Unfortunately, this game will disappoint you if you wanted a sequel to FFCC for the GameCube, and somehow even if not.

User Rating: 5.5 | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates DS
I loved the original FFCC for the GameCube. I thought it was one of the greatest games I had ever played, and I still probably do. I was ecstatic when I heard that it was getting a sequel. I wanted to play it for months, hoping and praying it would recapture the magic that the original held. Then I played it. And while it's not entirely terrible, this game will disappoint you if you wanted a sequel to FFCC for the GameCube, and somehow even if not.

The game begins. A beautifully rendered CG opening greets you. While the game's main characters (more on that later) frolic around in choreographed battle on the top screen, the bottom screen informs you of the crew who designed the game. Among other names, one listed was that of the genius that designed the music for the original, and now this game, Kumi Tanioka. I hope that I am not alone in believing that the music from the original was stellar, and if you were hoping for the same quality in this game, well... don't hold your breath. That's not as it sounds, as the quality of the sound is literally worse on the DS, but the music is also worse. Not terrible, not even all that bad, but not amazing, which is acceptable for most games, but the music for the original was so good that this is really an unforgivable detriment to this game.

Now, as most people usually don't get off to a start with the games audio, I should probably move on to the game itself. The game starts you off with your *predesigned* player character heading into a dungeon for some inexplicable reason. That's right, I said predesigned. The entire character creation element of the original is lost. But no matter. The story starts off in the same way as it continues, mostly. You and your useless sister heading off to somewhere else, for almost no reason. And whenever there is a reason, it's so convoluted and unbelievable that it seems downright stupid.

That basically sums up the entire story right there. It is altogether too convoluted and, really, very boring. The original FFCC had an awesome story involving a monster that eats memories. This story involves some incredibly stupid and flamboyant dude that looks like a cross between a Chinese dragon-boat and an alien from War of the Worlds.

As far as graphics are concerned, this is probably the game's strongest element. The graphics don't look amazing, but they look a bit like a mixture N64-PSX. The graphics are pretty good, considering the size of the system, but after that novelty wears off, you might have played Super Mario 64 DS, and noticed that the graphics in FFCC aren't all that amazing, even compared to a launch title.

If you were looking for a good sequel to FFCC GameCube, you'll be disappointed. If you were looking for a good RPG, you'd be disappointed. The story is boring, the music is disappointing, and the graphics are relatively poor, and yet still the best element. You might like this game, but I'd stay away from it.