Well... It ain't no classic but...

User Rating: 7.5 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3
So lets see what's on the plate this time around. A sequel to Final Fantasy 13,not looking good so far. FF13 is arguably the worst game in the franchise (not counting those MMOs) usually associated with phrases such as, Disasterpiece,Hellspawn,Cardinal Sin,Abomination to Mankind, and ZOMG SO LINEAR. But all is not lost in this sea of despair,Final Fantasy 13-2 almost makes up for the train wreck of its predecessor. First of the flaws fixed was the linearity of the level design and story, its very Back to the Future-Esq concerning the story premise. The combat is nearly identical to FF13, but the leveling and monster catching provide a saving grace to this dying horse. The soundtrack of the game is very well done and includes much more vocal work than the prequel. Little can be said about the minigames as they are... minigames. Graphically the production values rival that of box office movies, in both fluency and sharpness. While FF13-2 is a great game in its own right it is dragged down by the fact it is linked with the unwanted child of the series. On a side note, the collectors edition includes a small concept art book, a four disk soundtrack, a matte white box (which has the texture of lotion), and the game itself. I would recommend this game for anyone who bought FF13 and was utterly disappointed, trust me it makes up for it. (Kind Of...) Also, if you haven't played FF13 do not buy it.