Basically a very rushed, and half-assed port to the PC from the PS2 version. It's absolutely riddled with horrible bugs

User Rating: 3 | Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone PC
For the love of all that is good in a video game, avoid this one.

Nevermind that it's a beat-em-up. Nevermind that it's "too linear." The game's true flaws stem from the number of god-awful problems and bugs that have gone uncorrected for quite some time.

• Prefer to use the arrow keys instead of the usual W, A, S, D set-up? Well, too bad for you. Even if you properly assign them in the launcher Demon Stone will (for whatever reason) treat them as if they are part of a joypad. This means that when it comes time to switch between your characters frequently in the middle of a fight, you will find yourself switching all over the damn place while trying to maneuver in mid-combat.

They released a patch, but they somehow never caught this problem? Have left-handed people given up playing video games?

• Horrible, excruciating sound bugs. Sometimes the dialogue audio will work during cutscenes, and sometimes it will be completely absent. Other times you will get nothing but background music, and other times you will get no music whatsoever.

Patch 1.1 was supposed to fix this. But, didn't.

If you are someone really itching to play this game, you are better off just playing it on the PS2 console. The PC version is an exercise is frustration and disappointment.