For lack of a better description, I have to call it soothing. Unfortunatly, it ends too soon.

User Rating: 7.8 | flOw PS3
If you were looking at a reason for motion sensing, you may have found it. FlOw is a very innovative game, and for once the Sixaxis is welcomed into our homes. While this game doesnt convince me that rumble should have been replaced, it does give me hope for the future of the Sixaxis. As for the game itself, its quite addicting. Its very simple, and it seems like it might feel more at home in an arcade, but its fun. And the fun is really what matters right? Well, there are other factors to consider. One place where the game really fails is in the length department. I dont imagine this game taking you any more than an hour. Also, there isnt much of a reason to replay the game. After you have beaten it, its just over. Luckily, its only $7.00. This is a good way to spend $7.00. While the fun is short lived, its still there. This game is not revolutionary by any means. But it is a step in the right direction for the Sixaxis and the PS3 in general. If you do nothing else Tuesday evenings, play this game.