Final Fantasy V is definitely an improvement in gameplay.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy V SNES
The graphics are pretty similar to Final Fantasy IV, but the gameplay is more complex. You can customize your characters by giving them jobs. They will learn techniques which they can equip in their regular form. The story is about a man that travels around places. In a short time he meets a princess and an old man that he found near a meteorite. They join together and meet up with a strange-looking man that is a pirate. The pirate joins and they all try to protect the crystals that seal a powerful wizard. Humans are draining the crystals of their power and the crystals are shattering. The game is long and consists of three worlds. Once you advance to a new world you cannot return to the previous so you better finish all the things you need to do before heading to the next world. I like this Final Fantasy, but not as much as Final Fantasy VI. Final Fantasy V is still worth playing though.