Fire Emblem Sacred Stones is highly addictive! I feel that it is a whole new way to play a game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones GBA
Fire Emblem is a very good game series. In this game, you start of playing as a princess named Erika. Her brother, Ephraim has gone missing as soon as a big war came up. She goes to find her brother.

Later in the game, you play as Ephraim. Unlike like his sister her wields a sword, he is wielding a lance. As you go through the game, the challenges get even more difficult, and you get more people to play as.

Technically, He play a whole bunch of people at once. The game play is similar to the Advance Wars series, but I feel that this game series is better. Wherever you go, there is bound to be someone that has at least heard the name Fire Emblem.

This game is excellent, and I recommend it to anyone who wants a great game with solid graphics, great sound, and awesome game-play.