Final Fantasy may be one of the greatest games of all time with awesome music, characters, and a superb story.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy VII PS
At first I thought this game to be disappointing and for one reason, the difficulty. If you are new to Final Fantasy like I was, You'll die quite some and get frustrated if your'e anything like me. Final Fantasy takes a huge turn early in the game as well, a turn that you'll want avenged. For the gaming generation of the 90's the graphics are pretty good, but one thing I didn't quite get was, "Why use the directional pad when you have those nice analog stick. That was something I soon didn't care about when proceeding further in this marvelous story. The combat system is just like any other Japanese RPG with a leveling system that I didn't get and still to this day don't get. Another thing that's great about FF7 is the music and characters. Some call this story a disappointment, I consider them non-human. Overall, Final Fantasy VII is one of the greatest games of all time and sets the bar high for the Japanese RPG fully deserving it's 9.5/10.