This is the best final fantasy on the planet..i cant speak for everyone but to me this is perfection

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy IX PS
this game was the first final fantasy i ever played and i am so glad it was cause i might not have loved the franchise as much if it wasnt for this masterpiece game.there is nothing but good in this game and long and amazing and beautiful with the best characters in any final fantasy

the good

best and most beautiful magic in any FF game
great characters with backstory and dept
amazing story that gets u so caught up in the moment u will hate seeing it end
best summons and great cutscenes
very very long
awesome bosses
fun exploring and chocobo hunting is FUN!!!
lots of rewards
great music

the bad

card battles are confusing compared to FF8
art style may not appeal to some
a few dull moments throughout the game

lol thats all i can think of so not much bad at all..perfect game
i bought this game in 2000 and loved it to death ever since..i still play it via pc emulator .if u havent played this then u should and at the moment this game is 8.5 on here but i highly stand by my 10 score