Flashback the best-in-series! A powerful factor you never can forget!D

User Rating: 10 | Flashback AMI
Morsning Gamers!

From have being thinking and writing about Another World will it be now more interesting to continue to Flashback. Another great game in the historyline; Only there you have one more very good one!D Besides from that… Flashback are definitely the best-in-series from first “Another World”, a very great 2D polygon basted game with a small bad gameplay, to “Flashback” on Amiga, a perfect game with a mix of 2D polygon and normal 2D graphics, to the last one “Fade To Black” (I played on PS1), a mediocre game with a bad gameplay and value.

The perfect balance with movie sequence, gameplay, graphics and music gave Flashback a powerful factor you never can forget!D
