A decent online game with a wide range of quests and 'minigames'

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy XI PC
Once again another only online game fails to stand up to WOW. Final fantasy 11 is what you might like to call an 'above average' game. It mananges to be addictive and sometimes quite fun in a variety of ways.

I will start of first by saying, when you start this game, you will have absoulute no idea what you are doing. Yes, all games are like this but i wouldnt say it has a tutorial. You are left to figure everything out from other players or for yourself. They needed to make the game's tutorial in every area easier. When you start a skill, you wont have an idea what to do, what you need or where to go, making it annoying.

Unless of course you are high leved in a skill it is way to hard to make 'good money' for new or learning players. This game will always teach you something new even for the advance players. The leveling of charcters is ok. Decent job choices and even the use of many 'side jobs' to give your character a boost in areas such as health. Pretty good graphics and ok online story to add on to the FF series.

You also have an easy entry into your clan, but the only problem is to make some of your own you may have to spend alot of money which is a good idea so there arnt like a million clans. The payment is a bit of a rip off, unless its gone down since i last played it but since its not 'the best' it should be more than $20. It also has annoing downloads that can take ages depending on your internet. A very long installation process but can prove to be worth it. This game also has outside chatrooms and clans so you can chat and email your friend and also some downloads.

The biggest let down about teh game is the combat. Unlike other games were you can press buttons to attack or just click like mad to attack like WOW and oblivion or any other RPG games, this combat is uninteractive and boring. Unless your a mage you really dont have much clicking to do. As warriers or any other fighters unless you want to use a special ability or power you dont need to do anything. It might sound cool for all you lazy people out there but its not. You charcter just does the same boring hit over and over, blocking if you have a sheild and mabye getting hit. You just attack a monster then sit back. This games pointless, pointless fighting made it unatradective to hardcore players.The armour variety and weapons variety in this game is good with heaps of cool abilitys and side quests.

Overrall, if you need an online game and if our bored of WOW or watever you play then get this game. A decent online RPG