This Game Is All-Over Fun

User Rating: 9.7 | Final Fantasy III NES
Gameplay: The gameplay is fun. It is the last FF to be fully turn based. What I mean is that all FFs are turn based but Final Fantasy I-III are fully. This is because you can actually make a strategy out of it because if you feel you made a mistake before you confirm the commands then you can go back all the way to your first character then re-do your commands. See, now FFIV and up weren't like this. You confirm a command from one character at a time and once you confirm it your done. Can't re-do. FFIII also has a numbering system that depending on who you attack with and who you attack, there will be a number. These numbers show who is attacking that enemy. Seeing how there is only 4 characters, and your first character attacks, say a goblin, then there will be a number one over the goblin. There was alos the job system. This is my favorite part. Depending on your current class and the class your going to change to, you need a certain amount of points. Though this may sound cheesy, it is rather catchy. There wasn't really much that I didn't like about FFIII's gameplay so thus far it is perfect...

Graphics: Though, recycled from the original FF, there was a new roster. The new sprites made it a very fun game. And there wasn't much of eye blinding as FFII did.

Sound: Not much to say, though it was very well done for just a mere NES...

Value: A lot say FFI has enormous replay because of the job selecting system in the beginning of the game. If this is true, then FFIII is god at replay. Why? Because this is a totally fun game with the most kidiest yet fun sprites. This game is all-over fun...