long-term effects: The Cube is dead and the PS2 is still amazingly strong for a console that's been obsolete for like three years. Coincidence?Yeah, probably.

Stolen from: Nintendo
Stolen by: Sega

What happened? These two games, both released by Konami in 1994, were never actually intended for Nintendo fans. In fact, they were specifically geared toward Sega's audience - Contra: Hard Corps had a dark, ultra-macho, strictly-for-tough-masochists image, and Bloodlines was the first US Castlevania release to feature visible blood effects. Both, however, were outcroppings of franchises that had made their names and built their audiences on Nintendo platforms, and the idea of missing out on them made Nintendo fans seethe.

Yes, it's easy to look at them as whiners now, but if you were a kid in that era, odds are you could only afford one machine or the other (much like kids in this era). Anything that showed up on a console you didn't own was effectively barred to you. Maybe you had a friend who had it, but good luck convincing him or her to give up the controller and let you play.

Above: Oh my god, you guys, finally!A cool werewolf is fighting aliens!

So if you didn't own a Genesis in 1994, you had to sit there and watch as your friends got to play what looked like the most awesome Contra ever. Yes, the SNES' Contra III: The Alien Wars is remembered as a better game, but Hard Corps let you play not only as one of the usual gun-toting commandos, but also as a woman, a robot or a goddamn werewolf.

Meanwhile, Bloodlines - while nowhere near as technically impressive as Super Castlevania IV on the SNES - was a dark, gritty new chapter in the series that actually tied in (however loosely) with Bram Stoker's Dracula novel. More than that, it enabled you to play not only as a whip-cracking Belmont descendant, but also as his spear-toting buddy, Eric Lecarde. Unless you owned an SNES, in which case you were **** out of luck.

Above: Oh, man, look at that blood! TOO BAD IT'LL NEVERBE ON NINTENDO

Short-term effects: A whole lot of Nintendo fans who were pissed that their years of loyalty were being rewarded with games they couldn't play. Also, a lot of Genesis owners who got to play their very own badass installments of two beloved, formerly kid-friendly franchises.

Long-term effects: Growing up with forbidden fruit like this is part of what fueled the console-emulator boom of the late '90s, and the nostalgia-fueled retro-gaming movement that followed right behind it.

Stolen from: Sony
Stolen by: Microsoft

What happened? We didn't really understand how bitter and ridiculous the current console war had become until March 19, 2007, when Devil May Cry 4 was announced for the 360. Like GTA IV, this wasn't a case of "theft" so much as it was of the game going multi-platform - but you wouldn't know it from the way the PS3 fans howled.

Following the announcement, some dedicated PS3 fans began a petition, threatening to boycott the game unless Capcom reversed its decision and made the game a PS3 exclusive again. Even though the PS3 version was still a go, the petition's creators complained that they felt "very left out." The petition drive was at first regarded with derision and amusement by less rabid fans, but it gained enough momentum to prompt Capcom's Christian Svensson to issue the following response to the company's forums (which has since been deleted):

"We are certainly moved that people are so passionate about our products that they would go to such extremes," Svensson wrote. "At the same time we feel that allowing more people access to our content pleases far more people than it displeases (after all, we're not denying DMC4 to anyone that was already going to get it). It really is the best decision for the company and for consumers."

Above: Yep, still plays about the same

In the end, it seems, the petitioners didn't hold much sway over the buying audience. DMC4 was released in February to strong sales, and as of May 2008, both versions of the game have sold a combined 2.3 million copies. And despite fan complaints that the 360 edition would be inferior, both turned out to be largely identical

Oh, except for that 22-minute installation the first time you play the PS3 version, of course.

Short-term effects: Other than demonstrating that console fanboys are more touchy than ever, Capcom's decision to make DMC4 a multiplatform release showed that - in spite of being largely ignored by gamers in Japan - the 360 is being taken seriously by Japanese developers.

Long-term effects: Since the release of Devil May Cry 4, more and more games from Japan - where the 360 is mostly ignored - have either gone multiplatform, or have been produced exclusively for the 360. Examples include Ninja Gaiden II, Lost Odyssey and - of course - Final Fantasy XIII.

Stolen from: Apple
Stolen by: Microsoft

What happened? Developer Bungie is closely tied with Microsoft and Halo in the public's mind now, but it wasn't always that way. Before Microsoft bought them in 2000, Bungie was THE developer of Macintosh games, cranking out then-popular titles including Marathon, Pathways into Darkness and the Myth series (and, to a lesser extent, Oni). No other developer seemed more dedicated to the Mac as a gaming platform.

Above: The first official Halo screenshot, taken on a Mac

At the Macworld Expo in 1999, Bungie took the stage during Apple CEO Steve Jobs' keynote speech to introduce an action game it was working on called Halo. What came next was - for the time - nothing short of amazing. Spartans and Covenant Elites clashed in spaceship corridors and huge, open landscapes, freely hopping in and out of vehicles. At a time when the then-unreleased Quake III was considered the pinnacle of action gaming, Halo's promise of wide-open possibility was jaw-dropping. For the first time, Mac gamers had something they could hold over the heads of their PC-owning friends, and it looked incredible.

That was, of course, until Microsoft took notice of it. In 2000, the Redmond giant acquired Bungie, and the hopes of Mac gamers were toast. The game was retooled into a first-person shooter and squirreled away until November 2001, when it was released as an exclusive launch title for Microsoft's Xbox console.

Short-term effects: For many (who'd apparently missed GoldenEye 007 four years earlier), Halo was the first proof that quality first-person shooters could be done on a console. Released in 2001, Halo became the centerpiece of the Xbox's launch, almost single-handedly ensured the system's success at retail and continued to command a high price for years after its release. Predictably, a lot of expectant fans griped loudly, but eventually bought Xboxes anyway.

Above: Not quite what we'd been led to expect

Apple, which had recently taken an interest in supporting game development, went back to mostly ignoring the medium, and Mac gamers went back to being treated like second-****citizens by all but a handful of publishers. Eventually, Halo did come to the Mac - but it didn't happen until 2003, and by most accounts it was just OK.

Long-term effects: What? You all know this story already - especially those of you with the goddamn Master Chief helmets sitting on your shelves. Halo became one of the most popular series in the history of gaming, and helped the Xbox carve out its niche as the system of choice for frat boys and burly-minded shooter fans. Master Chief became the console's - and, to a certain extent, Microsoft's - mascot, and people without Xboxes continue to deride the series as the most banal thing ever.

Stolen from: Consoles
Stolen by: Handhelds

What happened? Dragon Quest is, and has always been, one of the most popular game series in Japan (if not the most popular). And as one of Japan's most popular series, it tends to live on Japan's most popular console. The NES, SNES, PSone and PS2 have all been called home by Dragon Quest games, and all of them topped Japanese sales charts in their heyday. After the series followed the same Nintendo-then-Sony pattern as Final Fantasy, however, it seemed like a sure bet that the next DQ would be a PlayStation 3 exclusive - or at least a Wii exclusive - that would stomp the likes of Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata.

Above: Wait, what?

What we didn't take into account was that roughly eight billion percent of Japan's population owns a Nintendo DS, and that Square Enix's main goal is to get Dragon Quest into the hands of as many people as possible. So it shouldn't have really come as a surprise when - during a December 2006 press conference - publisher Square Enix revealed that Dragon Quest IX would appear exclusively on the two-screen handheld.

Short-term effects: Even in the US, where DQ games enjoy middling popularity at best, the decision to make the next, full-fledged Dragon Quest game would appear on the DS raised some eyebrows. We're used to the idea of spinoffs of console titles showing up on handhelds, but a full-fledged sequel? Shouldn't that be on a "real" console?

Above: Really?

And that's what Dragon Quest IX has done - it's made us realize that handhelds have advanced to the point where they can be considered direct competitors to bulky, TV-bound machines. They're not toys anymore, they're not peripheral to the experience of playing consoles at home - for millions of people, theyare the consoles. Who needs a bulky, $400 DVD-playing box when you can have a similar experience with a tiny, self-contained portable machine? Not Dragon Quest fans, apparently.

Long-term effects: It's too early to say, because the game isn't actually out in Japan as of this writing. But it's a safe guess that, unless the game turns out lousy, DQ IX will only cement the DS' position as the world's dominant game machine.

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#3 Angakua
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Stolen from: Nintendo
Stolen by: Sega

What happened? Street Fighter II's massive arcade popularity turned into a huge boost for Nintendo in July, 1992, when publisher Capcom brought the game exclusively to the SNES. At a time when Sega was gaining ground in the vicious 16-bit console was, Street Fighter II gave Nintendo its first huge hit, selling millions of copies and giving it its first real edge over the Genesis/Mega Drive. A year later, Street Fighter II Turbo arrived on the system, leaving many fans to wonder why the earlier arcade enhancement - Champion Edition - had been passed over entirely.

They got their answer two months later, when Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition came to the Genesis. Essentially identical to Turbo, it packed in a few additional modes and features, as well as introducing Genesis players to the joys of a six-button controller. More significantly, it meant that the advantage the SNES had enjoyed as the only console with Street Fighter II was over.

Short-term effects: Naturally, Nintendo fans were incensed - until they actually played the game, and realized that the fugly graphics and horrible sound (most of the voice samples were fuzzier and more robotic than aSpeak & Spell) made Special Champion Edition a poor cousin to the awesome game they'd been playing. The gameplay was all there, of course, but presentation-wise, it didn't really compare.

At top: SFII Special Champion Edition on Genesis. At bottom: SFII Turbo on SNES

Even so, Special Champion Edition came out two weeks after the Genesis edition of Mortal Kombat - the one that retained the arcade game's blood and gore, which was censored on the Nintendo release. Those two releases, coming almost back to back, briefly turned Sega's machine into a perceived Mecca for fighting-game fans - at least until Super Street Fighter II came out simultaneously on both systems, and was mostly ignored on the Genesis.

Long-term effects: In the end, Special Champion Edition didn't make much of a difference. According to Capcom's own figures, the game sold just under 1.7 million copies, which sounds impressive until you consider that the SNES SFII and SFII Turbo ended up selling a combined 10.4 million worldwide.

Stolen from: Sega
Stolen by: Microsoft (and Sega)

What happened? Prior to Grand Theft Auto III, Shenmue was one of the biggest, freest, most expensive-looking adventures ever attempted on a console. Following the story of Ryo Hazuki, a young martial artist out to avenge the death of his father in 1980s Japan, the game expertly blended seamless exploration with Virtua Fighter-****karate throwdowns and soon-to-be-standard quicktime events. It almost instantly became the darling of Dreamcast owners in spite of its inane side-quests and goofy dialogue - but for all that love, the game didn't make a whole lot of its money back.

Above: Keep on chasing that sunset, Ryo

Undeterred, its developers at Sega's AM2 studio went to work on a sequel that would be even bigger and prettier than the original. Shenmue II was slated to be released in late 2001, and after the Dreamcast's early demise in March of that year, saddened fans looked to Shenmue II as their console's glorious swan song.

But it never happened that way. In October 2001, shortly after the game's Japanese launch, Sega announced that - while it would be translated and released in Europe - Shenmue II would never see the light of day on American Dreamcasts. Instead, exclusive rights to the game had been snapped up by Microsoft, which would publish Shenmue II as an Xbox exclusive a year later. Effectively, Sega "stole" the game from itself.

Above: If we have to tussle with thugs, we guess we'd prefer '80s thugs

Short-term effects: By the time October 2002 finally rolled around, few gamers really seemed to care about Shenmue anymore, partly because GTA III and Silent Hill 2 had rewritten the book on free-roaming adventure by that point. Many who did care found themselves frustrated by the game's slow pace, crappy controls and stiff voice acting. By coming out a year later than it was supposed to, a game that might have found a small but enthusiastic audience on the Dreamcast instead sank into Xbox obscurity - ironic, considering that the move to Microsoft's console was meant in part to give the game a bigger audience.

Long-term effects: Six years after Shenmue II's release, Sega still has no plans for a Shenmue III. Ryo's quest for his father's killer will likely never be resolved, and Dreamcast fans will never get the closure they hoped for. Or at least, the ones who still care (and yes, we know you're out there!)won't.

Stolen from: Nintendo
Stolen by: Microsoft

What happened? In the '90s, Nintendo's partnership with Rare was one of the best things ever to happen to the console giant. Rare was responsible for creating some of the biggest and best hits on the SNES and N64, including Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, Banjo-Kazooie, the legendary GoldenEye 007 and the legendarily foul Conker's Bad Fur Day. For a while, many gamers considered the company's games to be second only to those produced by Nintendo's own Shigeru Miyamoto.


In 2002, however, Rare made its last major game for a Nintendo console, Star Fox Adventures. Around the time of the game's release, Rare founders Tim and Chris Stamper sold their stake in the company to Microsoft, with Nintendo following soon after. For $377 million, Microsoft bought the goose that had been laying Nintendo's golden eggs - and with it, the franchises and characters that Rare had created for Nintendo.

Short-term effects: Nintendo fans who'd grown to love Rare's games were a little upset, although everyone else at the time seemed distracted by the news that the doomed StarCraft: Ghost wouldn't appear on PCs (which was somewhat less upsetting than its eventual failure to appear on anything).

Above: Perfect Dark Meh

However, it quickly started to look as though Microsoft might have gotten a raw deal. Grabbed by the Ghoulies, a 2003 game aimed at kids, was the first game to come out of the Rare-Microsoft partnership - and after its middling scores, industry-watchers began to suspect something was up. Rare's next Xbox effort, Conker: Live and Reloaded, was extremely pretty and featured a kickass multiplayer game, but nevertheless demonstrated just how dated and puerile the original Conker's Bad Fur Day looked in a post-GTA III world.

Then came the Xbox 360 launch and, with it, two games from Rare: Perfect Dark Zero, a prequel to the ****c N64 shooter, and a project originally intended for the GameCube: Kameo: Elements of Power. Both were OK at best.

Long-term effects: After Kameo and Perfect Dark, Rare clawed its way back up to respectability with Viva Piñata, which managed to be a mostly excellent game despite the massive promotional blitz and awful cartoon that accompanied it.

The company is now poised to reinvent the Banjo series with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, which trades obsessive item-hoarding for the ability to freely build working machines out of whatever junk is lying around. Due out late this year, it's a cool idea, although it's pretty clear that Rare's glory days are over. (Unless they bring out another Battletoads game, that is.)


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#4 lordxymor
Member since 2004 • 2438 Posts

GTA has always been a PC franchise. And DMC has been on the PC for at least 2 iterations before DMC4.

FF7 and several other 'exclusives' were also on the PC.

This list is full of holes.

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#5 MGSFan92
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Hey this is pretty good! I love their top 10 of whatever, it's just entertaining!
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#6 yellowandmushy
Member since 2006 • 2095 Posts

GTA has always been a PC franchise. And DMC has been on the PC for at least 2 iterations before DMC4.

FF7 and several other 'exclusives' were also on the PC.

This list is full of holes.

Not really.
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#7 110million
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I should have stopped at "Gamesradar" since it made sense that the list had a lot of flaws, also, I do believe fact/link topics are not allowed. Some parts of the list are alright, but some of it, is just not true.
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#8 Saturos3091
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A good amount of those games caused some damage to the opposition in their time. Pretty entertaining read and mostly agreeable list, nice find! :D
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#9 diped
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Battle toads games weren't that good, it would be dissapointing if rare made any more, and it would only make them appear much, much worse as a developer.
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#10 hiphops_savior
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An awful lot of franchises are stolen from the Big N. Kinda makes you wonder why Nintendo have such a chronic problem with their 3rd Party Support.
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#11 MikeE21286
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surprised that final fantasy didn't make it up there twice.
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#12 deactivated-5dd711115e664
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It is tough to say Shenmue and Rare were ever stolen. Sega was already dead as a console so they had nothing to lose. Plus it is a SEGA game and I don't see how you can steal your own game.

Rare wasn't stolen either. Nintendo didn't even bother making an offer to keep them. Nintendo let them go. And honestly, speaking as someone who was never a big Rare fan...I think MS bought a real lemon when they bought Rare.

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#13 AlphaGamer469
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I have to disagree with Street Fighter 2. At the time of release, it was the hottest game in the world and I don't see why it was wrong for the Genesis to get a port. It cause Sega to finally release a 6 button controller that had an actual easier layout to play the game then the SNES controller and even though the graphjics and sounds were inferior, the Sega version was faster and rumored to be the prefered version of the SFII junkie...
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#14 InfinityTomorro
Member since 2004 • 871 Posts

GTA has always been a PC franchise. And DMC has been on the PC for at least 2 iterations before DMC4.

FF7 and several other 'exclusives' were also on the PC.

This list is full of holes.


wait, what?

I remember GTA being on the Playstation first and Devil May Cry on PS2.

And the crock about FF7 on PC? I remember that but dont make me laugh.

Your hermit logic is full of holes

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#15 foxhound_fox
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Devil May Cry 4 rocks my face inside and out.
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#16 HarlockJC
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I was expecting Monster Rancher 3 to be on that list.
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#17 gmastersexay
Member since 2003 • 3831 Posts

GTA has always been a PC franchise. And DMC has been on the PC for at least 2 iterations before DMC4.

FF7 and several other 'exclusives' were also on the PC.

This list is full of holes.


wait, what?

I remember GTA being on the Playstation first and Devil May Cry on PS2.

And the crock about FF7 on PC? I remember that but dont make me laugh.

Your hermit logic is full of holes

The original GTA was released on the PC 5 months before the PS version. DMC3 went to the PC so he is off by one.

FFVII, FFVIII, FFXI were all released on the PC. Look it up.

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#18 kenshinhimura16
Member since 2005 • 7009 Posts

GTA has always been a PC franchise. And DMC has been on the PC for at least 2 iterations before DMC4.

FF7 and several other 'exclusives' were also on the PC.

This list is full of holes.


Apparently PC is not counted. Final Fantasy VII and VIII were on PC, DMC 3 SE was on PC, RE 1, 2 were also on the N64, RE 3 was on the NGC, the RE franchise jumped from Sony to Nintendo to Sega (Veronica) to Nintendo back to Sony and now to MS and Sony and Nintendo at the same time. There are many "stolen" exclusives. Im glad actually that DMC 4 was multi, though back in the day I was pissed since it is one of my fav franchises, it helped the game to get back on its feet after the dissaster (in sales) that DMC 3 was with barely 1.5 mill copies sold which thanks to the mp release of DMC 4 turned to almost 4 mill copies now :D

MGS 1 was on PC, and MGS 2 was on the XBX, as well as the other GTAs were also on the XBX and PC. There are not that many exclusive franchises anymore, unless they are first/second party. People needs to start realising that in the future the decision will be made by "Stronger Hardware and stronger 1st 2nd party support" and not by 3rd party support anymore.

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#19 gmastersexay
Member since 2003 • 3831 Posts

I was expecting Monster Rancher 3 to be on that list. HarlockJC

I think you mean Monster Hunter 3?

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#20 kenshinhimura16
Member since 2005 • 7009 Posts

I was expecting Monster Rancher 3 to be on that list. HarlockJC

Dont you mean Monster Hunter 3?

The other day though, I read the the home consoles versions are not as popular as the portable ones. Weird isnt it?

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#21 Game_Druggy
Member since 2007 • 490 Posts
Huh... I never realized how much nintendo got screwed over
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#22 kenshinhimura16
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Huh... I never realized how much nintendo got screwed overGame_Druggy

You can blame cartridges of that. Or Nintendos stubbornness. You know, back in the day, Ninty and Sony could have been a single company, but Ninty sai screw you, but Sony screw them :P. One of my fav things Ive learned in University is of similar cases as this :D You wouldnt believe just how many of similar cases there are in other industries.

Also, as with Sony now, Nintendo had a lot to lose, while the competition not. So it is even more impacting what happens.

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#23 mdisen
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Nintendo is finally repaying the industry for their back-stabbing.
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#24 Jakendo
Member since 2007 • 3841 Posts

[QUOTE="Game_Druggy"]Huh... I never realized how much nintendo got screwed overkenshinhimura16

You can blame cartridges of that. Or Nintendos stubbornness. You know, back in the day, Ninty and Sony could have been a single company, but Ninty sai screw you, but Sony screw them :P. One of my fav things Ive learned in University is of similar cases as this :D You wouldnt believe just how many of similar cases there are in other industries.

Also, as with Sony now, Nintendo had a lot to lose, while the competition not. So it is even more impacting what happens.

Actually Sony said "Yeah we are going to have 100% control over the CD games created for the SNES" and this got Nintendo mad. They then back stabbed Sony and joined with Phillips. Well I guess I wouldnt call it back stabbed. They just secretly ended the project deal without Sonyknowing.

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#25 staley6565
Member since 2003 • 418 Posts
So pretty much the majority of MS's major successes were looking at other successes and throwing money at it? I love the 360, but I would at least like some innovation. I guess I'm asking for a lot though since I'm not a big shooter fan, and that was previously the Xbox's bread and butter.
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#26 Itinerant_Voice
Member since 2008 • 210 Posts
Although Microsoft really has done a sweeping job getting former Sony exclusives and timed-exclusives, I was actually more shocked about Sony getting a version of Ninja Gaiden than anything else this gen.
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#27 Immortalsaiyan
Member since 2006 • 874 Posts
I'm one of those people that still care about Shenmue to bad Shenmue 3 will never happen
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#28 TheBigBadGRIM
Member since 2005 • 1159 Posts
I'm one of those people that still care about Shenmue to bad Shenmue 3 will never happenImmortalsaiyan
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#29 Xbox360_4_Me
Member since 2008 • 636 Posts
I still maintain that smackdown vs raw is one of the biggest, the whole smackdown series is a seller, I was biding my time, but as soon as I found out the smackdown series was on 360 I went out and bought one, it was a big winner for me last gen as well, couldn't imagine not being able to play it, and I'm sure as hell not alone
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#30 skrat_01
Member since 2007 • 33767 Posts

The Halo one is wrong.

Halo went from Apple exclusive, to Windows and Apple, then MS bought out Bungie and the game was completely rebuilt for the Xbox.

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#31 Maxned
Member since 2007 • 623 Posts
Man.. rare should have stayed with Nintendo. its all about the money, isnt it?
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#32 MaroonStormMonk
Member since 2004 • 406 Posts

I'd say the RE4 entry is wrong. It was known a as a PS game, until gamecube got it's had, for an exclusive time, on RE4.

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#33 Rage010101
Member since 2006 • 5470 Posts
ima nit pick here. on the dmc4 pic dante should actually be the ps3 fans since dante is the original character and ps3 was the original platform it was suppose to release on. 360 should go to the new character since he is a new comer!
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#34 NSR34GTR
Member since 2007 • 13179 Posts
good list
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#35 angelkimne
Member since 2006 • 14037 Posts
Were they in order ???