My On The Go Review! Must Read!

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates DS
Ok, this is a "On The Go" review of mine. Every now and then I will give a in-depth review that contains spoilers and I do along the way throughout the game. It will be in a log type format, following as below:

"Friday June 27, 2008

Today I just got the game! I am so happy! So far, I have beaten the first boss and it was easy to me, but that is just me."

It will be in that format, and I do not plan on using any type of guide to help me, just winging it. Ok, so to start off:

Friday June 27, 2008

Today I just got the game! So far, the opening movie is pretty good, graphics are nice on the movie, just along par with Final Fantasy III. The first cut scene looked good, everything looks good and up to date especially for the DS. They added voice which is a huge step for the Mobile Final Fantasy series, and also added my long-time awaited feature, Jump. I have waited forever for Final Fantasy to include the power to jump in thier games. But anyways, today, the graphics looked awesome, movie was good, voices were pretty good, and the characters were nice to meet.

Today, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate on a scale of 1-10, gets a 7.5/10, for its great start, good graphic's, fun voices, and my favorite, the ability to jump!

Saturday June 28, 2008

I got a little further into the game today, and realized after you get all of the characters, Yuri, Alanalhem, Gnash, and finally Meeth, the game actually gets really good. switching back and forth between characters, taking advantage o f all of their cool abilities, casting piled magic, etc... The possibilities with the game are limitless to your imagination! I do sometimes get tired of the repetitive action though, but it is still very fun to become Gnash and just start jumping onto things heads and stomping their brains out, as well as sniping enemies from 20 feet away. A movie sequence happened, keeping me plumped smack dab into the story, Yuri almost died, making me feel sad, until he was saved. So it really actually keeps you into it as many games have a hard time doing to me. I believe tomorrow will be my final day, as I finish up this game with a bang!

So today, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate on a scale of 1-10, gets a 8/10 for the story being so great so far, good movie sequence that they normally don't do with the advance and DS FF titles, and awesome game play that keeps you wanting more!

Sunday June 29th, 2008

So today I beat the game, not going to spoil it TOO much, but I will tell you it had me to tears almost literally, it was very dramatic and made you feel as if you lost a few good characters, but what is a Final Fantasy without a happy ending? Not a Final Fantasy of course! So of course they DO all live happily ever after and everything is ok again... But I am skipping ahead. The Final Dungeon is by far THE HARDEST thing in the whole game and made me actually hate the game for a bit because of its length and repetitiveness. If you leave the dungeon from a teleport, you cannot use that teleport to go back and must traverse the whole dungeon again, fighting all the enemies and doing all of the puzzles, even if you saved. But the Final Boss battle was probably one of the most epic boss battles in Final Fantasy history, making it my all time favorite Final Fantasy ending.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates has its ups and downs and is a very good game over all. But let's get to the Pro's and Con's of it:

Pro's: Awesome graphics for a DS title, Awesome plot, Awesome game play(Triple A! AAA) fun puzzles that challenge the average thinker, great characters with tons of laughs in for the kids, and an epic ending keeping you on the edge of your seat!

Con's: Well, I have a few.... The Final Boss Dungeon was too hard, the Final Boss took some time to figure out and led to much dying unless you used a guide, bosses and dungeons throughout the game were too easy then they throw you smack dab in a hard dungeon making you repeat it if you need to restock on items, and throw you at an even harder boss with no hints on how to finish him off.

So all in all, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates on a scale of 1-10, deserves a 9.5/10 for it being an all around AWESOME game, with almost to no problems with it. I totally recommend you get this game as a must if you are into plat formers, Final Fantasies, or just even if you have a Nintendo DS, I recommend you go out and get this game, tons of replay value with a reminiscent level once you beat it from the original. So good luck gamers, and see you next time!

- Jakanadin, Fellow Gamespot Reviewer With Too Much Time On His Hands