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#1 ff-leader
Member since 2006 • 2400 Posts
Cloud tried the elevator inside, only to learn that it was jammed. He then tried walking down all the stairs, but the seventh story staircase had collapsed. In desperation, he called Butz.

(begin codec conversasion)
Cloud: Butz, I'm at the second tower. Can you fix the elevator?
Butz: Cloud, I'm at the elevator. I just took it up.
Cloud: What?
Butz: You'd better come up here.
(end codec conversasion)

Cloud reached the top and talked to Butz. The doors were apparantly jammed for some reason. He could fix it, but the Rind was still outside. Cloud then ran to the roof of the second tower to finish it off. But just as he reached it, he got a call from Celes.

(begin codec conversasion)
Celes: Cloud, are you really going to go against that thing alone?
Cloud: Yeah. I think I stand a chance with this Stinger.
Celes: Remember, that Rind is a real monster. It has about ten missle launchers, a machine gun, a state-of-the-art radar system, and excellent manuervability. Kuja has extensive training in flying airships; this is second nature to him.
Cloud: Thanks for the advice. Bye.
(end codec conversasion)

Cloud stepped out onto the roof. The Rind flew up almost immediately.

"Hello again, dear brother," said Kuja.

Cloud was shocked at what he said. "Brother?"

"Ask the father that you killed," said Kuja. "I'll send you to hell to meet him!"

(boss: Rind-E)

Cloud quickly pulled out the Stinger and hit the Rind. It then flew straight over him, firing its machine gun straight at him. If it wasn't for the convienetly-placed structure in the middle, Cloud would have definately been history. When the Rind stopped, Cloud fired yet again.

This went on for several minutes. Then Cloud heard Kuja scream "Eat this!", and saw a missle flying towards the roof. Fortunately, the missle blasted an area he never went to in the entire fight, so he came out okay.

Suddenly, the Rind seemed to back off. Cloud kept his eyes peeled around him, checking for any sign of the airship. Suddenly, it jumped up and began to fire. Quickly hiding, Cloud yet again avoided the machine gun fire. He then fired some more.

After this had gone on for a while, the Rind turned, jerking madly and smoking from the serious damage Cloud had delt it. Cloud then saw the missle fire. Realizing that the explosion would not reach the doorway due to the shape of the roof, he flattened himself against the door.

He was right. The entire explosion curved around him rather than into him. Kuja, unable to see anything from his vantage point, laughed with carnal delight.

Then the Rind started to crumble apart. Kuja cursed the machine, but it was no good; the entire battle had damaged it so severely that it could no longer operate. It plummeted towards the ground.

Cloud stood in the middle of the roof, watching the Rind fall. Only five words escaped his lips: "See you in hell, Kuja." Then an enormous explosion filled the air, and a gigantic fireball shot up from where the Rind had crashed. It looked like Kuja was done for good.

When the explosion cleared, Cloud looked down at the ground. He saw the reckage, but it was something else that really attracter his attention:

Kuja was running from the heap. He had survived yet again.


Cloud returned to the elevator, and found it working. He stepped inside, and heard the weight limit alarm go off. Ignoring it, he pushed the button for the first floor. On the way down, however, he got a call from Butz.

(begin codec conversasion)
Butz: Cloud, it's me. Is the elevator working alright?
Cloud: Yeah, but something's strange.
Butz: What?
Cloud: The weight allowance alarm went off. What is the limit for this elevator?
Butz: About 800 pounds. But the strange thing is, it went off for me, too. And I only weigh 145. And, Cloud, there were five stealth prototypes in the lab. I went to get you one, but the other four were missing.
Cloud: And, in order to pass the weight limit, you would need at least five people...
(end codec conversasion)

Cloud quickly equipped his thermal goggles. There were indeed four cloaked soldiers. By this point, however, he was so accustomed to killing that he wiped them out with ease.

Finally, the elevator reached the bottom. Cloud quickly bolted for the door. He found himself in a snowfield; the exact same one where the Rind had crashed. The wreckage was gone, however.

He was walking towards the other side when an arrow skimmed his knee.

(begin codec conversasion)
Cloud: Butz, were there any other stealth prototypes?
Butz: No. Why?
Cloud: I've just been shot, by an incrediably good archer.
Butz: It's her! Archer Wolf!
Cloud: What?! She's here?!
Butz: Cloud, please, don't hurt her.
Cloud: Listen to yourself! She's nothing more than a cold-blooded murderer! She shot Dagger, remember?
Wolf: Ah, hello my love.
Cloud: What the hell?
Wolf: Don't worry. I'm very close by.
Butz: Wolf! Don't!
Wolf: Quiet, you! Never get between a wolf and its prey!
Cloud: You must be pretty confident; it's a bad idea for a sniper to reveal his position.
Wolf: Ah, let me give you a small token of my esteem: an arrow straight from my bow to your heart.
(end codec conversasion)

(one boring boss fight later)

Cloud made his way up the snowfield to where he had shot Wolf. She was still lying down, with blood trickling down her chest.

She then began the standard overdramatic death scenes that plague the series.

She said her true name was Leena, and she belonged to a group of refugees after her kingdom was destroyed by Wutai. She would wake up every morning to find a few more friends and family dead. Everyday she ate almost nothing but dirt and berries, and was always running from her persuers. She then met Big Boss, who took her away from all that and trained her to be a sniper. She was then able to see war from the outside as well as the inside. But she had disgraced herself in the process; she claimed she was no longer worthy of the codename "Wolf".

Cloud reassured her, saying that mercenaries like him were often called the "Dogs of War"; always for sale to the highest bidder. But Leena was different; proud, intelligent, fierce. She was no dog; she was a true wolf. His words were so powerful, Leena even mistook him for Big Boss temporarily.

She then asked him to finish her off, in order to end her pain. Butz suddenly appeared, however, horrified at the sight of his love. She then asked for her bow, which was right next to Butz. She had used it so many times, it was like a part of her. Butz reluctantly fulfilled her wish.

"Now," she said, "it can be complete. Finish the job...hero." Cloud raised his SOCOM slowly, pointing it at Leena's head. Butz, unable to cope with what was going on, turned away.

"Good-bye, Wolf," said Butz. Then Cloud pulled the trigger.


Cloud placed Leena's handkercheif on her head, claiming that he had no more tears to shed. He then headed in the same direction as Kuja, but Butz quickly stopped him. "What are we fighting for?"

Cloud's reply was cold and harsh. "I'll tell you when the mission is over. Now go!" With that, he left.


Cloud made his way past an army of security cameras, and descended deep underground.

Please insert Disc 2
*inserts Disc 2*
Press start after inserting Disc 2
*presses start*

(to be continued)
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#2 -Pro-Link-
Member since 2006 • 6297 Posts
Welll I don't have time to read 2-4 so I am gonna copy it into word and read it later.  And thanks for sharing this with us :wink:  It's really good.
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#3 ff-leader
Member since 2006 • 2400 Posts
your welcome thanks and dont forget there is 6 chapters.