Final Fantasy: Good...... MMORPGs: Great...... FFXI MMORPG: Even Better

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy XI X360
I'm not going to compare the 360 version to the PC version or any other MMO on the PC. People need to understand that MMOs were designed for the PC. The 360 is still very new in the MMO genre.

That being said, this is a great game. The control scheme is VERY different and definitely takes some getting used to. Not every action has a default button on the controller obviously, but the game allows you to set macros. Graphics aren't the best in the world, but for how many things can be on screen at one time and not lag is pretty impressive. Also, you have to remember that Square Enix made this game in 2005.

The mechanics of the game works well. Pretty much like any other typical MMO, run around, find quests, gain XP, fight monsters, party up with friends, the basics. If you've played those really old school text based RPGs or you've played any RPG that said "You hit Goblin A for 5 points of damage." You will see this in the game. I love that aspect; it tells you everything that happens. Some people find it very annoying, but you can put it away when nothing is happening. In battle the text box can get pretty huge because of all the damage being dealt.

Get this fact engrained in your head… At first, you will die a lot. This game is by no means merciful in its difficulty.

At the moment there are only two MMOs on the 360. Phantasy Star Universe and Final Fantasy XI and I've played both in depth. Phantasy Star seems to be for the younger audience. It's more of a hack and slash when FFIX is more technical and statistics based.

The fact of the matter is that if you dig deep enough, you will certainly find a game that is worth your while.