Why pc gaming is not dead... raise your hands

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#1 banemind
Member since 2007 • 122 Posts
I am way more excited about the pc games coming out this year than the **** console games except ofcourse the one that already came out MSG4.... ill give you some examples....

You console nuts propose resistance 2 will be a great fps...

i say ok but can it beat crysis/farcry/1/2/Half life 2 which all originated on the pc

Counter strike is still the highest played mp game on the planet..

you say gears of war 2 will be a great third person shooter...

it will be but its a generic linear game except in certain parts where you will choose 1 path or the other....

much better games on the pc.... max payne 1 and 2 which is linear but the action in that game is so visceral... gears of war not really..

Rpgs... the best rpgs ever built are on the pc.. Baldur's gate 1/2 diablo 1/2/soon 3... Ice wind dale....oblivion with its 10000000+ mods not possible on consoles (my oblivion folder is 16 gigs)...Dragonage looks orgasmic....

mmorpg market is insane on the pc... wow,guild wars, aoc etc

free mmorpg market is booming as well

Consoles have one edge its Final fantasy.... i loved most of the series but pc has the best of the series already ported (FF7/8) although my personal fav 12 is not on here.

RTS.... all pc all the time no arguement

adventure games (point and click) all pc

platform games... edge consoles for obvious reasons... but whoever plays these is below the age of 12

Consoles think by releasing MAG (sony) they are seeing 256 players for the 1st time while they forget that battlefield 1942 had the same amount of players running stably so long ago...

im sorry but pc gaming is superior in graphics, intelligence, user created content, and plain fun

let the argument begin!!!!!!
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#2 runtime211
Member since 2008 • 89 Posts

This is for System Wars. But I believe PC is the king of gaming.

FPS it has locked. RTS it has locked. RPG is in the middle but you definitely get the best experience on PC.

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#3 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts
No, I don't want to raise my hands right now.
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#4 promajo
Member since 2007 • 174 Posts

isn't FF coming to PC?

I tought I would beat you on Oblivion but my folder is only 15.6gig

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#5 agturboninja
Member since 2006 • 670 Posts
PC games are easier for RPG"S and RTS's. Online multiplayer games are booming like WoW. PC Gaming if counting online revenue is stronger than ever before and growing.
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#6 Crzy1
Member since 2003 • 359 Posts

Hate to burst your bubble, but what the hell BF1942 server were you playing on with 255 other people? The most I remember was 64 and that seemed to be pushing it with the size of the maps. The most I've ever seen in a multiplayer game on the PC was Joint Operations at 150 although it got really laggy when the battles started to get concentrated.

I agree that PC gaming is not dead, but it's not doing anything that would make me purchase a new video card this generation and that's what component manufacturers and game developers should be focusing on. If I can play the majority of the games on the horizon on a console that's less than $300 why on earth would I throw upwards of $500 at a new GTX 280?

Hopefully when Intel enters the GPU arena they can actually get some developers on their side, something that AMD and Nvidia haven't had much luck with in the past few years. PC gaming is far from dead, but it seriously needs a shot in the arm right about now. Of the last 5 games I've purchased for the PC, 3 of them were already on consoles and a 4th one is headed to a console in the near future, so you can't say that it's not sharing the same market as the consoles.

Right now, as it stands, PC gaming is an old dog in need of some new tricks. The only thing I see on the horizon seems to be MMO this and FPS that and there's really only a few ways to mix them up, WoW and Crysis are the gold standards for their respective genres right now, and I'm terribly bored with Crysis and I've given up my WoW addiction so on the PC I'm left with games that seem sub-par by comparison and everytime something new comes along it barely does anything to shake up the formula. On the other hand, I have some great games on my consoles like MGS4, GTAIV, Warhawk, Uncharted, Crackdown, Dead Rising, R&C Future and so many others that the PC hasn't even tried to emulate. And the consoles keep getting great exclusives every month, even if they're not extremely, earthshatteringly innovative, they're still great games that are a lot of fun to play if even for a rent, the last great game I remember being released exclusively for the PC was Sins of a Solar Empire which came out over 4 months ago.

Ok, with that rant out of the way, there are some extremely good looking games headed exclusively for the PC later in the year and Spore is at the top of my list, but that leaves about a 6 month dry period in which the PC received no love from developers. I'm not a seasonal gamer, I prefer to play throughout the year and not just during the holidays when I would actually prefer to spend the time with my friends and family, so a release calendar that keeps a steady flow throughout the year would be preferable to hitting me with 12 great games in a little over a month's time.

To conclude, PC gaming is not dead, but it has gotten extremely stale in the past couple of years when compared to it's console brethren and in my eyes that's a big problem, and I hope there's a fix in the near future or I may wind up saving myself some cash and just play on consoles from now on.

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#7 deactivated-5f3fa34a024b3
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dont see why you are posting this here, you are preaching to the converted my friend. also, im pretty sure max payne 1 and 2 were on consoles as well (i know for sure that at least 1st was), and im pretty sure that WoW has more players than CSS online...

the way i see it, the only area in which consoles are superioir to the PC is in their accesibility. they are easier to setup, games usually just work, they are quicker to setup, the inital price is cheaper (but overall price is more if you buy games often), you tend to get steady framrates more often etc.... PC is better in every other area... and for someone who can actually be bothered putting in the time, the accesibility issue pretty much goes out the window really.

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#8 deactivated-5f3fa34a024b3
Member since 2005 • 1735 Posts

why on earth would I throw upwards of $500 at a new GTX 280?Crzy1

actually, thats another thing that really annoys me, why do people always say "i can get a console for $300 and this GFX card is $500...." dont you understand that much cheaper video cards can still play all the latest games? you dont NEED a GTX 280 or whatever, heck, you dont even need an 8800GTX, i can play EVERYTHING at the moment on my 1 and a half year old 8800GTS 320mb, which now costs £70 retail (around $140)... i can even play crysis with all on high, i just leave AA and AF off and ocasionally put up with a frame rate drop here and there....

i understand what you are saying but the whole "PC's cost $2000+" argument is bullcrap, when i got my machine 18 months ago i spent no more than £450... and at that time the PS3 wasnt too far below that price here in the UK....(my specs are in my sig) and i havent upgraded since (apart from an extra £30 for the extra RAM)....

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#9 pilouuuu2004
Member since 2004 • 1075 Posts
I mostly agree with you. The only thing that makes consoles more successful right now is that it is new. In a couple of years they won't look so "next gen" and PC will always have state-of-art technology. Also consoles are so mainstream and PCs have much more creativity like in Portal. That's what I think PC developers should use for PC games. Deep, intelligent games, with good use of the technological power of the PC, creativity, innovation and most of all good gameplay (with a mouse and a keyboard).
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#10 DanielDust
Member since 2007 • 15402 Posts

I mostly agree with you. The only thing that makes consoles more successful right now is that it is new. In a couple of years they won't look so "next gen" and PC will always have state-of-art technology. Also consoles are so mainstream and PCs have much more creativity like in Portal. That's what I think PC developers should use for PC games. Deep, intelligent games, with good use of the technological power of the PC, creativity, innovation and most of all good gameplay (with a mouse and a keyboard).pilouuuu2004

There will be a Portal version for consoles too.

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#11 pilouuuu2004
Member since 2004 • 1075 Posts

There will be a Portal version for consoles too.


Yes, but the innovation happened even before on the PC with the indie game Narbacular Drop. You don't see that being done on consoles. And I'm afraid that Portal for consoles will be a dumbed down version, so console players are able to play with their atention deficit and crap joypad control.

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#12 BSC14
Member since 2002 • 4187 Posts

[QUOTE="Crzy1"]why on earth would I throw upwards of $500 at a new GTX 280?marriage0

actually, thats another thing that really annoys me, why do people always say "i can get a console for $300 and this GFX card is $500...." dont you understand that much cheaper video cards can still play all the latest games? you dont NEED a GTX 280 or whatever, heck, you dont even need an 8800GTX, i can play EVERYTHING at the moment on my 1 and a half year old 8800GTS 320mb, which now costs £70 retail (around $140)... i can even play crysis with all on high, i just leave AA and AF off and ocasionally put up with a frame rate drop here and there....

i understand what you are saying but the whole "PC's cost $2000+" argument is bullcrap, when i got my machine 18 months ago i spent no more than £450... and at that time the PS3 wasnt too far below that price here in the UK....(my specs are in my sig) and i havent upgraded since (apart from an extra £30 for the extra RAM)....

This is the truth!

I have a pc I bought about 2 1/2 years ago. I just upgraded my gpu and cpu for $170 ($100 gpu and $70 cpu) and I got $70 for my old stuff so this upgrade ran me $100 in the end. I run everything but Crysis at max....

This is what I got for a $70 upgrade...these are screens fro my pc. BTW I get 60fps almost all the time in cod4 and Gears of War and about 30-45fps in Age of Conan. I also have a ps3 and 360 but they don't look like this...

EDIT: Let me just give a link to the screens...







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#13 Crzy1
Member since 2003 • 359 Posts

[QUOTE="Crzy1"]why on earth would I throw upwards of $500 at a new GTX 280?marriage0

actually, thats another thing that really annoys me, why do people always say "i can get a console for $300 and this GFX card is $500...." dont you understand that much cheaper video cards can still play all the latest games? you dont NEED a GTX 280 or whatever, heck, you dont even need an 8800GTX, i can play EVERYTHING at the moment on my 1 and a half year old 8800GTS 320mb, which now costs £70 retail (around $140)... i can even play crysis with all on high, i just leave AA and AF off and ocasionally put up with a frame rate drop here and there....

i understand what you are saying but the whole "PC's cost $2000+" argument is bullcrap, when i got my machine 18 months ago i spent no more than £450 (approx $900 at the time)... and at that time the PS3 was about the same price....(my specs are in my sig) and i havent upgraded since (apart from an extra £30 for the extra RAM)....

I was pointing at the only upgrade for myself that would bring me any kind of improvement (8800 GTX SLI@1920x1200 atm which are showing their age). I never said "Everyone should be in the market for a GTX 280". While I don't need it, when I'm playing Assassin's Creed and the frame rates drop into the teens at times or when Crysis starts to chug, I contemplate it. As far as I can tell, no one "needs" anything when it comes to gaming, it's a luxury, that's why the argument of shelling out $500 works. The reason I prefer gaming on the PC is that I can usually enjoy higher frame rates and better looks, but that seems to be a thing of the past with crappy ports being all that I see anymore. That being said, I would prefer to keep the money that I would otherwise spend upgrading if I'm winding up with the same or near the same performance on hardware than in total cost me about twice what I gave for my PS3 and 360 combined.

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#14 JP_Russell
Member since 2005 • 12893 Posts
Please go back to System Wars, TC.
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#15 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts
i have no interest in raising my hand for somethign so obvious, because only someone who is blind will say pc gaming is dying or consoles are getting better games etc
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#16 mechwarrior_bob
Member since 2006 • 1789 Posts
All man where was that one topic where this PC gamer posted on System forums...it had a comp that could run Crysis on medium and smoothly for like 600$ it was quite good. Just get a cheap dual core, 2 gigs of ram (like 20 bux if you buy Corsair),2x8600 GTX (60 bux each) or a 8800 GT, get a cheap case (I recommend Raidmax), use the PS it has in it, get a 150-320 GB HDD (ranging price but not expensive), cheap Logitech K/M, and actually the only expensive thing is the moniter but even console gamers have to have one ;) ...I actually like using my 37inch LCD TV but that's just me :)
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#17 mechwarrior_bob
Member since 2006 • 1789 Posts
oh uh *raises hand*
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#18 deactivated-5de2fb6a3a711
Member since 2004 • 13995 Posts

elitist PC gamer, much?

anyways, if PC gaming is dying, gaming is dying. if console gaming is dying, gaming is dying. i just wish Arcade gaming was more lively (HOTD4 :cry: )

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#19 Toriko42
Member since 2006 • 27562 Posts
It doesn't need to be explained, PC gaming is alive and well
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#20 Cradleofbodom
Member since 2007 • 143 Posts
id say PC gaming is more for hardcore gamers, who can understand things like making maps and modding, i agree it can be more widely used and improved unlike consols, but most online multiplayer games i prefure my 360 for, mainly shooters, idk why but PC versions of games like halo 2 and things just dont have the same thrill as the xbox version. I do say its not, its getting more popular the most more ppl learn about it, but for now its still after ps3 and 360
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#21 Kez1984
Member since 2007 • 4548 Posts
Pc gaming is dead.
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#22 TenP
Member since 2006 • 3338 Posts

why on earth would I throw upwards of $500 at a new GTX 280?


...You could get a 4850, which is more than powerful enough to play every game (except Crysis) at full specs.

And they're $200.

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#23 artur79
Member since 2005 • 4679 Posts
Wrong forum.
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#24 Sinotek
Member since 2008 • 156 Posts

The problem with ur post is that u compared new games on the consoles to old games on the PC... try to compare this year's PC to this year's consoles.

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#25 johnny27
Member since 2006 • 4400 Posts

I agree that PC gaming is not dead, but it's not doing anything that would make me purchase a new video card this generation and that's what component manufacturers and game developers should be focusing on. If I can play the majority of the games on the horizon on a console that's less than $300 why on earth would I throw upwards of $500 at a new GTX 280?


i to agree pc gaming is not dead its very much alive in fact and still have the most exclusive games coming out for it and as for soending 500$ on a gtx 280 its a terrible ripoff a 4870 offers similiar performance for 200$ less u dint have to spenda ridicously amount on a graphics card there are cheaper alternatives that will suit most ppl just fine a 4850 for example for under 200$ for example.