Well, well worth your time.

User Rating: 8 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
Let's get all of the negatives out of the way here. For starters, this game does not have good graphics. They look comparable to those of Playstation 2 games in the first few years. If that's all you're looking for in a game, then you will not like this game. Now, if you're looking for an engaging console strategy game, then Intelligent Systems has got you covered. Path of Radiance features turn based strategy, set in a world where the Kingdom of Daien (methinks that's the spelling, my memory is foggy) is attacking the neighboring kingdom, Cremia. You play as a band of mercenaries, who are escorting the secret Cremian princess to the land of the Laguz, a humanoid race with the ability to transform into certain beasts, all the while fighting the opposing forces of Daien and certain evil Laguz.. The leveling system is standard for roleplaying games; kill enough enemy units with a character to gain experience and level up, increasing your statistics. Something that isn't typical among RPGs, however, is that if one of your units die, then they're gone. Not incapacitated. Not 'sent to the hospital.' Dead. Overall, you can probably spend 10-15 hours on a single play through, though you'll want to play multiple times to try and get as many units as you can, and give them their special abilities. All in all, if you're a fan of turn based strategy, then this game is worth your time.