oblivion: is it worth it

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#1 cloud_strifeXxX
Member since 2007 • 128 Posts
is getting oblivion worth it? just to be able to play it i would have to buy around 400 bones worth of upgrades. should i do it
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#2 Wasdie  Moderator
Member since 2003 • 53622 Posts
What are the upgrades. If they are unecessary for everything but Oblivion, you can live without.
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#3 weirjf
Member since 2002 • 2392 Posts
If you need to upgrade to play Oblivion then you need to upgrade to play any new game that comes out. Just bite the bullet and do it.
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#4 Cerza
Member since 2005 • 1946 Posts

If you played Morrowind then no it's not really worth it, since Morrowind is a million times over the better game. If you are an Elder Scrolls fan then yes you should play it.

Also, there is a mod for Oblivion called Oldlivion or something like that which lets you play Oblivion at pretty good settings on a system far below the games minimum system requirements.

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#5 The_AI
Member since 2006 • 4791 Posts
Get Oblivion. It's for the best. It's a great RPG.
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#6 Loki-Wuzza-Odin
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Play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.It's beter than Oblivion,coz the player's got combat moves (somewhat similiar to Blade of darkness' directional attacks)It has its own de-merits but still is worth a try.
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#7 Loki-Wuzza-Odin
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
Play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.It's beter than Oblivion,coz the player's got combat moves (somewhat similiar to Blade of darkness' directional attacks)It has its own de-merits but still is worth a try.Especially due to the Half-Life 2 engine,and that it's got 2-4 endings.
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#8 vfibsux
Member since 2003 • 4497 Posts

Play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.It's beter than Oblivion,coz the player's got combat moves (somewhat similiar to Blade of darkness' directional attacks)It has its own de-merits but still is worth a try.Especially due to the Half-Life 2 engine,and that it's got 2-4 endings.Loki-Wuzza-Odin

Totally different game, DM while great is Half-Life with swords and spells, Oblivion is open ended. Depends on what you want to play. Oblivion is well worth the money as is the Shivering Isles expansion and the Knights of the Nine.

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#9 d_agra
Member since 2003 • 1777 Posts

only get oblivion if you like watching paint dry

It gets incredibly boring after awhile and closing those oblivion gates are going to really piss you off

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#10 own1xon
Member since 2007 • 156 Posts

baldurs gate 2 blows oblivian away.

I personally dont like the open minded skill system.

hand to hand combat is stupid. makes the monk class uderpowered and boring unlike baldurs gate.

Game is too big. Items feel genaric. Story is not that great.

Trust me play baldurs gate 2.

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#11 Zaeryn
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It's a good game, but personally I got bored of it in just 25 hours.
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#12 therog2
Member since 2003 • 465 Posts

It gets incredibly boring after awhile and closing those oblivion gates are going to really piss you off


But that's the beauty of Oblivion!
You can play for hundred of hours without ever touching the main quest.
Or if you find the main quest gets boring, there's hundreds of other different things to do!

To give you a little taste of how big the game is...
If you complete the main quest you have probably seen and done less then 5% of what's in the game!

And there's so many different kinds of ways to play it to!
Do you want to play the noble hero, or maybe an evil magician and just bother as many as possible?
Or just play a thief and steel a howl town empty? The choices are limitless!!

So in my opinion, yes. Oblivion is definitely worth an upgrade!
An like they said earlier. Your going to need it for future games anyways.

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#13 DennisChu22
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Oblivion is worth the upgrade to get the experience of an excellent RPG, but like d_agra said above, closing all the Oblivion gates after a while gets extremely boring.
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#14 PwningStick
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Well it's not like you have to close them. I think in the entire game there are only like 9 gates out of 80 something that you HAVE to close to advance in the main quest.
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#15 lokstah
Member since 2005 • 1213 Posts

is getting oblivion worth it? just to be able to play it i would have to buy around 400 bones worth of upgrades. should i do itcloud_strifeXxX

Pizza... is it worth it? Baseball... is it worth it? Lou Reed's "Transformer"... is it worth it? Come on, man. What are you really asking? Those who enjoyed Oblivion (a good-sized group) will say yes. Those who didn't (also a big group) will say no. There are lots of reviews; lots of screenshots; lots of player discussions and opinions already on the books. Go with your gut!

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#16 fatboyvinnie
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Well it's got tons of content,great graphics and an interesting story so i say it's worth it
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#17 Judza
Member since 2004 • 4637 Posts
I would buy what upgrades you need to play it OP. Worth every penny.
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#18 Domingo1093
Member since 2005 • 195 Posts

baldurs gate 2 blows oblivian away.

I personally dont like the open minded skill system.

hand to hand combat is stupid. makes the monk class uderpowered and boring unlike baldurs gate.

Game is too big. Items feel genaric. Story is not that great.

Trust me play baldurs gate 2.


I agree that Baldur's Gate 2 is an awesome game. However, I would recommend you Oblivion anyway because I believe even if these games are both RPGs, they are very different. I actually had a lot of fun playing that game even if many gamespot members told me it was boring...

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#19 TheLegendKnight
Member since 2007 • 1853 Posts

its boring so its not worthy for any upgrade

morrowind was more boring, especially with its ugly faces

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#20 Megaflare252
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Oblivion is an amazing game for the PC. I already have 140+ hours logged on it and havent even gone 4 quests into the main story yet. There is so so much content for this game its ridiculous. This game has also been embraced by the modding community in a big way too. That should tell you right there that its a game worth building on. Bethesda really got it right on this.

I would have to say that if you can afford the upgrades then do it and play this game. It is beautiful in everyway.

Have fun

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#21 Jin_the_samurai
Member since 2006 • 623 Posts

Oblivion is an amazing game for the PC. I already have 140+ hours logged on it and havent even gone 4 quests into the main story yet. There is so so much content for this game its ridiculous. This game has also been embraced by the modding community in a big way too. That should tell you right there that its a game worth building on. Bethesda really got it right on this.

I would have to say that if you can afford the upgrades then do it and play this game. It is beautiful in everyway.

Have fun


QFT. Oblivion is amazing, I don't know why it is so disliked by PC gamers.

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#23 Megaflare252
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I am really enjoying this game. I love the mods and find them so interesting. They really keep the game interisting.
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#24 HellGyzer
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Serisouly, Oblivion for PC should of got a much higher game score than Ps3 or 360 due to the modding scene along, right now there stand alone mods (thats right) that can give you up to 60-70hours of gameplay on top of the 200 that oblivion can offer, it goes by the name of OOO(oscuros oblivion overhaul) 1.32 RC, it gives so many unquie items, hell thats only one mod, its around 500meg download at like 1 gig extraced, due to the modding scene alone you can add an endless amount of time to your game, there are huge quest which include a 5 tier dungeon which may take you a few hours to complete on your own, not to mention the amazing user created items, armor that really make the standard vinilla items look like crap.

Theres even texture remakes which make the already looking oblivion enviroments even better, this includes characters as well, want some proof? Check out natural enviroments,exnem's body mods and/or Beautiful people 2.7, really its quite amazing.

One last thing, you ever wanted horse combat>? Well you can on the PC version with a mod called "Deadly reflexes", which also allows you to decapetate peoples heads off, how about locational damage?(i.e you do more damage if you aim for the head or an unprocted area) Check out the mod "Locational Damage" thats available.

Just seach the names into here: http://www.tessource.net/files/

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#25 rbfinnegan
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you know what i dont like about rpgs? that there a waste of life, you just sit there and get fat and unattractive thats all it does to you if you play for too long, if you dont however then theres no point of buying the game because it is intended for you to spend 100+ hours on it. If your going to waste your time atleast do it by playing the better game which is OBLIVION not Baldurs gate 2, the future is now play the most recent games they are more fun, if your gona tell someone that your playing baldurs gate 2 they will ask you wat the hell is that, but if you say your playing oblivion then people will say oh hes got an excuse and if they dont just answer back with *its the best game ever foo!*.


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#26 ArcticSnake
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Oblivion becomes an actual good game in the light of Morrowind if you install the right mods. There are some great mods out there like OOO and MMM.
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#27 ablp1234
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Maybe PC users have a few more issues than console users:
1- You need a very high end computer to play it with that awesome visuals shown on pictures. From what i´ve read, most people don´t have one. I struggle to get good visuals anddecent FPS and I havegood hardware. MaybeI´m crazy, but with all video settings high, **** (as in "plant that grows from the soil" nothing smokable)and far object visuals off with no antialiasing, in situations where HDR doesn´t kick in (i.e. at night in the middle of the forest, no torch) it looks a lot like morrowind (which runs great on my computer in every game situation), and still you get a performance hit.

2- It feels ported, the item/journal menu is awkward... it´s REALLY ANNOYING having to scroll all the way down every single time you have to use a soulgem. That happens because mouse and keyboard are poorly implemented in comparison to Morrowind (though that journal system was annoying too) and general interface feels optimized for a game pad.

3- Some of us played Daggerfall. I could go on and on with this but to make it short: THAT was an amazing game, i´ve never seen something like that in my life. To get to the nearest town you needed hours of walking (you could fast travel of course), had thousands of side quests, most of them randomly generated whichwas great replay value,dozens of factions to join, etc.
Hell, even Morrowind (a big dissapointment in terms of game scope by the way)had more factions than Oblivion!

4- Every other issue common to both PC and console versions.

So, Oblivion IS a great game,buy it, enjoy it, squeeze its vast game content, and get hooked into the elder scrolls world. But it´s inevitable to compare it with the previous games and not get a bit dissapointed. It´s like we´ve all expected just a little more...

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#28 HellGyzer
Member since 2004 • 25 Posts

Maybe PC users have a few more issues than console users:
1- You need a very high end computer to play it with that awesome visuals shown on pictures. From what i´ve read, most people don´t have one. I struggle to get good visuals anddecent FPS and I havegood hardware. MaybeI´m crazy, but with all video settings high, **** (as in "plant that grows from the soil" nothing smokable)and far object visuals off with no antialiasing, in situations where HDR doesn´t kick in (i.e. at night in the middle of the forest, no torch) it looks a lot like morrowind (which runs great on my computer in every game situation), and still you get a performance hit.

Yeah, your crazy.

2- It feels ported, the item/journal menu is awkward... it´s REALLY ANNOYING having to scroll all the way down every single time you have to use a soulgem. That happens because mouse and keyboard are poorly implemented in comparison to Morrowind (though that journal system was annoying too) and general interface feels optimized for a game pad.

There are UI mods, hell you can even hotkey soulgems.

3- Some of us played Daggerfall. I could go on and on with this but to make it short: THAT was an amazing game, i´ve never seen something like that in my life. To get to the nearest town you needed hours of walking (you could fast travel of course), had thousands of side quests, most of them randomly generated whichwas great replay value,dozens of factions to join, etc.
Hell, even Morrowind (a big dissapointment in terms of game scope by the way)had more factions than Oblivion!

Bigger doesn't always mean better, if you always wanted more on the PC, theres always the VERY ACTIVE modding scene: http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=38a7eb376d04f9fc3e6231ef98da61f3&showforum=25

4- Every other issue common to both PC and console versions.

So, Oblivion IS a great game,buy it, enjoy it, squeeze its vast game content, and get hooked into the elder scrolls world. But it´s inevitable to compare it with the previous games and not get a bit dissapointed. It´s like we´ve all expected just a little more...

Maybe you should look at the modding scene? Its probably the one of the few things that still making this game one hell of a game to play one year on, as I said, dozens of quests (which would take up 30hours+), horse combat, locational damage, User created items (which look x10000 better than vanilla), and overall graphic improvement mods such as qarls texture pack (2gigs 0o) and beautiful people. One look into he modding scene and chances are you'll never play vanilla oblivion again.

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#29 d_agra
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Oblivion becomes an actual good game in the light of Morrowind if you install the right mods. There are some great mods out there like OOO and MMM.ArcticSnake

Its funny that you have to mod like hell to make it a good game..I guess the RPG GOTY was because of shiney graphics!!If you dont install the mods, what kind of game is it?

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#30 Herrick
Member since 2004 • 4551 Posts

If you need to upgrade to play Oblivion then you need to upgrade to play any new game that comes out. Just bite the bullet and do it.weirjf

Agreed, mang.

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#31 HellGyzer
Member since 2004 • 25 Posts
Its still a grest game, you could still clock up hunders of hours, I mean it didn't just receive a 9.2 for nothing, however a modded version is so much better.
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#32 mandosu
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

I mean it didn't just receive a 9.2 for nothing, HellGyzer

that's because gamespot reviewers are mostly idiots...

if you are looking for a good rpg,don't play oblivion.it is a fisrt person hack and slash with tons of shallow content.in rpg's you are supposed to make choices that matter...in oblivion your main choice is "to kill someone and be sorry about it" or "kill someone".Moreover, whatever you do won't have a big impact in the world around you or on the story.

if you want a game with nice graphics and a lot of mind numbing pointless stuff to do,take it.

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#33 Avenger1324
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If you need to upgrade, then you need to upgrade. Oblivion does look very pretty with the right hardware, and you cant really do it justice on an old pc running at low settings.

Personally I really dont like the release version, and the only thing that keeps me playing is the amazing mod community who have taken it upon themselves to change and fix just about everything in the game. If there is a part of the game you don't like, I would almost guarantee that someone has made a mod that changes it.

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#34 ablp1234
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Maybe you should look at the modding scene? Its probably the one of the few things that still making this game one hell of a game to play one year on, as I said, dozens of quests (which would take up 30hours+), horse combat, locational damage, User created items (which look x10000 better than vanilla), and overall graphic improvement mods such as qarls texture pack (2gigs 0o) and beautiful people. One look into he modding scene and chances are you'll never play vanilla oblivion again.


That´s true. I have several mods installed and it makes a whole better game than the vanilla oblivion. I never said anything about mods because they didn´t came with the game, so it´sa really good thing developers let users modify the game. I think some of the modders should bepart ofbethesda staff because they really know what people liked and disliked about the game! That´s kinda sad... I mean, what would be of Oblivion without the modding scene? I believe most mods in this game aren´t just "cosmetic" changes but needed/wanted changes for most people (based on how many people installs them). My point is... should game balancing/enhancing bean user´s responsibility, or should it be the developer´s?

Again, don`t get me wrong... it IS a great game... but 9.2? It surely is with mods on... but vanilla?