If you missed out on these games before than take full advantage of this game

User Rating: 8.6 | Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls GBA
Final Score: 86/100 Final Fantasy I&II Dawn of Souls on the GBA was actually my very first encounter with the Final Fantasy series. And I figured why not start at the games that started them all. Final Fantasy I offers some fun RPG experiences but the overal game just isnt as fun as Final Fantasy II. This games graphics are pretty good, this is considering that the game came out on the Nintendo way back in the 80's. Anyways I thought that the character models look pretty good. The animations look great as well. The games sound is amazing. The soundtack has to be one of the best that I have heard on a handheld, theres lots of great muisc in here on one tiny cartridge, so its pretty cool. Final Fantasy II is in my opinon the better game. The graphics are a little bit better and the fighting is a lot more fun and a lot more frequent, which can make for a more exciting gameplay, not to mention that I enjoyed the story just a little bit more even though it is a little bit more difficult.