Fire Emblem's debut takes everyone by storm.

User Rating: 7.3 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
The Gamecube installment of Fire Emblem is a big craze! Boasting strategic gameplay and superior graphics, this game is a must-get for all Fire Emblem fans! This game is no pushover, the player must go through 30+ stages through the aid of playable characters, who hold unique and special weapons to their advantage. By strategically moving the characters from one square to another, the life and death of each character is basically in the player's hands! This game also surprises players with a new weapon making system, in which players can create unique and special weapons by buying required materials. However, life and death in this game is a big matter. Once your character dies, he/she is gone for good. Hence every step in the game contributes a long way to the final outcome of each stage.

Bottomline: This game not only tests the player's brains, but allow the player "feast" on fabulous and paranomic graphics. On the whole, the game is far better than imaged.