The Best FF game,in history of Square-Enix.

User Rating: 9.8 | Final Fantasy VII PS
This game is the best!!!.You start off as Cloud Strife,a EX-SOLDIER.& you have to go kill Sephiroth,anyways,the music is one of the best music in video game history.The graphics are good considering its a ps1 game.FF8,9,10 are nice,but this is no way in all 3 in their league.The gameplay,is nice,the Limit is good.My team is Cloud,Barret,& REDXIII.You can go on plain with Cid,the tragic loss of Aeris,brings Cloud Revenge on Sephiroth,for killing Aeries,(a.k.a The Flower Girl).They are 4 disks,Good Plot on how it starts,good storyline,I will recommend this to ANYONE,that are into RPG games,and The Historic Final Fantasy Series,This is certaintly,the best RPG game in history.