Man, what the hell is it with Capcom massively screwing the beat 'em up genre?

User Rating: 1.3 | Final Fight: Streetwise PS2
Firstly, we were graced with that pile of garbage known as Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance, with it's poor story, overly gratuitous use of swearing, poor controls and camera, and crappy sound and music.

Now, we're cursed with this pile of rotting garbage, with it's VERY bad story, extremely over-the-top gratuitous use of swearing, horribly poor controls and camera, and piss-poor sound and music.

Now I'm not usually the kind of person to go on a tirade like this, but Capcom just can't seem to get the beat 'em up right ever since Viewtiful Joe. Granted, Capcom deserved a break when they came out with Beat Down for the simple fact that RE4 and Viewtiful had their back in my book. But there's no excuse for this, dare I call it, "game"? This game was like taking Fight Club, handing it over to a group of 13-year-olds with less than an 80 IQ put together, letting them swear to their hearts content, and slapping on a sticker that says "Final Fight: Streetwise".

This especially gets to me because I love the beat 'em up genre, always have, always will. But then games like this come along and drive another nail into the coffin of the genre. And it's the same company doing it all, Capcom revitalized the genre wth Viewtiful Joes 1 and 2, and then they go and kill it a little more with Final Fight: Streetwise.

Still, the environment felt right for the game, and I guess they at least tried to make it seem somewhat cool, but when you swear THAT much in a game, it becomes unnecessary and retarded, dragging it down even further into the hell that is "The Worst Games List".

I HIGHLY recommend not buying this game, or even wasting good money on a rental, but if you absolutely HAVE to try it, try to find a free rental coupon, and make a good color photocopy of it and use it to rent this game, because I wouldn't want anyone wasting a perfectly good free rental coupon on it.