The highly customizable job system of Final Fantasy V will keep you playing over and over again!

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy V Advance GBA
An epic story as usual from the near-never disappointing Final Fantasy series, with lots of action, humor, heart, and depth. V keeps to Square Enix's tried and true formula of four heroes, who in this title are your only heroes, that battle a powerful foe who is hellbent on unleashing an unspeakable evil onto the world. The job system is back for it's second title (III was the first), but tweaked in a different way that gives you a plethora of options for customizing your four heroes. In this entry, you are able to combine your current job with one other learned ability, whether a battle command or passive trait to aid you in or out of battle. This makes for endless possibilities and will probably give you good reason to play this great game again simply because your head will be buzzing with new ideas for your heroes. The only reason why this game is less than perfect for me is because the natural rate at which you level up does not seem to put you in a good position for the duel with the final boss, and leveling up to do so becomes a tedious time-consuming endeavor. Otherwise, Final Fantasy V is highly addicting, and with all the options in front of you with the jobs and abilities, you'll want to play it again and again.