Nearly as good as the 360 your pocket!

User Rating: 8.5 | FlatOut: Head On PSP
Having played this game on the 360, I was really impressed with the port to PSP. The controls were tranlated perfectly. I love any racing game with consequential physics. This game has it in spades. This series is all about having the best damage modeling and physics engine around. Career mode is fun with wild and crazy tracks complet with jumps, shortcuts, and plenty of debris to demolish and take out. Unfortunately the PSP version does not support online multiplayer, only ad hoc multiplayer. (up to 8) But I'm sure you and your 7 friends will all buy this game and sit around playing it in one thiry foot vicinity quite often. There are lots of tracks and cars to unlock. There is every kind of car here from a pinto-based car to a school bus. Dirt tracks with jumps and short cuts and stuff to crash into are always fun. Worth the budget price for a new game. Plus free balloons for the kids!!!