An interesting game for little ones that has a good introduction to an MMORPG world.

User Rating: 8.5 | Flyff PC
FlyFF (Fly For Fun) is the first MMORPG that I've ever played. It's cute and the graphics nor the stores are all that hard to fallow so it makes for a good introduction to MMORPG's. Though I have to admit that due to the lack of complexity, it get's kind of boring as you go on.
You are limited as to what type of character you can make so it makes for a linear story but also keeps starts from having to over think what they want to do. And the characters are all very child-like so it's safe for all ages though they start to look really annoying as you go along.
Really, the only reason I could think of an experienced MMORPG player playing this game is because they wanted to see how fast they could get a character for level 1 to level 120. That is an advantage of this game that no other game has. Once you cap, you don't stay caped. You drop down to level 60 and start over but you can't be killed by anything (or so the players that reach that point have said, I have yet to confirm it).