This game is great for fans of Fire Emblem but the difficulty might be a little too easy for vets of the series.

User Rating: 8.5 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
Here is a game that we all know and love. The long lasting series, Fire Emblem, is back! This game is good for fans of the series or anybody who has the slightest interest in tactical RPG's. I think this game kind of focuses on attracting new players rather than pleasing vets of the series. The one noticeable thing about this game is that it is kind of easy compared to other FE games. One thing I like about this game is that there are many characters to choose from, good or bad. The plot isn't exactly the most memorable but good nevertheless. I wished this game had more cutscenes because I thought the cutscenes were just great to watch. The battles are similar to Final Fantasy Tactics so people who play that most likely will enjoy this game. The battles in the game are kind of like any standard Tactical RPG's. I don't really see any big difference in terms of battle that really sets this game apart from others games of this genre. This game will probably take you a couple days to complete depending on how good you are in the battles. There are a couple of unlockable units you can play as if you completed a certain number of times and a couple of trial maps you can play in after the game so that might hold you up a little bit longer. Another thing that might stretch out the hours of this game is the playing of the units you haven't played as before. With all that said I think this is a solid game for those who like these types of games and also the people who have been itching for a Fire Emblem game (also anybody who wants stats transfered to Fire Emblem:Radiant Dawn, which is definately less forgiving than PoR.)