one of the best 2D platformers

User Rating: 9.4 | Fire & Ice: The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote AMI
this game just rocks your this cool coyote who must rescue some little coyotes or something. you must kill your enemies whit shooting ice balls out of hes nose which freeses the enemies and then you must walk wtrough them to kill them thats pretty wierd.

the game is long you'll be going through different worlds including jungles,snow lands,underwater levels,... its all looks really amazing it got loads of awesome 3D effects and overall the graphics are just awesome but the graphics doesnt beat the awesome music its got one of the best soundtrack I ever heard.

the game is just extremely fun to play but sometimes frustrating like any 2D platformer if you got an amiga this game is a must have its got everything a game should have.