Its way to short man I wish they put it alot longer...

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates DS
I actually love the game but to short.
Lets see I love the story crazy twist at the end,
and the puzzles can get hard but they could of been harder tho.
So the battle system is great and I love the art style now thats awesome,
the story I got to tell you the story its about a boy his name is yuri and his sis her name is chelinka and there twins they try to fine there fate as they go on a epic journey they go thru temples and all the square enix stuff,
they meet people on there way like (gnash, meeth, Al)
the thing I dont like is that they dont explain the story for the party i didint like that.
Well back to the plot,
the bad guy of the game kills yuris dad (and thats not a spoiler because it happens 30 min in the game)
And yuri wants revenge so chelinka gets a crystal from al so the holl antire time there finding there fate and thats the plot.

Graphics 7.5 (good)
The graphs couldve been better but its good for the Ds.

Gameplay 8.5 (great)
The gameplay is great I love it but the party
is just plain dum but its good.

Story 9.5 (superb)
the story is awesome they did great with it.

So i havent played the mutiplayer yet so I cant rate that well thats my review i hope you like it.