Reviewers must have been trying the GLOW drug to give such miserable score to Streetwise. Anyways...

User Rating: 8.1 | Final Fight: Streetwise PS2
Final Fight, ohhh Final Fight...
Who doesn't remember playing the original in the arcades like mad?
Fortunately, Final Fight is back, and what bad reviews it has!

What can I say about them? Forget those reviews! Streetwise is exactly what the original was, a beat em up, NOTHING else, so yes the storyline ain't great but it still isn't bad either!

Streetwise puts the player as Cody's brother, Kyle.
As Cody can't fight anymore, he now trains his brother in underground fights.
Unfortunately, Cody made the wrong deal with the wrong people and ends up getting kidnapped. Also, a new drug is being selled on the streets. This drug is known as GLOW (and probably is what the reviewers took when reviewing this game) and quickly gains fame.
So its up to Kyle to stop all the mess and rescue Cody.

Final fight's graphics aren't all that great, but still have some neat effects now and then. They still are better than The Warriors.

Great choice of soundtrack. Goes from hip-hop to metal. The ideal urban theme actually.
Streetwise does include a lot of cursing, but that's really irrelevant since the game is rated M.

The game plays well, it takes little time to get used to the controls.
The counter system is great. The cameras can be a little problematic at times, most of the time during the arcade mode.

Final word:
Streetwise is a great beat em up. It includes some extras, one of them is the original final fight.
If you loved the original, you will probably like this one. Recommended to any beat em up fan.