An impressive game for a PSP version of Flatout. Better than Burnout on PSP.

User Rating: 9 | FlatOut: Head On PSP
This game is really good. I only just got the game.

The graphics are really impressive especially for a PSP racing game. Probably the best graphics of all the racing games on the PSP. Glass and debris flies when you crash, tracks are clear, it's all good. Also there are paint jobs for the cars too! Whcih i don't think was there in Flatout 2 (Unsure about Ultimate Carnage)

The new Carnage Mode is really great! The Flatout Mode is basically the exact same thing as Flatout 2.

The sound effects are really good although the soundtrack is a bit of a downer.

All the other events are still good. It's a really great racing game for the PSP. It's pretty much exactly the same as Flatout 2 and Ultimate Carnage, although it's on the PSP, which is the reaosn why I pre-ordered this game.

Overall, it's better than Burnout, very realistic. Very good game for people who've played only Flatout 1 or no Flatouts at all. As for people who've played Flatout 2 or Ultimate Carnage, only by it if you want it portable. Very good game for the PSP!