It's not Front Mission 3, but it's done very well.

User Rating: 9 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
My favorite console strategy game is obviously Front Mission 3, but this game has grown on me. If you never have played a FE game, (which I have not), then let me let you in on it.

You play as Ike, the leader of the Greil mercenaries. I won't blow any of the story for you, but in traditional RPG fashion, there are twists and turns to the story. The story is well done, as you actually care what happens to whom, and look forward to see what is going to take place in the next chapter. 30 Chapters in all.

You play on a large grid, moving your players around. Each player has strengths and weaknesses, so you have to plan very carefully. There are different ways to complete a chapter, but you can check the Objectives to see what you have to do.

Music is good, sometimes a little repeditive, but well done. Graphics are good, but I wish that when you fight the backgrounds were a little clearer. The cut scenes are really, really good.

The thing that I like about this game is that later on you can fashion your own weapons, for a price, of course.

If you own a GC and like strategy RPG style of games, get this one. It shouldn't dissappoint.