Another Fire Emblem means more of the same, but it's still adequate.

User Rating: 7 | Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki GC
There has been many Fire Emblem games but until the Fire Emblem on the Game Boy Advance, many western game players had no idea about this unique tactical role playing game. With Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn coming out on the Wii, and the backwards compatibility of the Wii, it would be a great time for many people to check out this game since it takes place before Radiant Dawn.

If you're expecting for the graphics to be amazingly great, you'll be sorely disappointed. Fire Emblem games have never been about the stunning graphics but that's not to say that this game is a graphic slouch. Everything is rendered in 3d and the bright, vibrant colours of the backgrounds and each character can be seen easily. There's not much doubt about what one unit is or who is where.

You play the game controlling Ike, a young boy who is quickly thrust into the lead role of his father's band of mercenaries. Unfortunately, you Ike and the gang get pulled into an international war between warring nations. The story progresses through conversations by a plethora of characters with still images and although this isn't too appealing for some, the story gets told effectively through the text.

The game isn't revolutionary in any real way but it does have cinematics at certain parts of the game that provide a great cartoon for all to watch.

If you liked previous Fire Emblem games, this is more of the game so you will probably enjoy it. If you didn't like them or dislike a lot of reading, this game will probably steer you away as this game only appeals to a specific brand of game player. In the end, I found it to be a quite enjoyable game but nothing special.