What's Your Favorite Square Enix Game Battle System?

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#1 michelle_moraes
Member since 2005 • 4198 Posts

I used to be only into Turn-based rpgs. That was because, if it were action based, I always would end up stuck in some battle, lose a bunch of times, get frustrated and just give up. However, lately I have been trying to play action-rpgs because SE is getting away from turn-based, as we could see in FFXII. And though I did like that improvement, and this time I didn't just give up but tried as many times as I needed to overcome the battle, I found Crisis Core's battle system just perfect. I mean, you may not be able to run fully everywhere (you have those "invisible walls", but you can dodge and block manually while running on that battle area. Not to mention the neat ability to select your materias with LR buttons.

Now, I'm playing FFVII over again, and as much as I hate to admit it, I find the battles monotonous most of the time. Mostly the random battles. Because you have to wait for everything, for the screen to load, to give a command to everybody, to wait for the actions to happen, to the win screen, and etc. 10 years after I played that game, and now it feels like a chore those turn-based battles.

Although I still like turn-based battles, I think that lately I'm more into the action-rpgs for its quickness.

So, what's your favorite battle system from? Do you prefer turn-based or action-based rpgs?

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#2 Andraxal
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Ha! Finally someone with my point of view! Well put Aeris. Yes I beleive turn based RPG's are going to be a thing of the past, or rather the future; I beleive they're going to try to reinvent it in FFXIII through an ATB fast paced style more depictive of an Action RPG rather than a turn based one. This does however worry me, I'm afraid it might turn into a KH based action RPG style, and another element is how balanced is it going to be if it's more action oriented as we've seen so far? How are they going to balance weakness' and strengths to create a fair and solid battle system?

My favorite battle system is FFXII's because it's reminescent of FFXI, it's got the perfect Final Fantasy battle system, it was completely new at the time to many fans, it's fast paced, and anything could happen; Criticals happened a lot, misses, or shield blocks where they ACTUALLY pulled the shield up to defend with or item held in their hand. Not only that but when action cutscenes occurred they ended fast you went straight into battle, and it felt incredibly seamless. The only thing I have to say against it is the fact they added Delay times on certain spells which seemed to cripple my party at times when I needed healing spells to go off, such as the one that opens a triangular blast which inscinerates your opposition. When the bosses actually used their own ORIGINAL attacks, and each one had them, it actually made me cringe because I knew the pain was forthcomming, some blew me away in the technical and imaginative engineering of the scenes, such as Sephira Tree from Novis Vayne, Belias' Hellfire where he twirls his staff and cracks the ground where it spits hellfires every wear, to even the most simplistic attacks like chucking meteors down upon enemies via Exodus. Also in FFXII when you got a new ability it was a releif because you could do more, and it actually felt like the character had grown stat wise, I don't know about you but I was releived after getting a few of those Licenses because some of them were powerful.

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#3 queen_valentine
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I like XII's battle system. I loved the gambits.

Although, technically, XII's still has meters in which everyone has to wait their turns. One thing I can critize about its battle system is that if you have the freedom to run around, shouldn't you be able to dodge attacks if you run away from the enemy? I never quite got that....an enemy would target me I'd run away, but it would still hurt me, even if it was far away. :| Made no sense.

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#4 Fingertrap
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My favorite battle system is the real-time action like in the Tales of, but the SE game I played using this system was that good so I would say ATB.
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#5 Sprigain
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i really enjoyed the battle system in FF XII using gambits just makes things a lot easier
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#6 michelle_moraes
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I like XII's battle system. I loved the gambits.

Although, technically, XII's still has meters in which everyone has to wait their turns. One thing I can critize about its battle system is that if you have the freedom to run around, shouldn't you be able to dodge attacks if you run away from the enemy? I never quite got that....an enemy would target me I'd run away, but it would still hurt me, even if it was far away. :| Made no sense.


That's why I just love Crisis Core's! For example, if someone is casting Blizzard on you, and you make Zack run away from where the huge icy stone is gonna fall, you simply dodged that and it isn't gonna hurt you. It is realistic and makes you want to improve your skills running around dodging and blocking attacks.

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#7 Brunini
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I loved the battle system on FFXII it was a very good improvement , but the battle system of FFX2 very good to.

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#8 kryu88
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Final Fantasy Tactics battle system....best battle system fora SRPG ever...
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#9 IpodHero176
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My favorite battle system is the real-time action like in the Tales of, but the SE game I played using this system was that good so I would say ATB.Fingertrap

Same here.

I had an idea that if they remade FFVII, then instead of having to go to a battle screen, you just have the battle on the field screen.


You're moving Cloud up(up on the controller), and he says something like"Another one", and he pulls out his sword and the battle menu will come up.

Mostly like XII, but it's still turn-based.

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#10 plg2307
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I prefer turn base and tactic style, I love playing chess and thinking ahead of time what the enemy will do. The ATB turn base is nice though it's like timed chess where you have to hurry to make your move :P
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#11 coldness6
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That's why I just love Crisis Core's! For example, if someone is casting Blizzard on you, and you make Zack run away from where the huge icy stone is gonna fall, you simply dodged that and it isn't gonna hurt you. It is realistic and makes you want to improve your skills running around dodging and blocking attacks.


So CC is an action-RPG,then? much like KH? hmm,it seems really nice! I can't wait to get my hands on CC!!!

I never quite got that....an enemy would target me I'd run away, but it would still hurt me, even if it was far away. Made no sense.queen_valentine

Yea,I agree with that 100%!! Oh,I hate the fact that FFXII's battle system is nearly an action one but also not! I hate the fact(this idea has been brought to me by my dearest friend who dislikes RPG's battle system)...to best understand what I'm gonna say,I'll draw a small mental image of FFXII's Vaan in a battle...

Imagine Vaan in a battle with a monster,Ok? then the battle starts...then you hit the "Attack" command,right? imagine Vaan saying this"Ok now buddy,I'll hit you now,then I'll wait for your turn to hit me back as well...Oh C'mon it's so fun to see who gets hit and who dodges without the user ever having anything to do with...he'll just sit and watch us hit eachother in turns,LOL"....that's gotta be annyoing!

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#12 coldness6
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Oh,I liked FFX-2's battle system so much,cuz it was fast and everyone in your party hit the monster wether or not you're making an action or not! so you could make them three attack at the very same time!! I liked that!....

FFXII's battle system is not so bad,it's actually better than traditional RPG ATB battle systems,,,,

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#13 queen_valentine
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Oh,I liked FFX-2's battle system so much,cuz it was fast and everyone in your party hit the monster wether or not you're making an action or not! so you could make them three attack at the very same time!! I liked that!....

FFXII's battle system is not so bad,it's actually better than traditional RPG ATB battle systems,,,,


Yeah I loved XII's battle system! I just had that one little complaint about it :P

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#14 Kenshin18
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So far, I liked Xenogears the most. But, that's only because it felt like I was playing a fighting game. I really want to try out Crisis Core's fighting system though. It looks like a better version of Kingdom Hearts. Like Aeris said, it's cool to be able to actually dodge attacks and things like that, to make the fighting seem more down-to-earth.
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#15 Andraxal
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Hey Kenshin didn't recognize you with your new spankin' avatar! :) Right on! I'd love to see a sort of fusion between God of War II's fighting engine and KH2's, that would create the ultimate in buttom mashing goodness, no?

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#16 starnerd67
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If they did a heavenly sword (or GoW) type of game in FF oh that would be sooo cool

@ diablos - i love your description of vaan's fighting and whole heartily agree. i remembered telling my friend who wanted to try XII out and he was running around trying to get out of the wolfs range............ I told him..... "Just forget it, hes going to hit you anyways ...just Set it and Forget it" ^__^ then he told me... "No see if i run away he attacks me 2 times.......... if i don't he attacks me 3 seee." I mentally slapped him.

anyways i alwys thought VIII was a pretty good battle system.... i liked KH's cause it was easy and .......some what mindless............. awsome fun pressing X and having the simulated actions do everything for you ^__^
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#17 coldness6
Member since 2005 • 610 Posts

If they did a heavenly sword (or GoW) type of game in FF oh that would be sooo cool

@ diablos - i love your description of vaan's fighting and whole heartily agree. i remembered telling my friend who wanted to try XII out and he was running around trying to get out of the wolfs range............ I told him..... "Just forget it, hes going to hit you anyways ...just Set it and Forget it" ^__^ then he told me... "No see if i run away he attacks me 2 times.......... if i don't he attacks me 3 seee." I mentally slapped him.starnerd67

I would've done the same, too!

anyways i alwys thought VIII was a pretty good battle system.... i liked KH's cause it was easy and .......some what mindless............. awsome fun pressing X and having the simulated actions do everything for you ^__^starnerd67

Yeah,VIII was good,so was KH. Now that you pointed that out(about KH's system being mindless) I hate it when games require no mental ability whatsoever from the user end!!! I'd love to see a battle system much like CC's(I haven't played nor seen the CC battle system yet,but I'm basing my idea on what Aeris had said) but with complex commands and most importantly evasion skills(much like DMC's battle system,but I know those two are two different genres)..

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#18 Kenshin18
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Hey Kenshin didn't recognize you with your new spankin' avatar! :) Right on! I'd love to see a sort of fusion between God of War II's fighting engine and KH2's, that would create the ultimate in buttom mashing goodness, no?


Ha ha, thanks :). That KH2 pic you put up looks real cool! I like that idea you mentioned though. That sounds like it'd be alot of fun.

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#19 Andraxal
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Hey Kenshin didn't recognize you with your new spankin' avatar! :) Right on! I'd love to see a sort of fusion between God of War II's fighting engine and KH2's, that would create the ultimate in buttom mashing goodness, no?


Ha ha, thanks :). That KH2 pic you put up looks real cool! I like that idea you mentioned though. That sounds like it'd be alot of fun.

Though truly imagine being able to bring out the full power of one of the suited men or women of Birth By Sleep. Imagine lugging around the whip ball of light Terra has with the controllers Six Axis feature. Imagine being in battle and swinging it around to attack? Wouldn't that be great? How about when reaction commands via triangle pop up being able to dodge or change decisions based on how you move the Six Axis? Of course this would require GREAT timing and sequencing on the PS3 and Square Enix's part but if they pulled it off it would be monumental.

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#20 coldness6
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Maybe,but as far as I've heard...Crisis Core's battle system is the best SE ever made
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#21 Andraxal
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Maybe,but as far as I've heard...Crisis Core's battle system is the best SE ever madecoldness6

There's no such thing as the "best" since it's all up to personal taste. What you may think is the greatest battle system may actually be the worst in the eyes of another. :) I'm weird like that though, I like what others dislike. I'm very picky when it comes to details. :) Also, nice avatar, it's a FFXI one isn't it?

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#22 Kenshin18
Member since 2003 • 764 Posts

Hey Kenshin didn't recognize you with your new spankin' avatar! :) Right on! I'd love to see a sort of fusion between God of War II's fighting engine and KH2's, that would create the ultimate in buttom mashing goodness, no?


Ha ha, thanks :). That KH2 pic you put up looks real cool! I like that idea you mentioned though. That sounds like it'd be alot of fun.

Though truly imagine being able to bring out the full power of one of the suited men or women of Birth By Sleep. Imagine lugging around the whip ball of light Terra has with the controllers Six Axis feature. Imagine being in battle and swinging it around to attack? Wouldn't that be great? How about when reaction commands via triangle pop up being able to dodge or change decisions based on how you move the Six Axis? Of course this would require GREAT timing and sequencing on the PS3 and Square Enix's part but if they pulled it off it would be monumental.

I think I'd like being able to dodge moving the six axis. There are times when I get so into a real heated battle, that, I'll move my controller feeling like it'll help in some way (cause I put that extra "omph" into it). And reaction commands like RE4, GOW 2, Shenmue, etc. have always been kinda cool. Maybe Versus XIII will have somethin like these.

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#23 Andraxal
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Hahahahaha. I always hated when a friend did that in front of me, she'd jerk the controller up and down, side to side like it really helped her. I always wondered what that was about, I guess that is "getting into the game" or "omph" I guess. hahahaha. :) Nah, it'd add to the difficulty and pleasure if it turned out like that! :)
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#24 N8A
Member since 2007 • 18602 Posts
Hahahahaha. I always hated when a friend did that in front of me, she'd jerk the controller up and down, side to side like it really helped her. I always wondered what that was about, I guess that is "getting into the game" or "omph" I guess. hahahaha. :) Nah, it'd add to the difficulty and pleasure if it turned out like that! :) Andraxal

Yeah I think they were just practicing for th erelease of the PS3.  Must be precogs or something.
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#25 crushgoil
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[QUOTE="Andraxal"]Hahahahaha. I always hated when a friend did that in front of me, she'd jerk the controller up and down, side to side like it really helped her. I always wondered what that was about, I guess that is "getting into the game" or "omph" I guess. hahahaha. :) Nah, it'd add to the difficulty and pleasure if it turned out like that! :) N8A

Yeah I think they were just practicing for th erelease of the PS3. Must be precogs or something.

haha I guess they must have been. I must say that I never did that really, but I do like sixaxis, when implemented it's really cool. It'd be interesting if they added it to Versus....

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#26 coldness6
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There's no such thing as the "best" since it's all up to personal taste. What you may think is the greatest battle system may actually be the worst in the eyes of another. :) I'm weird like that though, I like what others dislike. I'm very picky when it comes to details. :) Also, nice avatar, it's a FFXI one isn't it?


Well,naturally I would mean the best for my tastes(I think you should assume thus far when someone makes such a statement :P)

Oh,Thx! It is from FFXI :) (I like your sig as well! I remember staring at her as I was playing KH:CoM on my emulator :) )

I just hope that they make the battle system in FFXIII VS more challenging and complex to the point you'd feel you could do anything you wanted and yet you feel like it's pretty hard!(Did I mention I love DMC's battle system? )

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#27 Andraxal
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DMC's system was okay, and very iffy at points. I hope the ATB system is really cool too, and it uses a LOT of sixaxis action.
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#28 IpodHero176
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DMC's system was okay, and very iffy at points. I hope the ATB system is really cool too, and it uses a LOT of sixaxis action. Andraxal

It thought it was good.

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#29 Kenshin18
Member since 2003 • 764 Posts

[QUOTE="N8A"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Hahahahaha. I always hated when a friend did that in front of me, she'd jerk the controller up and down, side to side like it really helped her. I always wondered what that was about, I guess that is "getting into the game" or "omph" I guess. hahahaha. :) Nah, it'd add to the difficulty and pleasure if it turned out like that! :) crushgoil

Yeah I think they were just practicing for th erelease of the PS3. Must be precogs or something.

haha I guess they must have been. I must say that I never did that really, but I do like sixaxis, when implemented it's really cool. It'd be interesting if they added it to Versus....

lol, I know it's a lil dumb. It's on the same page as me yelling at Leon to run like hell in RE4, even though he obvioulsy cant hear me. I almost never do it, but, every now and then, it cant be helped.

I think it would be real interesting if sixaxis is done well with Versus too.

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#30 starnerd67
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[QUOTE="N8A"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Hahahahaha. I always hated when a friend did that in front of me, she'd jerk the controller up and down, side to side like it really helped her. I always wondered what that was about, I guess that is "getting into the game" or "omph" I guess. hahahaha. :) Nah, it'd add to the difficulty and pleasure if it turned out like that! :) Kenshin18

Yeah I think they were just practicing for th erelease of the PS3. Must be precogs or something.

haha I guess they must have been. I must say that I never did that really, but I do like sixaxis, when implemented it's really cool. It'd be interesting if they added it to Versus....

lol, I know it's a lil dumb. It's on the same page as me yelling at Leon to run like hell in RE4, even though he obvioulsy cant hear me. I almost never do it, but, every now and then, it cant be helped.

I think it would be real interesting if sixaxis is done well with Versus too.

Man does this remind anyone of Pokemon GB and GBA versions.......... Id be mashing my own custom cobination of A nd B thinking that it somehow helped........... im pretty sure it did absolutely nothing..... even though it may seemed to have worked everyonce and a while (out of luck) makes me feel better though mashing it while catching a pokemon ^__^

I think they deffinately will use the Sixaxis concidering that for alot of people FInal Fantasy XIII and Versus will be the flagship game of the PS3 .... they should be using EVERYTHING at their disposal....

BTW if you go to Best Buy right now and look up FFXIII it has a release date of December 2008........... and a reviewer who said it was the best game he ever played....odd... but i wonder if their is any truth in that release date... (prob not though...but made me a little excited)
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#31 kryu88
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^ Dec of 08 if we're lucky most likely :(

As for the review...how could he have played that much of it to have an idea of what the whole game is like? FFXIII is on PS3 format right now (as in they're starting putting some of it on a PS3 Blu-Ray disk for a demo in the near future maybe) but not enough to have a demo out that somebody could play. He's just tryin to spread rumors and start stuff :P

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#32 N8A
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Yeah I as up all night playing FFXV, so i'll post my review tomorrow...let me just say that it was less than stellar though. ;)
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#33 crushgoil
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Yeah I as up all night playing FFXV, so i'll post my review tomorrow...let me just say that it was less than stellar though. ;)N8A

haha! Nice Shadow!

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#34 IpodHero176
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Yeah I as up all night playing FFXV, so i'll post my review tomorrow...let me just say that it was less than stellar though. ;)N8A

That was a good diss:lol:

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#35 Kenshin18
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Man does this remind anyone of Pokemon GB and GBA versions.......... Id be mashing my own custom cobination of A nd B thinking that it somehow helped........... im pretty sure it did absolutely nothing..... even though it may seemed to have worked everyonce and a while (out of luck) makes me feel better though mashing it while catching a pokemon ^__^

I think they deffinately will use the Sixaxis concidering that for alot of people FInal Fantasy XIII and Versus will be the flagship game of the PS3 .... they should be using EVERYTHING at their disposal....

BTW if you go to Best Buy right now and look up FFXIII it has a release date of December 2008........... and a reviewer who said it was the best game he ever played....odd... but i wonder if their is any truth in that release date... (prob not though...but made me a little excited)

Kinda like you willed it to work out for you through mashing on buttons or somethin? I never played Pokemon, but, I know that feeling.

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#36 kryu88
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[QUOTE="N8A"]Yeah I as up all night playing FFXV, so i'll post my review tomorrow...let me just say that it was less than stellar though. ;)IpodHero176

That was a good diss:lol:

Awesome! He's got FFXV...hey wait a sec, your yankin my chain aren't you? :P

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#37 Andraxal
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Hahahahaha. I don't think that FFXIII is comming out in December, that's way too early.
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#38 IpodHero176
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Hahahahaha. I don't think that FFXIII is comming out in December, that's way too early. Andraxal

December 2009 probably. I would be close to graduating college by the time it comes out.(2010 )

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#39 N8A
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Yeah I wouldnt count on an english version until late next year. We should be seeing some gameplay footage by spring atleast though, so that could be exciting.
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#40 kryu88
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Yeah I wouldnt count on an english version until late next year. We should be seeing some gameplay footage by spring atleast though, so that could be exciting.N8A

Some gameplay footage along with the announcement, "Remember how last year we said we were 13% done? Well, now we're 26% done, FFXIII will be out in another 6 or7 years!!!" :P

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#41 IpodHero176
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[QUOTE="N8A"]Yeah I wouldnt count on an english version until late next year. We should be seeing some gameplay footage by spring atleast though, so that could be exciting.kryu88

Some gameplay footage along with the announcement, "Remember how last year we said we were 13% done? Well, now we're 26% done, FFXIII will be out in another 6 or7 years!!!" :P

Now we're 27% done. Wait, we're back to 26% :P

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#42 N8A
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[QUOTE="N8A"]Yeah I wouldnt count on an english version until late next year. We should be seeing some gameplay footage by spring atleast though, so that could be exciting.IpodHero176

Some gameplay footage along with the announcement, "Remember how last year we said we were 13% done? Well, now we're 26% done, FFXIII will be out in another 6 or7 years!!!" :P

Now we're 27% done. Wait, we're back to 26% :P

yeah at 13% per year they will be done by 2013, so hopefully they release a little something between now and hen to keep us interested.

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#43 Kenshin18
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[QUOTE="N8A"]Yeah I wouldnt count on an english version until late next year. We should be seeing some gameplay footage by spring atleast though, so that could be exciting.N8A

Some gameplay footage along with the announcement, "Remember how last year we said we were 13% done? Well, now we're 26% done, FFXIII will be out in another 6 or7 years!!!" :P

Now we're 27% done. Wait, we're back to 26% :P

yeah at 13% per year they will be done by 2013, so hopefully they release a little something between now and hen to keep us interested.

I'm sure they will. I'd hate it if it took 6+ years to make FF XIII, but, I know in the mean time they'll keep pushing out games on the DS and PSP. There's also The Last Remnant to look out for.

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#44 kryu88
Member since 2006 • 9301 Posts

[QUOTE="N8A"]Yeah I wouldnt count on an english version until late next year. We should be seeing some gameplay footage by spring atleast though, so that could be exciting.Kenshin18

Some gameplay footage along with the announcement, "Remember how last year we said we were 13% done? Well, now we're 26% done, FFXIII will be out in another 6 or7 years!!!" :P

Now we're 27% done. Wait, we're back to 26% :P

yeah at 13% per year they will be done by 2013, so hopefully they release a little something between now and hen to keep us interested.

I'm sure they will. I'd hate it if it took 6+ years to make FF XIII, but, I know in the mean time they'll keep pushing out games on the DS and PSP. There's also The Last Remnant to look out for.

2013 and FFXIII......oh noes :lol: Yeah!! Last Remnant, one SE game I'll be looking out for :D

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#45 IpodHero176
Member since 2006 • 16952 Posts

[QUOTE="N8A"]Yeah I wouldnt count on an english version until late next year. We should be seeing some gameplay footage by spring atleast though, so that could be exciting.kryu88

Some gameplay footage along with the announcement, "Remember how last year we said we were 13% done? Well, now we're 26% done, FFXIII will be out in another 6 or7 years!!!" :P

Now we're 27% done. Wait, we're back to 26% :P

yeah at 13% per year they will be done by 2013, so hopefully they release a little something between now and hen to keep us interested.

I'm sure they will. I'd hate it if it took 6+ years to make FF XIII, but, I know in the mean time they'll keep pushing out games on the DS and PSP. There's also The Last Remnant to look out for.

2013 and FFXIII......oh noes :lol: Yeah!! Last Remnant, one SE game I'll be looking out for :D

We'll all be 80 by the time FFXIII comes out:lol:

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#46 N8A
Member since 2007 • 18602 Posts
Yeah that will give them plenty of time to complete the ffvii remake and remake just about every other game they've ever made. if it took 6 years to make a game and in th emean time they redid secret of mana and crono trigger i would be more than happy to wait.
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#47 IpodHero176
Member since 2006 • 16952 Posts

Yeah that will give them plenty of time to complete the ffvii remake and remake just about every other game they've ever made. if it took 6 years to make a game and in th emean time they redid secret of mana and crono trigger i would be more than happy to wait.N8A

I agree.

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#48 Andraxal
Member since 2006 • 1814 Posts

Yeah that will give them plenty of time to complete the ffvii remake and remake just about every other game they've ever made. if it took 6 years to make a game and in th emean time they redid secret of mana and crono trigger i would be more than happy to wait.N8A

To Reno first: If it took 6 years peolpe will lose interest easily. Also I think they'll surprise us, I HIGHLY doubt it'd take that long, even then it'd NEVER be up to par with the expectations laid upon it. After 6 years of development, it had BETTER WOW me in the most fantastic way possible, otherwise why make it take so long to be created? I doubt it's going to be 6 years honestly, I highly doubt the PS3 will be around 6 years-hahahahaha. The PS4 will have been around with them developing a PS5.

To Shadow: You know they eventually will remake it, it's unavoidable, it's one of the only games they haven't remade...I'd love more mana games lke the older ones that aren't linear, and perhaps a GOOD Chrono game remake. I couldn't get into Chrono Trigger very well because load times were murdering me every step of the way on the PS2.

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#49 Kenshin18
Member since 2003 • 764 Posts

To Reno first: If it took 6 years peolpe will lose interest easily. Also I think they'll surprise us, I HIGHLY doubt it'd take that long, even then it'd NEVER be up to par with the expectations laid upon it. After 6 years of development, it had BETTER WOW me in the most fantastic way possible, otherwise why make it take so long to be created? I doubt it's going to be 6 years honestly, I highly doubt the PS3 will be around 6 years-hahahahaha. The PS4 will have been around with them developing a PS5.


I know. I'd think that would be a worst case scenario, but personally, the thoughtbugs me,especially withlittle info coming our way and the game's 13%+ completion. I nearly lost interest in FF XII because it felt like forever, but, it finally came out and was mind-blowing (according to alot of people, I've only scratched the surface of the game). So with XIII, like you said, it'd have to be beyond mind-blowing if the development took that long. And yeah, it can feel a lil hard to hold on to Sony's 10 year game plan (tech advances amazingly fast), when the "father of Playstation" said he's already got PS4 ideas before he left. But, I do think a 7 or 8 year plan can happen (the last 2 PSs lasted at least 6). Anyway, I'd like to think the wait for XIII will be similar to the wait for X, which was suprisingly short to me.

By the way...awesome pic ;)

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#50 GunnerVIII
Member since 2006 • 4135 Posts
I enoyed FFX's turn based system which game you enough time to think about your next move.