Solid, but way too short.

User Rating: 7.5 | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates DS
Great game, solid narrative, and wonderful graphics. Exactly what you've come to expect from Square. Unfortunately the single player game tops out about 18 hours, maybe less for some more familiar with the genre, and this really brings the value of the whole package down a few notches.

This could have been a classic with a few more months in development and a bit more content for the price tag. I don't min re-running the same dungeons during the course of a single player game, expect when there only 5 of them. Just adding the ability to play through again on "harder difficulty" levels really isn't much of a value added. I feel like this one was rushed out the door.

That said, this remains a Square FF through and through. Great boss battles, great visuals for a DS title, and a unique take on the hack and slash rpg.

Here's to hoping that the WII FFCC will be a bit more chock-full-o-content.

Fun, but only for a week.