Single Player is good, Multiplayer is better!

User Rating: 9.1 | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (w/Game Boy Advance cable) GC
I think this is a good change from the classic Final Fantasy formula. Sure the old random battle -> turn based fight system is good, but seriously, random battles can get super annoying. I love the combat system in this game, the whole hack-and-slash gameplay is an excellent change. Although the flaws are the hardware requirements and the price of all the extra componants is a **** but this games multiplayer is where the real beauty is. Sure taking down a boss solo is fun, but working together with some mates makes it even better. GRAPHICS: Excellent for Gamecube, I like the character models, enemy models and the level design and textures. The graphics are pleasing to the eye with no over bright colours or large areas of think shadow. GAMEPLAY: Multiplayer is the best part. Solo = meh... SOUND: Great music and compositions. But what else can you expect from a Final Fantasy game. All the music suits the action on screen.

So it's not a "proper" Final Fantasy game, who cares? Sometimes spin-offs are good. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is one of the best GBA games ever (In my opinion) and it's a spin-off.

And thats my 2 cents.