Horror Story, Deimos.

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#1 Nazarimous
Member since 2008 • 41 Posts


Its cold, so very cold, as you're hand is pressed up againest your chest you feel the crimson liquid run through your fingers. Time seems to slow down around you, as you fall to your knees from the loss of blood. The adrenaline helps you ignore the pain as you jab your fingers into your chest and rip the twisted metal out that has punctured into your ribs. You take out the bullet and look down at the hot led smoldering in your hand, the cold is now gone, and the pain has come.

You scream in agony, but cannot be heard. You are alone in your night of discontent, alone except for the smoke and barrel infront of you. A figure, tall and dark, with red eyes that pierce your own stands there looking at you. Soon you are oblivious to the wound, unable to feel, unable to move, every sense and emotion has been turned off except for fear.

Soon the smoke flows out of your mouth, ears, and nose. Not even your knees can support your weight, and you fall face forwards into the pavement. With your hand still clinching the bullet, you slowly begin to fall asleep as the figure walks by.

Fear has gone, and now there is nothing but the boots infront of your eyes, and soon a knee, then a gloved hand, and finally a faceless face. Those eyes, brighter then ever, look at you, there is no nose, no lips, only rotten flesh on bone. You feel as if death is looking at you, but he is the giver of life and the changer of lifes.

Then... all is dark...

For forty days and forty nights, you do not dream, but only see darkness, and you hear that intolerable and even maddening ringing in both your ears. You feel existance without a reality, alone just like that cold night. Not even your screams can reach your ears in this pergatory of your's or someone elses imagination.

Yet soon you burst forth, and you see a blinding light over head. All the senses and emotions have returned to you, existance has reconnected with a reality, you feel warm and comfertable.

When you awake you let out a loud scream but then you are quiet for the ringing is gone. As your eyes patrol the surroundings, you see people in beds, just like the one you are in, all either asleep or just awoken from your sudden burst of noise. There is a uncomfertable feeling in your mouth and right arm, there appears to be a tube running down your throat and needles in your right arm.

You begin to gag as you pull the tube out of you mouth, when you finally do so, some fluids follow and you cough a little from the strange sensation. Then you proceed to pull out the needles in your arms, but before you can do so you hear a door slam open.

A nurse and two doctors have entered the room, in response to the scream you just let out. You try to pull the needles out but they restrain you before you can, you panic and try to get them off you, but you are soon overpowered by them. They then inject yet another needle into your arm, then the nullifying effects of the medicine dulls out your muscles, and you can no longer move. They put the feeding tube aside and then cover you back up, although you can hardly move, you are awake and aware of your surroundings.

Then you hear laughter, when you look up, the doctor's faces are twisted and sinister looking, their mouths wide open with large fang like teeth, and their eyes are large and manicle looking. Its beginning to get dark again, and soon you feel as if you are sinking. The bed you are laying in soon begins to fold over you, the pillow behind your head closes over your face and all is dark once again. Yet this time you hear a pounding sound, like a hammer on steel.

Soon the bed unfolds but you are now in a different room, this one is small, dark, and dingy. The cement walls are covered in blood and other disgusting substances, chains with hooks on them hang from the ceilling, but the floor is clean as can be. You appear to be in some sort of scrubs outfit, your arms and legs are tied down with leather straps, the only thing that is similar is the florescent light above you, but now it is much dimmer.

The pounding continues, you look infront of you there is a large metal door, with a vast series of locks running around all sides. To the left of the door there is a table, with a small taoe player and book upon it, there is also a wooden chair infront of it that appears to have an object on it.

The pounding appears to be coming from someone banging on the door, you can hear someones voice as they scream "Please help, let me in, please you gotta help me!" yet you are still tied to the bed.

You soon notice that leather strap on your left hand has been mostly nawed through, so in an attempt to get out of this room you struggle and bite your way through the strap.

Before long it breaks and you feel a sigh of relief, but the pounding continues and you must hurry. Quickly the other straps are removed and you hurry to the large metal door infront of you. When you get off the bed and your feet touch the floor, you feel that its terribly cold. So cold you can hardly walk on it, but you must in order to help the person on the other side of the door.

You then rush to the door, and franticly try to unlock it, the screaming continues "Hes coming, please hurry, hes going to get me..." then it goes quiet. Eventually you get to the last lock on the door, but something tells you shouldnt open it. Every primal instinct inside is trying to pull your hand away from the final lock, but you then you hear crying coming from under the slit at the bottom of the door. You then force yourself to open the it, when the final lock is opened, the door slowly swings open and you see a long and dark hallway with only a few lights hanging from the ceilling.

The walls and floor are made of dark moldy bricks, and water seems to be seeping through the cracks between them. When you look down you see the body of a bald and skinny man thats wearing the same cloths as you. Hes still alive and grabs you ankle, you kneel down to help him, when you do so you roll him over to get a better look at his face.

His left hand has been removed and all there is, is a small hammer shoved into a bloody stump where the hand should be, when you look at his face you see that his eyes have been sewn shut, and his tung has been removed, but how could he have been speaking without a tung?

Also when you turn him over you see that he is been partially disembowled, his intestines and stomach lay on the floor and all there is, is a cavity with a box inside. The man, with a last bit of strength raises his right arm and opens his fingers, revealing a key. The man then says "The Meat is coming" and then dies in your arms.

Although disgusting, you remove the box from the cavity in the man's torso, and then proceed to open it, but before you do, a silent but very strange sounding clicking sound comes from the end of the hallway. When you look up you see another dark figure, he seems to be about a hundred feet away but its like you can feel his breath right on your face.

It just stands there looking at you, but then looks down at the box in your arms, and then lets out a lourd squeel. It charges you, rushing down the hallway at incredible speed on all four, you jump back and quickly slam the door shut. Before you do so the beast leaps towards you before you can get it closed all the way, and you catch a glimpse of it's appearance.

You drop the box and key and quickly latch and lock the door until it is completely locked. The clicking sound continues from the creature, when you saw it up close you saw a blurr but could make out that it had had no hands or feet, only limbs, and it's face was covered by a piece of metal which appeared to have a key hole in the middle of it.

Terrified half to death, you rush to the foot of the bed, and curl into the ball. Tears begin to fall from your eyes as you cower and begin to go insane from claustrophobia due to the small room. You look down at the key at the floor, then your attention is brought towards the box, but you feel you shouldnt open it. You then look back at the table in the corner of the room, then you stand up and investigate.

When you reach the chair, there appears to be a tape on it, you pick it up and put it into the tape player on the table and press play. Eventually after about a minute or so of static, you finally hear someone's voice from the tape. You sit down and listen to it as you take a view at the book.

"Day One, Project Deimos test subject 4, this is Dr. Phoben, the date is... October 5th, 1AM. Although the past subjects have been terrible failures, this one seems to show some promise. He hasnt died in the first three hours of the initial injection, and the second didnt even seem to phase him at all, its been seven hours now and he appears to be completely relaxed. Most subjects just burst into complete madness and do everything in their power to kill themselves as quickly as possible, but it seems that this one appears to even be enjoying it, let alone be in a complete state of terror."

"Day Two, Project Deimos test subject 4, Dr. Phoben, the date is... October 6th, 7PM. After finally getting some sleep last night, I come back to see that the test subject has been reacting to the third injection in a way that far exceeds our expectations. He seems to be developing his mental and psychic powers quickly and he is probably our greatest chance of success."

"Day three, Project Deimos test subject 4, Dr. Phoben, the date is... oh who cares what the date is... that jerk of a warden came in here yesterday demanding for quicker results, I told him this takes time but he refused to listen. So in order to increase the subject's dependance and control of his telekinetic and second sight abilties, we decided to remove the subject's hands and feet, and also cut out his eyes. This is so he has he strictly use his new abilities in order to do anything, after this many of my colleagues quit or transferred to different rooms, but please... we arnt trying to be moral here are we?"

"Day four.. Proj... oh screw it... subject has gone completely mad, the final injection was made today and with it came... complications. Although he was able to move freely and work with his mental abilities alone, he seemed as if he was aggrovated and even angry. Fearing retaliation from him, I put a mental dampener on his face to keep him from doing anything... too astonishing. The key to the dampener is away in my office, I hid it behind the filing cabnet, so I dont think anyone will find it. As for the patient, hes starting to scare me a little..."

"Day... GAH! Project Deimos has failed, the bloody son of a **** broke out of his room, I dunno how he could do this with the dampener on his face, its suppose to be reducing his psychic abilities by 90%, if he manages to remove it who knows what would happen." I... cant feel my legs... The whole facility is in uproar, I fear that there is something bigger going on here... I dont think ill... oh god... Oh Shi!..."

The tape then stops... To Be Continued

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#2 Cedric169
Member since 2005 • 2138 Posts
To be continued? wow...
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#3 Blu_Falcon37
Member since 2006 • 4041 Posts
Pretty good, but it needs to be continued. :P
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#4 deactivated-6016f2513d412
Member since 2007 • 20414 Posts
I like it. :) It does indeed need to be continued.
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#5 Nazarimous
Member since 2008 • 41 Posts

wait.... people actually read it!? And you liked it!? :shock:

now I actually have a reason to continue!

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#6 riseagnstfan
Member since 2007 • 1081 Posts
that was actually really good... best 5 minutes ive spent reading in a really long time
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#7 gbpman630
Member since 2003 • 2795 Posts

I like stories written in 2nd Person. You don't see too many of them.

And nice job. Give us the next installment.

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#8 SaintLeonidas
Member since 2006 • 26735 Posts
Lol way to end it, now I need to know what happens. Good Job.
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#9 6_volts
Member since 2008 • 5520 Posts
Nice story!
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#10 Nazarimous
Member since 2008 • 41 Posts
I added some more in a continued part of this chapter, Second Chapter on it's way!
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#11 kyleali11
Member since 2006 • 11820 Posts
Ohhh Snap. That was a great read.