Flotilla...........an intriguing and innovative ideal game from a genre that's nearly overrun.........

User Rating: 9 | Flotilla PC
Flotilla...........an intriguing and innovative ideal game from a genre that's nearly overrun.........,

That said, I came across this little number at the Steam store a while back and looked at it, pondered it.............looked at it again and decided to drop it in my shopping cart. Now, mind all of you, I am an OLD gamer from way back in the Atari 800 and Atari 2600 days.....that's when my proverbial "cherry" was broken in regard to computer and console gaming. More bluntly.....about 30 years ago...ok. Since then, I have had exposure to many types of games, from all genres, and strategy's seem to be my forte'. There's just better playability and possibility that exists. This game, Flotilla, is from an independent software maker Blendo Games and I believe that Flotilla is their first "published" game being offered at Steam.com. Ok, so where does the "an intriguing and innovative ideal game from a genre that's nearly overrun" statement come from? Well, honestly speaking, even though that it is a strategy game, it doesn't look like a strategy game by modern standards. It actually looks as if this thing was written about 10 - 15 years ago. No, I'm not kidding! From the color palette on down to the geometrically generic ship models, it just doesn't "FEEL" like today's standard strategy game. STOP! Before you even decide to pass on this one, I want you to remember what you're Mother told you and if she didn't tell you...then I will!!!...NEVER, and I mean NEVER judge a book by it's cover, or a game by it's box!!! This game, Flotilla, is going to be one of those "unsung hero" type games that A LOT of people will just pass over, because of the way it looks and feels and not the way it plays. I adore this game and applaud it's creator, Blendo Games, for a truly "breath of refreshed air" that truly brings me back to those earlier days when the computer gaming industry had found it's feet and was pioneering the way to our current gaming standards of today. It has an easy to use interface that is a relief from quite a few other strategy games that exist. I could name names, but I'm sure you guys can come up with a few you know too. There's just not a lot to worry about in the way of configuration, because I believe that the creators of Flotilla just didn't want to bog the gamer down into making complex decisions about configuration and what hotkeys to assign where......, blah, blah, blah. That sort of thing has it's place of course, but you won't find it here! And that's a good thing. I couldn't recommend this game to the youngster gamers out there, because I truly don't feel they would have a passion or an appreciation for it. However, to all of the older gamers out there, this one will take you back. It's not expensive in the least, and only 80MB's on a download and install. Not complex at all, easy to understand. Just jump in....the water's fine!!!