If you are a fan of RPGs in any way, and own a GBA or DS, get this game.

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy V Advance GBA
Final Fantasy as many of you may know it has numerous installments, most of which do not have any connections story-wise. Although they may have separate stories, it does not mean that they are weak. Final Fantasy V may not be the best story in the series, but it is still pretty good. There are of course some cliche and cheesy moments, but overall it's fairly solid.

This game was originally developed for the Super Famicon (Japan's Super NES) in the early 90's. North America never received this game. As most people now know with the recent re-releases of the series, the numbering of the titles were different. NA's II was Japan's IV and our III was their VI. You should realize that there is no North American equivalent to their V. Well now you have the chance (although the GBA version is not the first version of V in North America, there was the Playstation release).

Final Fantasy V is the second game in the series to feature the job system. The jobs initially appeared in Final Fantasy III, which just recently made it to North America for the first time on the DS. Personally, I enjoyed the job system in V much more than in III. The way you leveled up your jobs and gained abilities created many, many possibilities, which in turn gives great replay value. Something the GBA version has that the original or the PS remake is four new job classes and a bonus dungeon, so if you had the game on PS, it isn't entirely the same game.

The game, as with the majority of the other Final Fantasies features your magic, summons, etc. It is nice to be able to switch your job class whenever you want, so not each party member has to be your healer, or black magic user. There is also the Blue Mage job class, which is pretty fun. You are able to learn certain moves by enemies and then perform them yourself.

Visuals in the game look fine, just nothing spectacular. Obviously it is a GBA game, and originally a SNES game, so you shouldn't expect anything outstanding in today's terms. It still looks really clean though, it just isn't the best the GBA has to offer.

Sound is great in terms of music, as is the same with all other Final Fantasies, one of the series strong points. It is your classic SNES-era MIDI, but all of the arrangements sound excellent.

I would recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the series, or of classic Japanese RPGs in general. Obviously the style of gameplay may seem a bit dated to many gamers now, but it is over a decade old. The random encounters may annoy people an awful lot. I clocked in over 40 hours of playtime, and that's not 100% completion. There is still the bonus dungeon and many other sidequests I did not do, I just completed the main storyline. You will definitely get your money's worth out of this game.