A standard final fantasy with great gameplay

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy V Advance GBA
Not much has changed from the previous final fantasy games, but a lot of stuff has been mixed around and as a result you get a very polished looking game with the best elements of the previous final fantasy games. In final fantasy V, you get the job system and a cast of 4 main characters that can do any of the jobs allowing a lot of interesting party combinations. Not only that but once you finish a "job" you can keep the skills and combine it with another job. Needless to say, battles are much more fun when you can kill your opponent in more than a 100 different ways. It adds a lot to the traditional turn based system of final fantasy and it gives you much more variety, though battling at its core is stlll fundamentally the same. I admit that i got very tired sometimes of the way too frequent random battles that appear once in like every 10 or so steps.

Graphically V beats out all its predecessors by a large margin, even ff IV. The characters all more animated and have more expressions and towns and npcs seem much more vibrant and colorful. The sound is standard final fantasy music. In other words, it's good to listen to while you're killing endless hordes and walking/flying across continents to go to your next destination.

I had a blast while playing this game, but i wouldn't play it again. When finishing the game you'll probably have completed or nearly completed with at least one character each of the jobs and you won't feel much of an inclination to go play through the whole game again. The storyline is a bit weak and the characters aren't as developed as i would have liked. The villain's name is exdeath for god's sake, that's about as cliche as you can get! I'm ranting a bit, but there's a reason i gave it a 9 in value. Even though you won't feel inclined to play the game again, it'll still give you your money's worth. It's an incredibly long game with tons of places to explore (and to get lost in)

Final fantasy V is a much more organized and fun game than its predecessors. While you're not going to play this game for its gripping original storyline, you're going to play it for its fun boss fights and the interesting job system.